Yang Xuan looked at Liu Hongfei and then at Liu Jiangyuan, ruthless taunted: “Grandson, your father, you have more backbone than you.”

“Yes, yes, yes , I am a grandson, I am a trash, I Liu Jiangyuan is worthless in the eyes of Emperor Yang, you, you just treat me as a fart, let me go?”

Liu Jiangyuan Weeping bitter tears, keep knocking heads, knocking their heads to pieces.

“Ai, your son, really is…”

Yang Xuan shook the head, I really can’t think of any words to describe Liu Jiangyuan at this moment.

This person was once a young Heaven’s Chosen in the Sacred Domain mainland. He even fought a lot in order to compete with him for Yi Qingwu.

Who ever thought that goodbye today has become so unbearable.

“I beg Emperor Yang to let my son go. If you are not at ease, you can give him a ban on reading and let him be your servant.”

Liu Hongfei begged, in his heart Feeling anger and deep sadness.

His ancestors of the Liu Family, which are not able to support both heaven and earth, are arrogant characters, but in this generation, they are not as good as one generation.

“In the mainland of Sacred Domain, if I bypassed your father and son once, it would be impossible to have a second time. I can only say that your life is not good, and you have turned to Heaven Smiting Sect.”


The voice is still there, Liu Family father and son have a blood hole on their eyebrows and they are killed on the spot.

“So cruel!”

Seeing Yang Xuan’s repeated violent killings, the people of Kunpeng Clan were also shocked.

Sure enough, Demon Race is a group of killing gods who kill without blinking an eye, let alone the Demon Race Young Emperor. It really kills firmness and regards human life as a must.

“Since Brother Peng is not ready to do it, I will take you to solve this person.”

one after another or shock, or awe, or despair, or fear Under Yang Xuan’s gaze, Yang Xuan suddenly stepped forward and slowly came to Jia Tong.

“My Jietianjiao Three Old Ancestors, I won’t let you go.”

Jia Tong’s eye socket cracked, his face is crazy.

“Heaven Smiting Sect is exhausted, waiting to kill you, you Smiting Heaven Sect Three Old Ancestors, or the two ancestors of Divine Sect, must be killed by me. Go away.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, split up and in pieces all Jia Tong took with a slap.

Even his Primordial Spirit was not spared. He was caught in his bare hands, destroying his soul, and the screams made by Jiatong’s Primordial Spirit before made people feel that he had one’s hair stand on end.

No one knows what exactly Yang Xuan used, only one thing is certain, this is an extremely evil secret technique that can make people endure unimaginable pain before death.

“Wang Paozu, the rest will be handed over to you. As for the Supreme Patriarchs of Jietianjiao and Divine Sect, I will deal with them personally later, just don’t worry. “

While speaking, Yang Xuan flickered, and killed several Divine Sect corpses who were trying to escape and transformed into Elder.

“I am waiting to live up to Emperor Yang’s expectations.”

Wang Tiande and the others cupped the hands, immediately began to kill.

They already know about Yang Xuan’s strength, so they no longer have any fear of the ancestors of Smiting Heaven Sect and Divine Sect, and as they do, one after another The Divine Sect cultivator also smashed the corpses on the spot.

Chapter 1435 thou art a good person, how can it be a corpse!

“Where is my Kunpeng Clan Erlang?”

“I am waiting.”

“Everyone listen to my orders, let’s go out and kill the enemy.”


On Kunpeng Mountain, Peng Wanshan gave an order. Incarnation Kunpeng’s body, with tens of thousands of clansman, rushed down first.

“Kill me clansman, destroy my home, I have to wait for a debt of blood must be paid in blood, the gods will be destroyed and die!”

At the forefront, it covers the sky and the sun, murderous-looking, as if an ancient Kunpeng came to the world, wherever it goes, it is invincible, flesh and blood fly all over, no one is its enemy, countless Heaven Smiting Sect and the cultivator of Divine Sect , All turned into shreds.

This is Kunpeng Clan’s most powerful Innate Divine Ability. It is displayed as the cultivation base of Pengwanshan Huadao Peak. The ordinary extraordinary cultivator is not its opponent.

At the same time, countless Kunpeng Clan cultivators, either in the form of Kunpeng Clan cultivator, or unfolding Kunpeng’s wings, just like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, directly began to kill.

They have hatred in their hearts, strong killing intent, ruthless shots, and no one flinches even when they encounter invincible people.

On Kunpeng Island, some surviving Monster Race cultivators soon joined in.

All eyes are red, there are grudges and revenge, there are grievances, and I don’t want to let go even a fish that escaped the net, I must kill him a Heaven and Earth turning upside down, blood flowing into a river .

Heaven Smiting Sect and the Divine Sect army came and destroyed the pure land where they could survive, killing and humiliating many of their relatives.

If you don’t kill all these bitches today, they will all go crazy.

“Not good, Kunpeng Island was blocked by someone, it must be the Demon Race Young Emperor who did it, we can’t escape…”

“Everything is dead, we Fight with them, kill!”

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