The Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect are attacking violently and aggressively. If Yang Xuan hadn’t come in the air and took action out of righteousness, their Kunpeng Clan would have suffered a catastrophe. .

This kindness is nothing in return.

“You don’t need to say thank you for your effort. Besides, I am still friends with the noble Pengfei. If a friend is in trouble, I will help myself.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, Pengwan The mountain said: “Anyway, Yang Imperial Capital is my great benefactor of Kunpeng Clan. When my Kunpeng Clan Three Old Ancestors returns, I will have a gift to Emperor Yang.”

See my father Speaking of Three Old Ancestors, Pengfei suddenly looked worried, and he stopped talking, “Heaven Smiting Sect and the five ancestors of Divine Sect have joined forces, and I don’t know our ancestors…”

” Don’t worry, I’ll take a trip to the outside world, as long as Brother Peng’s Three Old Ancestors are not dead, I will bring them back safely.”

tone barely fell, Yang Xuan suddenly noticed something, indifferently said: “Has the winner been decided?”

After saying that, she hugged the female corpse in her arms, and walked away from the sky. In a blink of an eye, the person disappeared in everyone’s eyes.

“Let’s go see it too, maybe it can be helpful.”

Wang Tiande and other extraordinary ancestors hesitated a little, and quickly followed along, anyway. Many cultivators of Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect were killed on Kunpeng Island, so what else can they terrifying?

Today, if you don’t take this opportunity to leave all the ancestors of the two schools behind, then their various families and sects will never think about living well in the future.

The ancestors of the two schools, all of them are cultivation base profound, vicious and merciless. Even if one person escapes, they will make their various families and sects feel like sitting on needles and feelings.

“Father, shall we…”

Peng Fei looked at his father Peng Wanshan.

“That is the power of Transcendent Realm, the ability to connect to heaven penetrating the earth, we are not the enemy, you quickly retreat back to the Mountain Protecting Great Array, I will come as soon as I go.”

Leave a sentence, Peng Wanshan and Kunpeng Clan Great Elder Kunwu, together soaring into the sky, rushed to the sky.

Although the two of them are not extraordinary, they can both be incarnation of Kunpeng’s body, and their strength has greatly increased, and they may not be able to fight the ordinary extraordinary Saint.

Furthermore, their Kunpeng Clan’s Three Old Ancestors, now they don’t know whether it is life or death, no matter what, even if they bet their lives, they have to go all out to rescue them.

“haha, Peng Wuji, even if you escape back to Kunpeng Island, you alone can’t save you Kunpeng Clan. You Kunpeng Clan will surely be slaughtered by Yin Haotian for me.”


“hmph, Mr. Yin is talking nonsense with him. He is now seriously injured and the Primordial Spirit is weak. We have to kill him in one fell swoop while he is sick.”

Suddenly, Two consecutive voices came from far away, making the complexion of Peng Wanshan and Kunwu greatly changed, grief and indignation.

From the other party’s words, they can already know that their Kunpeng Clan Three Old Ancestors, it seems that only Peng Wuji ancestor is still alive, but also in danger.

“With more bullying, don’t you have to face it? Break for me!”

Soon, a familiar voice sounded, and then there was a loud bang. The entire void was shaking violently.

Chapter 1439 Donghuang Palace

The ancient underworld belongs to the Great World of the East Emperor.

This continent is a very small star with an area less than 10% of the Divine-Martial Continent. However, since it is the closest to the Eastern Empire, it has been extremely prosperous since ancient times.

The various families and sects of the East Emperor Realm, most of which have established industries here, buy or sell cultivation items, attracting cultivators from all walks of life to come here to Taobao, it is like a huge trading market, daily people The traffic is extremely large.

However, not long ago, as the two ancestors of the Heaven Smiting Sect and Divine Sect were killed, the prosperity of the ancient underworld was fleeting.

The whole continent, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the earth cracked, countless buildings collapsed and turned into ruins. There were almost no living people on it, and the pungent smell of blood was permeated everywhere, dead and desolate. If a cemetery.

This was a catastrophe. It came too suddenly, without any warning beforehand, and many people died before they even screamed.

as the saying goes Celestial Immortals Fight While Mortals Suffer, although there are not many mortals here, no matter whether it is a mortal or a cultivator, they are all erased by the horrible energy fluctuations in an instant.

The destructive power between the extraordinary Saints, how terrifying is the destructive power, even a small aftermath, is enough to destroy heaven extinguishing earth.

At this moment, on this battered continent, Kunpeng Clan old Ancestral Peng Wuji, an old man with a ragged robe, bloody body, and a sluggish breath, suffered more injuries than this.

At the same time, a powerful enemy came and blocked the world and pushed him into the desperate situation step by step. And when he was discouraged, secretly thought my life was over, things Suddenly mountain road twists around each new peak.

A young man with white clothed white hair, tall and tall, holding a white skirt woman in his arms, suddenly descended from the sky, and sent five extraordinary people to the Divine Sect and Divine Sect with one punch. The ancestor, forced out.

“Many thanks, help me, dare to ask your surname?”

Until the other party came before, Peng Wuji came back to his senses and hurriedly got up and said thank you seriously. In addition to gratitude, more shocked and unbelievable.

The young man in front of him doesn’t know exactly what his origin is. There seems to be no aura fluctuation in his body, but his strength is extremely terrifying.

One punch repelled five extraordinary Saints. How many people in the world can do it?

Peng Wuji even felt that the shocking punch just now was not his full strength.

It’s just that, when did they reappear such a top expert in the Eastern Realm, this is simply unheard-of.

“I surnamed Yang, I have some friendship with the noble Young Master Pengfei. I came here just to help Peng Old Senior get out of trouble.”

The visitor is not Yang Xuan, but also Who? He tilted his head to look at Peng Wuji next to him, slightly saying with a faint smile.

“so that’s how it is.”

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