At this moment, except the corpse gods roared and roared again and again, and slightly restless, the whole world was silent, and no one made a sound. It was Pengfei who was ruthless by Yang Xuan. Absolutely, shocked.

“I have avenged my grudge for you, now I will help you turn your corpse into a human.”

Yang Xuan took out two medicine pills casually and threw them into the corpse god’s mouth. .

Two medicine pills, namely the Soul Pill of Purple Lime Sculpture and the Purple Lime Sculpture Pill, can help the corpse god condense the complete Divine Soul, and the fleshy body can also be further tempered.

Chapter 1434 I am a grandson

“Let’s go, let’s go down, there are some obtrusive guys, it’s time to deal with it.”

Yang Xuan patted Pengfei’s shoulders, the two immediately jumped down, and Jia Tong saw this situation, and immediately retreated as if he was facing an enemy, and said: “Please show mercy, please.”

“This person is killing. Are you staying?”

Yang Xuan didn’t even look at Jia Tong, but looked at Peng Fei beside him.

Peng Fei looked towards Jia Tong, gritted his teeth and said: “This person has killed countless people on my Kunpeng Island. Some of them are my clansman. If not for limited strength, I would have broken him into pieces. It’s a paragraph.”

“Understood, Brother Peng will go over now, he is yours, you can do whatever you want with him, just leave him a breath.”

Yang Xuan said without thinking.

“This…” Pengfei startedled.

“Go, I’m here, he can’t move even if he wants to.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes swept Jia Tong, an invisible imposing manner was released, and Jia Tong was released. The suppressed knelt to the ground and could not move.

“No, you can’t kill me. I am Inner Sect Great Elder. If you kill me, my Three Old Ancestors will not let you go.”

Jia Tong yelled in fear, trying to stand up from the ground, helplessly, his Divine Soul and Fleshy body were both confined by Yang Xuan’s heavenly demon force field, and he couldn’t even move his fingers.

“Let go of the Great Elder!”

“Let’s go together and fight for him. He never let us go. Rather than sit and wait for death, it is better to let go.”

all around, several Elders roared, and a black clothed old man from Dao Realm 8 Heavenly Layer, a cultivation base, directly used his killer moves, whistling towards Yang Xuan.

“courting death!”

Yang Xuan stepped forward, kicked out, and all split up and in pieces when he came, burst out a Primordial Spirit, howling in fear “Don’t kill me, as long as you save me, you can do whatever you want me to do in the future.”

“Didn’t you think you can kill me just now? Why are you begging for mercy? “

Yang Xuan disdainfully, grabbed his Primordial Spirit and crushed it very hard. Of course, before killing, he did not forget to plunder his luck.

“Too terrifying, this person must be cultivated to the top of the extraordinary, is a real half immortal, it is the ancestors who are here, I am afraid it is not his opponent.”

“Go, one who can escape is one.”

The remaining few Smiting Heavenly Cultivation Dao Elder, all of them are dead, completely terrified, and fled like frightened birds.

They have never been as desperate as they are today. In the past, they were the powerhouse of aloof and remote. Everyone had to bow and worship when they saw it, but now they are embarrassed like a stray dog.

“These people must not leave, please Brother Yang to keep them.”

Peng Fei said hurriedly.

“A few miscellaneous fish that’s all, that’s the use of Emperor Yang himself, I will wait for them to be captured.”

Wang Tiande and other Old Ancestor Fang, almost Without thinking about it, I immediately caught up. Several people are Saints of Transcendent Realm. Dealing with several cultivators, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain.

After a few breaths of effort, a few people turned back and threw a few Smiting Sect’s Huadao Elder like dead dogs in front of Yang Xuan.

“It’s hard work.”

Yang Xuan was slightly nodded, a black mist emitted between his waves, obliterating everyone, and stealing luck in secret.

“Father, let’s go quickly. If we don’t go anymore, we will really be dead!”

In the distance, Liu Jiangyuan was so scared that he got up and ran.


Liu Hongfei cursed secretly, and had to follow along quickly.

The father and son did not dare to have a spatial flight. They just spread their body skills and quickly moved towards Kunpeng Island with the help of jungle cover.

Unfortunately, before they ran far, they were photographed by Yang Xuan. Fiercely fell to the ground.

Liu Jiangyuan came back to his senses, suddenly he crawled to Yang Xuan’s feet, knelt down, trembling with fear, “Ah, I don’t want to die, Yang Xuan, please Let me go, I, I’ll kowtow to you.”

“In the past, it was my father and son who offended Emperor Yang. It was our fault. Please also Mr. Yang to count on People pass, give me a way to survive, I, I would die for him.”

Liu Hongfei did not beg for mercy, just lifts the head, looking at Yang Xuan beggingly, he knew that Yang Xuan would never Those who are not soft-hearted, planted in his hands today, I am afraid it is bode ill rather than well.

It’s just that, under Liu Hongfei’s knees, there is only a single seedling like Liu Jiangyuan. Even if it is dead, even if the hope is slim, he doesn’t want his Liu clan to be ruined in his hands.

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