“Xiangxiang, my name is Xiangxiang…”

The female corpse blinked beautiful eyes and seemed to like the name very much. She said a silent word in her mouth, and her face also showed lightness. A shallow smile.

Chapter 1438 Don’t you have to face it?

“Remember my name. My name is Yang Xuan. I am your master. I will help you find your memory and remind you of who you are.”

Yang Xuan Slightly smiled, and the female corpse Xiangxiang faintly realized the concern in his words, and immediately said: “The master is so nice, Xiangxiang likes the master.”

Her memory is sealed, and now spiritual wisdom is unknown.

In the dark, she only feels that she once respected her identity and the bloodline is noble. As for the others, she can’t remember it.

But Yang Xuan treats her very well, but she can clearly feel it, and she likes the feeling of being cared for.

At the same time, the only thing she still remembers is that she was murdered by others, and her fleshy body was completely destroyed. Even Remnant Soul was sealed by the other party, and she was often tortured with secret techniques and forced to question her.

When she thought of this, she instinctively became mad, and her expression became savage in vain.

“Kill, kill that person.”

The amazing killing intent broke out again, making Pengfei only think that this woman is a time bomb, and it may explode anytime. Up.

“Don’t get excited, that person has been killed by me,”

Yang Xuan said softly, knowing that the female corpse was talking about Hong Hai, and Hong Hai didn’t know where it was sealed. The Remnant Soul of the female corpse also clearly harbors unruly attempts to its Remnant Soul.

“I knew that, before I killed someone, I dared to search Soul Destruction to remember, maybe I could be the identity of this woman.”

This is the end of the matter, but Yang Xuan also Without thinking about it, he stretched his arm around the female corpse, gently patted her back, and said: “If you are tired, just sleep well, I will protect you.”

He is never easy He promised to do this to the female corpse, but only to pity her experience, and sincerely wanted to help her.

This is also his way.

In just one thought, you can slaughter and become demons, and you can also relieve the common people.

“Xiangxiang is so sleepy, I want to sleep.”

Xiangxiang quickly calmed down, leaning in Yang Xuan’s arms, and fell asleep.

Yang Xuan’s chest is very warm, which makes her feel calm, no longer irritable, and sleep soundly.

In her dream, she seemed to have returned to her previous life, in a magnificent palace.

In front of him, there were countless people who bowed down towards a stalwart middle-aged man with a jade crown beside him.

The middle-aged man didn’t speak, just holding her hand, slowly came to the ice coffin and muttered to himself.

“Daughter, I’m leaving for my father, and I will be sealed in a coffin later.”

“My father is incompetent and can’t save you, but after thousands of years, But someone will come to rescue you. That person is more powerful than the father now. When you meet him, you can truly defying heaven changing fate.”


This dream is very long, so that the female corpse Xiangxiang doesn’t know whether it is a dream or reality, and while he is sleeping, tears gradually fall from the corners of his eyes, and I feel pity.

“She actually cried, did she think of something?”

Pengfei was astonished.

“Her seal is loosening, maybe I don’t need to act, and I will be able to restore the memory after waking up.”

Yang Xuan said, not at all noticed, a strange strand Qi Ji implicated him with the female corpse Xiangxiang.

“Although this woman has recognized Brother Yang as the master, Brother Yang has to be more careful.”

Pengfei frowns saying.

“I will, if she doesn’t want to follow me, at worst I will give her freedom.”

Just between Yang Xuan’s words, one after another silhouette, Flew in the distance and landed one after another.

“Fortunately, I will not humiliate my life. I have already killed all the remaining evils of the two factions.”

Wang Tiande came first and immediately moved towards Yang Xuan and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand , Looks like Yang Xuan’s horse head is looking forward.

Yang Xuan used the Great Divine Ability to seal the island. The two cultivators are the turtles in the urn, and neither can escape. The methods of Yang Xuan also shocked Wang Tiande and admired it from the bottom of his heart.

“Thanks for everyone.”

Yang Xuan looked at Wang Tiande, and then at the Empyrean Terminus Sect, Qianyuanmen, Dong Family and other ancestors that followed, Chong A few people were smiling and nodded.

“Emperor Yang is polite.”

Wang Tiande and the others waved their hands again and again. Yang Xuan’s attitude was humble and not arrogant, which made them feel good and admire them more and more.

Soon, Peng Wanshan also led a few Kunpeng Clan to Elder dropping from the sky, and personally came to Yang Xuan to bow and thank him.

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