Yang Xuan whispered, faintly feeling that within the body, the seal of the Seed of Fate had loosened a little, but it quickly stabilized again.

This seal is left by the God of Destiny, which can protect him from worries for thousands of years and not be detected by his destiny, but if he forces him to fight Heavenly Dao, he has to say something else.

“My Life Source luck is strong enough, and there is a seal to suppress the seed of fate, even Heavenly Dao can do nothing about me, at least, under this Immortal World, I have no fear of Heavenly Dao.”

In Immortal World, Heavenly Dao also exists.

If Heavenly Dao of Fanxiu world is compared to the little Heavenly Dao, then Heavenly Dao of Immortal World is the big Heavenly Dao, even the god of destiny cannot control it.

It is the existence of the Great Heavenly Dao that can make the Immortal Emperor and even the immortal dao saints feel jealous. They dare not descend to the lower realm with their own deity. 99% of them are turned into fly ash.

“It seems that before going to the fairyland, I have to cultivation out of Life Source Heavenly Dao as soon as possible, otherwise, the moment I go to the fairyland, there will be catastrophe, life and death cannot be controlled. “

While thinking about it, Yang Xuan exerted strength in his palm, and the thunder bead in his hand suddenly shattered, and then turned into strands of incomparably pure, hair-like thin thunder and lightning, submerged in the blood cocoon in front of him among.

At the same moment, the thunderclouds in the sky quickly dispersed, as if they had never appeared before.

However, Pengfei, who has witnessed all this with his own eyes, was unable to calm down for a long time, and seriously doubted whether he was dreaming.

As for the other people on Kunpeng Island, such as Wang Tiande and Pengwan Mountain and other Huadao expert, they were also shocked by the tribulation thunder of destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

Reluctantly separated by a long distance, they have to hunt down the Heaven Smiting Sect and the Divine Sect cultivator, so no one came to find out for a while.

However, Wang Tiande and the others also understood that the tribulation thunder must have been triggered by the corpse god, but was intercepted by Yang Xuan casually.

“Brother Yang is great, I admire it!”

Peng Fei stepped forward and said cup one fist in the other hand.

“A little trick is nothing.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, keeping his eyes on the blood cocoon in front of him. After absorbing a lot of lightning, the blood cocoon was right. Constantly cracking, after such a moment, a pair of arms came out first.

Slim, white, and slender…

That is a pair of women’s unique arms, the whole body is flowing with crystal brilliance, and there is no flaw in it.

“Brother Peng, don’t look at any indecent.”

“Cough cough, understand, understand.”

Peng Fei recovered from his absence and hurriedly Take a few steps back and turn your back.

At the same time, the blood cocoon was shattered, and a complete female corpse had appeared in Yang Xuan’s eyes.

Yang Xuan took a look and found that the woman’s eyes were slightly closed and she was breathing weakly, as if she was still asleep.

She curled up on the ground, covered with ice muscles and bones, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, tall, lithe and graceful, and her face pale and beautiful, just like Fairy in the painting. She was extremely holy and felt at all The slightest corpse qi is no different from ordinary people.

“I hate, kill, kill, kill!!!”

Soon, the woman opened her eyes and stood up from the ground, and her voice was very clear It sounds beautiful, but with a terrifying killing intent, even a pair of eyes have changed into a terrifying blood red color.

Chapter 1437 Turning a Corpse into a Human

Peng Fei was too close and defenseless, and was instantly swallowed by a killing intent.

The killing intent, icy cold and terrifying, made him tremble, his head and feet were cold, and he couldn’t bear it.


Yang Xuan waved his hand and immediately sent him to a safe place far away.

“Many thanks, Brother Yang, please be careful too.”

At the same time, Peng Fei was grateful, but also did not forget to remind him that she was afraid that the female corpse would suddenly violently hurt people.

This is a half-Immortal Realm’s corpse repair. The ordinary half-Immortal Realm might not necessarily be its opponent. Once you go crazy, how big a wave of heaven knows will cause is not to be underestimated.

“It’s okay, I won’t be okay.”

Yang Xuan took out a set of women’s clothes without looking back, and walked towards the woman’s corpse. Not affected by its killing intent.

On killing intent, who can compare to him today?

He cultivated the great killing technique. Every time he kills, his own killing intent will be stronger and condensed. The more people killed, the stronger the killing intent.

Since he became famous, I don’t know how many people and experts have been killed. There is already a sea of ​​blood and bones under his feet. He is full of killing intents, which is extraordinary.

This is how he deliberately converged the killing intent, otherwise the killing intent would explode, and the extraordinary cultivator would not be able to resist it.

“Calm down, I am not malicious to you, I just want to dress you.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile on his face, and came to the female corpse.

Unsurprisingly, the female corpse didn’t do anything to him, but stood in a daze, letting him do it.

The female corpse does not seem to know the difference between men and women, nor does it know how to cover up the body, which makes Yang Xuan helpless and funny. He can only watch his nose and his heart, and secretly thought offends her from time to time. Raising his hand, moving his foot, he was busy.

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