Peng Wanshan gritted his teeth.

“jié jié, Peng Wanshan, if you don’t want your clan to be annihilated, now quickly withdraw from the big formation, come to me and kowtow to apologize, and hand over all the hidden treasures in your clan.”

As if hearing Peng Wanshan’s words, Hong Hai looked up at Peng Wanshan, with a grim smile on his face.

“What kind of treasure, your corpse Divine Sect and Jietianjiao came here, just peeping at the three drops of Kunpeng divine blood that’s all in my clan. What a pity, what a pity, even if you wait for my Kunpeng Clan, don’t want to get Kunpeng divine blood.”

Peng Wanshan responded coldly.

“What do you mean by this!?”

Hong Hai and Jia Tong raised their eyebrows together, and the two factions came together for Kunpeng divine blood, which is also The ancestors of the two factions ordered something that must be obtained.

“What’s the point? The three drops of Kunpeng divine blood left by our ancestors have long been refined by my father and son. As for the remaining drop of Kunpeng divine blood, it was also given to the clan One of the outstanding juniors, can only say that you ran for nothing, hahaha……” At the end of the talk, Peng Wanshan couldn’t help laughing, his voice was full of ridicule. .

“Old man don’t believe me, you don’t want to fool people.”

“Even if your father and son and the juniors of the clan took Kunpeng divine blood, Divine Sect still has a way. Extract a drop of Kunpeng divine blood from your corpses. The people of Divine Sect obeyed the order and started breaking the formation together.”

Jia Tong and Hong Hai were furious, they could not help but order the two cultivators. The united corpse gods, together launched a wave of storms against Kunpeng Clan’s Mountain Protecting Great Array.

hong long long ……

The formation of the formation tremors, one after another huge cracks spread everywhere, the speed of damage far exceeds the speed of repair.

“Jia Tong, Hong Hai, both of you deserve to die.”

Peng Wanshan shouted.

“You think you can kill me, just take a fight, I’m afraid you don’t have the courage.”

Jia Tong disdainful smile.

“Let’s do it too.”

Hong Hai said, without the mind to talk big with Peng Wanshan, he just wants to do his best to break the formation earlier.

The existence of the corpse god can only last for 5 minutes. If you don’t take this opportunity to destroy Kunpeng Clan’s Mountain Protecting Great Array in one fell swoop, all previous efforts will be lost.

Summon corpse god, he has spent two drops of Life Source Blood Essence, strength great injury, the cost is not big, and he is still weak now, if he can’t take advantage of breaking the formation, he’s afraid It’s all going to be mad.

However, before Hong Hai took action, a corpse Divine Sect Paradise Realm Elder hurriedly reported, his face full of horror.

“Great Elder, the major event is not good, Dao Linzong, Empyrean Terminus Sect, Qianyuan Gate, and several ancestors of the Dong Family have joined forces to kill Kunpeng Island.”


Hong Hai was both shocked and angry.

Jia Tong came back to his senses, which was also complexion greatly changed, and asked, “How many people did they come?”

“Yes, there are only a dozen people, but all of them They are the extraordinary Old Ancestor Level characters of various families and sects. We are simply not rivals.”

Hearing this, Hong Hai turned his head and looked towards Jia Tong, cursing: “Damn, you Smiting Heaven Didn’t the ancestors seal the sea with a big formation? How could it be broken so easily?”

“That’s the Old Ancestor Fang, the real super powerhouse, they really want to do it, the big formation How long can you hold on?”

Jia Tong is very angry.

“Now it’s too late to say anything. Let’s hurry up and support. I want to see that Linzong, Empyrean Terminus Sect, Qianyuanmen, Dong Family and other ancestors are eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder, I still rely on it and dare to go to war with our two factions.”

Hearing Hong Hai’s words, the Jietianjiao Dongtian Elder who had come to report before seemed to think something and hurriedly said. “Reporting back to Great Elder, those old ancestors seem to be obedient to a young man.”

“How can a young man be able to call the Old Ancestor Fang? Are you dazzled or talking nonsense!”

Hong Hai angrily said.

“It’s true, although that person looks young, but his strength is terrifying.”

“How powerful is it!?”

“This, Not long ago, that person dropped from the sky and killed our two factions of digitalized Elder with a single blow.”

“Asshole thing, why didn’t you talk about this earlier, that person must be An extraordinary ancestor, the cultivation base may have reached the semi-fairy realm.”

Hong Hai blew his beard and stared, only feeling that his lungs were about to explode. He didn’t know how to deal with it, just instinct. Summon the corpse god, let him firmly guard his side.

“I am afraid that you and my strength are not the enemy of the other party. Where did that person come from? Is it because Kunpeng Clan requested the strong support?”

Jia Tong is also a little panicked. The two factions have a total of five extraordinary ancestors. They have already fought with Kunpeng Clan’s Three Old Ancestors to the outside world. If the person is really a semi-immortal strongman, then the situation is extremely timeless. Up.

“What happened!?”

On Kunpeng Mountain, countless Kunpeng Clan cultivators were all stunned. They looked up, and they could see the distance faintly. There are countless Silhouette, rushing towards them.

Those people are all Divine Sect cultivator and Divine Sect cultivator. They all seem to have encountered something terrible, just as if they were running away in a panic.

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