Jia Tong face turned cold and complained: “Hong old ghost, can you do it?”

He didn’t deliberately taunted Hong Hai, but worried that Hong Hai’s cultivation base was too much. Low, can’t control the corpse god.

This corpse god has a terrifying breath, but it is not an ordinary corpse puppet. If you don’t obey the order and riot here, it will be a great disaster for all of them present. .

Semi-Immortal Realm’s corpse god is by no means comparable to a cultivator below the extraordinary. Hong Hai’s getting this big guy out is inherently risky.

“Great Elder, this corpse god is too dangerous, should we avoid it first?”

At this moment, one by one Heaven Smiting Sect cultivator has also gathered around Jia Tong. Obviously, they have the same concerns as Jia Tong.

They are all experts in teaching, and they are also the main force in attacking Kunpeng Clan in this trip. If they were eaten by the corpse gods here, it would be a joke.

Even Kunpeng Clan’s Mountain Protecting Great Array has not been breached, but it has become the ration of the corpse god. This is naturally a joke to outsiders, but for them, it is a tragedy. .

“Damn it!”

Hong Hai has an ugly face and a very bad mood.

This is his first summon corpse god. I thought that with his cultivation base, it should be enough to manipulate this corpse.

Who ever thought that his cultivation base is still lower after all, even if the corpse god within the body contains his blood essence divine sense, it is difficult for him to control it.

Just like a toddler trying to move a huge boulder, the difficulty can be imagined.

“roar roar roar! !!!”

The corpse god roars endlessly, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, set off waves of corpses, let Hong Hai, Jia Tong, and Many cultivators of Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect have regressed again and again.

“Animal, if you dare to resist again, the old man will kill you immediately!”

Hong Hai not even think, resolutely bit the tip of his tongue, spouted blood essence, and then both hands Hooking up the blood essence has evolved into an evil, unpredictable scarlet formation diagram.

In this scarlet formation diagram, a faint light can be seen, as if it is sealed with something that attracts the corpse god, which makes it instinctively quiet and no longer so manic.

“Hong old ghost, what are you doing?” Jia Tong solemnly asked.

Hong Hai said in an angry manner: “What can be done, of course, is to control the corpse god, don’t you think that I really can’t help this evil creature?”

After that, With a flick of his sleeves, he punched the formation diagram into the corpse god within the body, causing the corpse god to scream, as if suffering from great pain,

“hmph, no matter how strong you are, you have to for me to use, go, destroy the formation in front of you.”

Soon, Hong Hai is coldly snorted in his nose again, and the corpse god no longer resists, moving towards Kunpeng, moving towards Kunpeng Clan’s Mountain Protecting Great Array whizzed over.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

It is as huge as a mountain, punch after punch, each punch has a prestige of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, making the formation of the formation shattered and cracked, the situation hundred thousand hot.

“How can this be good? If the corpse is allowed to attack, the Formation will be ruined in no time.”

“Patriarch orders, instead of waiting in the formation To die, it’s better to fight with the power of the whole family and kill him a Heaven and Earth turning upside down.”

“That is, we, Kunpeng Clan, are descendants of the ancient beast Kunpeng, and we are definitely not greedy for life and fear of death. , And will never be a coward.”

On Kunpeng Mountain, countless people have red eyes and arousing anger.

As the fighters of Kunpeng Clan, they are all flowing with Kunpeng divine blood within the body, and they have Kunpeng wings, which are enough to increase their strength several times instantly.

Some people with strong divine blood in Kunpeng are more able to incarnation the body of Kunpeng to fight with people, and hundreds of Divine Sect cultivators and corpses outside the battlefield are not without the power of a battle.

It is true that the enemy is very strong, expert as clouds, the cultivation base is much higher than their overwhelming majority. They are destined to be bode ill rather than well when they come out to meet the enemy, but they are all fearless

“Enough, let me calm down, now charge ahead to kill the enemy, that is courting death, don’t forget, there is still a corpse god who is half the Immortal Realm in strength, facing This monster is the patriarch, not its enemy.”

Peng Wanshan stopped clansman loudly. He was not a coward, let alone a wary coward, but understood. , This is a battle with almost no chance of winning.

They Kunpeng Clan, even if they come out in a desperate battle, they will only be killed by the corpse god, no one can survive.

“Quickly, quickly reinforce the big formation.”

Peng Wanshan soon preached that, even if there is Kunpeng Race Elder, tens of thousands of Spirit Stones will be taken together. The child is placed in the formation eye to stabilize the formation of the large formation so that it will not be attacked by the corpse god in a short time.

Chapter 1431 Strong Aid

“Father, there is no way to go on like this!”

Peng Fei stood beside Peng Wanshan with his eyebrows full It’s worry.

Their Kunpeng Clan has a solid foundation, and the Spirit Stone that can be stocked is limited after all.

Each time a large array is maintained, countless Spirit Stones will be consumed, and under the tireless attack of the corpse god, the rate of Spirit Stone depletion will exponentially increase, and it will not take long. Will eventually run out.

Without the endless supply of Spirit Stone, the formation of the Great Formation will become weaker and weaker, and the defensive power will be greatly reduced until it is destroyed by the corpse god and completely ceases to exist.

With the destructive power of the corpse god, this Formation will never be able to resist for long, and the situation is not optimistic.

“It can be delayed for a while, maybe this corpse will not exist for too long, and now it can only fight attrition with the opponent.”

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