Fortunately, this is not the first time he has done this, and now he is quite familiar with it.

It’s just that this picture is a bit too charming. If Shen Yuexin’s Little Demoness sees him, I’m afraid that I will jump with anger on the spot and call him shameless, nasty, heartless man.

Soon, the body of the female body, wrapped in a white dress, curvy and graceful, graceful and graceful.

A breeze came, and the skirt was flying, revealing a pair of snowy, white and delicate calves. Underneath, two jade feet were slender and delicate, perfect with no blemish, which made her look more holy , Beautiful is not a square thing.

“Yes, it fits well.”

Yang Xuan touched his chin, and each minding their own business was nodded. Needless to say the appearance of the female corpse, even if compared Qin Lan and other women are not inferior at all, making them unforgettable.

“This woman, she is truly beautiful, she is hard to see in the world!”

Peng Fei turned around and looked at it, and an amazing color flashed in his eyes, admiring her.

This kind of beauty, no one will see it as a female corpse. Unfortunately, a female corpse is a female corpse. Even if she is now a human, her body is no longer cold, she is essentially the same Female corpse.

The corners of Yang Xuan’s mouth were slightly raised, teased: “If Brother Peng likes it, I can introduce you to you. As for whether you can finally hold a beautiful woman, it depends on your ability.”

“Forget it, I just admire this woman purely. I don’t have any thoughts about it.”

Peng Fei smiled bitterly, he didn’t have the courage, nor the Yanfu, A half-Immortal Realm corpse girl was brought by her.

“The beautiful things are indeed pleasing to the eye.”

Yang Xuan laughed, the beauty of female corpses is not stained with the world, extraordinary and refined, but the premise is that there is no madness. If she is mad, then she may incarnation kill the head of Human Demon at any time, bloody the world.

The female corpse also ignored Yang Xuan. Instead, she stroked her dress with her hand, looking thoughtful for a while.

Yang Xuan had a forbidden mind in her mind, but did not pry into her inner thoughts, just opened the mouth and said: “Remember, now you are no longer a corpse who only knows to kill It’s a puppet, but a flesh and blood person.”


The female body tilted her head, staring at Yang Xuan in a daze.

“Yes, you are a human, a person who knows how to think. You must try to control the killing intent in your heart, otherwise you will become a puppet of killing.”

The predecessor of, after all, was a corpse god condensed from countless powerful corpse puppets, and those corpse puppets became the corpse god, but left too much resentment and hatred in the mind of the corpse god.

These resentments and hatreds have already melted into the soul of the female corpse. Although they will dissipate slowly, it takes a certain amount of time.

During this period, if the female corpse cannot learn to control herself, she will become mentally disordered and become mad.

“Who are you?”

Yang Xuan’s voice is soft, like catkins blowing through the heart, with a great soothing effect, making the female corpse frantic and uneasy, gradually returning Yu calm.

“I am…your master.”

Yang Xuan said.

“What is the master?”

The female corpse frowned, seeming to wonder what the word “master” means.

Yang Xuan was not surprised at this, he thought about it and said: “Master, is a very close person, don’t you think I am very close to you?”

“What is closeness?”

Hearing this, Peng Fei couldn’t help but walked over, surprised: “Is there something wrong with this woman’s brain?”

This A woman, she should be about 20 years old, but she feels like a newborn child, but she is so beautiful that Peng Fei couldn’t help but take a few more glances.

“It’s not a big problem, but the mind is not mature enough. To put it simply, she is like a blank sheet of paper now, I need to continue to guide her, otherwise she may feel resentment and hatred in her heart at any time. Invade, and lose reason.”

Hearing this, Peng Fei was shocked and sighed: “This woman is too dangerous. Brother Yang will save her. I don’t know is it fortune or misfortune?”


“Don’t worry, she won’t hurt me, and she doesn’t have that strength.”

Yang Xuan said.

“I, I won’t hurt the master, the master is the person closest to me.”

The female corpse opened her mouth, subconsciously stretched out a hand, lightly grasping Yang The corner of Xuan’s clothes looked shy.

“Hehe, I’m pretty fast in learning.”

Yang Xuan laughed, reached out and touched the full head fine black hair of the female corpse, and said: “You have a strange fragrance, from now on From now on, I will call you fragrant.”

The female body carried a unique smell.

This scent is not from the body, but from her soul, which made Yang Xuan secretly surprised.

Fortunately, this fragrance is not harmful to people. Not only is it harmless, it also makes him feel peaceful and comfortable.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this strange fragrance that the Remnant Soul of the female corpse can survive. In the end, with the body of the corpse god and the two elixir, and through the sky thunder tempering, until the corpse is transformed into a human, the final The transformation.

If you turn a corpse into a human, you will be condemned by the heavens. Fortunately, Yang Xuan was present, otherwise the female corpse would have been destroyed.

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