Peng Wuji suddenly said, “Your cultivation base is high, deeply hidden. Please don’t call Peng Senior Senior. In front of Your Excellency, Peng Wuji dare not arrogantly respect yourself.”

Martial Dao world, everything depends on strength.

Powerhouse, regardless of age, depth of cultivation base, will be respected.

Peng Wuji knows very well that the young expert who claims to be surnamed Yang in front of him, even if his cultivation base is not as good as himself, he must not be much worse, otherwise, how can he be able to resist the five extraordinary with strength of oneself? Patriarch?

“Then I will call you old Peng.”

Yang Xuan laughed, looking at a few people on the opposite side of hundred zhang, indifferently said: “Before you start, Why not release the divine sense and see what is happening on Kunpeng Island.”

There are five people in total, all of whom are very old, and the lowest cultivation base has reached Transcendent Realm 6 Heavenly Layer.

Needless to say, these five people are the five extraordinary ancestors of Divine Sect and Divine Sect. All of them have the ability to connect to heaven penetrating the earth, and all are fierce persons of killing firmness. .

It’s no wonder that Wang Tiande and the others are jealous of Kunpeng Island and his party and dare not help Kunpeng Clan.

Of course, all this has changed with the arrival of Yang Xuan.

“What’s the matter? The cultivators of our two factions are all dead.”

Here, someone released divine sense, and soon they will be on Kunpeng Island. Everything taking in the entire scene, suddenly both shocked and angry.

“Who is your Excellency? Why do you want to kill my Heaven Smiting Cult cultivator?”

A tall silver-haired old man looks coldly towards Yang Xuan Come.

This old man is Yin Haotian, the tallest ancestor of Heaven Smiting Sect’s cultivation base, a strong man who has entered Immortal Sect with one and a half feet.

Beside him, a thin old man named Sun Pengyun, and a fat old man named Beard Ming, both of whom are the ancestors of Heaven Smiting Sect.

As for the ancestors of Divine Sect, one named Wu Chengzhou and the other named Meng Mingjie, they both wore black robe and exuded a thick but disgusting corpse.

When dealing with countless corpses all the year round, the body will naturally be stained with corpse qi, making them more gloomy and perverse, until they become human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost.

“People, I did kill them. If you want revenge, just let them go.”

When I heard Yang Xuan’s words, I saw him again with confidence. With the appearance, coupled with Yang Xuan’s previous punch like a god or devil, the ancestor Wu Chengzhou of Divine Sect couldn’t help being heart shivered with cold.

He squinted his eyes, looked up and down Yang Xuan, then looked at the female corpse Xiangxiang in Yang Xuan’s arms, and said grimly: “Your strength is amazing, I’m waiting for one to one, I’m afraid it’s none of you. Enemy, but are you really ready to hold a woman and fail to fight with us?”

This Wu Chengzhou, the cultivation base is not inferior to Yin Haotian, and he has also reached the semi-fairy state.

“No need to talk nonsense, this woman is taken by him, she must be someone he values ​​very much. If we can catch her, we will surely let him refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.”

Meng Mingjie’s eyes were cold, and Wu Chengzhou sound transmission. Although Yang Xuan had shown very powerful strength just now, they still underestimated Yang Xuan and hardly prepared much.

This young man, the cultivation base is also Transcendent Realm. The reason why he looks so old is simply maintaining a young appearance that’s all, and the young appearance is often used to confuse the enemy, to put it simply The point is playing the pig to eat the tiger.

“This person must not be simple, we must not move rashly.”

Wu Chengzhou secretly stopped Meng Mingjie, and then said to Yang Xuan: “Your face is so tight, you don’t know where to come from. Come?”

“Don’t ask, he is from the East Palace.”

At this moment, Yin Haotian suddenly spoke.

“East Emperor Hall!”

Wu Chengzhou, Meng Mingjie, Sun Pengyun, Huo Ming, and Peng Wuji around Yang Xuan are all startled.

Eastern Emperor Hall was built by the Eastern Emperor alone. In the ancient times, before the Eastern Emperor ascended, the Eastern Emperor Hall was the highest Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor Great World and the most powerful Sect of the Eastern Emperor Great World. , Megatron Realms.

It’s just that the East Emperor’s Palace was destroyed long after the East Emperor’s ascension, and the people who destroyed the East Emperor’s Palace were all enemies of the East Emperor. Extraordinary power.

According to legend, in that battle, the entire Heavenly Palace of the East Emperor Palace was razed to the ground by countless strongmen, and the cultivator of the East Emperor Palace almost died in close combat, even if someone escaped by chance. , It is hard to escape the chase of powerful enemies from all walks of life.

Chapter 1440 The Daughter of the East Emperor

“The Hall of the East Emperor has been destroyed for a long time, and it has long been history. Why did the big brother assert that this person came from this palace?”


Sun Pengyun was shocked.

It is true that the East Emperor Palace was once glorious, but it was the Primordial Age after all, and the Primordial Ancient Times has been millions of years ago.

In the time of millions of years, no matter how strong the power is, no matter how powerful people are, they will eventually turn into dust and cease to exist.

“On the basis of the woman in his arms, I can determine his origin. He, even if he is not a member of the East Palace, has a connection with the East Palace.”

As soon as Yin Haotian said this, even Yang Xuan was stunned, saying that the female corpse incense incense, is it possible that it really has something to do with the East Palace.

The Great World of the East Emperor is named after the Emperor, and the Hall of the East Emperor founded by the Emperor is the great Great Sect of the worlds.

Although Yang Xuan came to the Eastern Empire for the first time, he has also heard of the Eastern Emperor Hall and the prestige of the Eastern Emperor.

The Great World of one side, named after itself, is enough to show what position the East Emperor has in the East Emperor Great World.

Although it has been a long time since, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, Donghuang is also a godlike existence in the hearts of countless cultivators in Donghuang Great World.

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