Yang Xuan said nothing, the Purgatory Sword in his hand flicked, the sword glow skyrocketed, and he slashed against the dark giant claw, but the sword glow he slashed out Still returned without success, but smashed the pitch-black giant claw away without any damage.

This claw is not only extremely sharp and extremely fast, but also very strong, which can be broken by unusual external forces.

“What the hell is this!?”

Wang Tiande, Peng Wuji and the others looked from a distance, and their faces couldn’t help showing a look of shock.

However, they were shocked and shocked, but they also knew that Yang Xuan’s strength was more than that.

Yin Haotian, Meng Mingjie, Wu Chengzhou, Deep in one’s heart also had this idea, so they did not act blindly without thinking for a while.

Not long ago, Yang Xuan forcibly killed Sun Pengyun and Qiu Ming while they were in front of one’s eyes, making them all jealous.

“People from the ancient times, I have to say that it’s a bit tricky, just because of this they want to threaten me, don’t you feel a bit arrogant?”

Yang Xuan looked up, Staring coldly at the black mist that can’t be seen from the sky, the black mist is very gloomy and terrible, making it extremely uncomfortable.

“This is the Life-Source Magical Treasure ghost claw of the old man. It is a dragon claw of the ancient Black Dragon, supplemented by various rare divine gold refinements. It can be offensive and defensive, no stronghold one cannot overcome, below True Immortal, no one can shake it, and it is enough to deal with you.”

An icy voice came from the black mist, next moment, the dark giant claw is already whistling down again. I reached the top of Yang Xuan’s head, less than half a meter away from him.

This giant claw is as big as several ten zhang. It is not so much a dragon claw, but rather a hook with a hideous shape.

The claws, which are shaped like nails, are bent like sky hooks, sharp and pressing, seeming to penetrate everything.

The Primordial Black Dragon is the overlord of beasts in the Primordial Period. It is extremely vicious and powerful with one claw, which can kill the extraordinary Saint in seconds.

What’s more, this ghost claw is still being practiced by Ghost King ancestors day and night, and the formidable power will only become stronger.

The ancestors of Ghost King also relied on this thing to be able to ramp up the eastern emperor world in the Primordial Era, and it is difficult for anyone to be an enemy.

“Ghost claws…”

Yang Xuan squinted, his figure drifting back, avoiding his sharp edge.

This ghost claw is extremely fast and highly poisonous. It specializes in breaking the cultivator fleshy body and Divine Soul. It is definitely a rare weapon to kill. Even he dare not use fleshy body to resist. .

His fleshy body is very strong, but it has not yet reached the point of ignoring magic weapons.

Of course, if he stimulates the underworld warfare, he can just ignore it, but the little Ghost King ancestor, why does he need his hole cards?

“haha, the ghost claw and the old man are connected with each other and can lock the enemy’s energy. Unless you can hide and gather your breath, you can’t avoid it even if you want to hide. Old man advises you Or obediently surrender and give me your body. If you have any unfulfilled wishes, I can also promise you here, one after another, and do it for you.”

The ghost king ancestor is hidden in the black mist In the middle, use divine sense to control the ghost claw, continue to attack Yang Xuan, the speed is fast as lightning.

The ordinary half immortal, caught off guard, might have to be torn apart by one of his claws. The formidable power should not be underestimated.

Yang Xuan expression is calm, although he is not afraid of fear, he has the means to let the other party feel despair.

A rat who hides his head and shows his tail, dares to peep at his fleshy body, it is really courting death.

He shook his figure and began to exert his strength, swinging his sword hard.

“peng”, “bang…”

Continuous collision, terrifying rumbling sound is endless, shaking the world.

Although the ghost claw is very strong, Yang Xuan’s Purgatory Sword is not weak. Although this sword has not yet completed the advanced stage, it is also extremely tenacious.

He relied on his fleshy body to be tyrannical, all the way to the high sky with a sword, and a sword swept out, cutting the black fog in half, but soon it reunited again, just the color Obviously a little weaker.

“Junior, you succeeded in angering me.”

The Ghost King ancestor hated him, his Primordial Spirit melted into the fog, the black fog was injured, and the Primordial Spirit was also injured.

This drove him crazy, an astonishing divine sense coercion suddenly broke out and attacked Yang Xuan wildly.

Yang Xuan is motionless, resisting the coercion of the divine sense, he is better than the divine sense, cultivated Divine Refining Technique, but he is not weaker than the ancestors of Ghost King, or even worse, Ghost King’s ancestor’s divine sense blasted on him, no different from scratching, and simply couldn’t hurt his Divine Soul.

“Well, good, even the divine sense is so powerful, you really are an old man who has been searching for years and can’t be the best body possession object.”

The ancestors of Ghost King are not angry and happy .

“Ghost King ancestors, don’t be careless, this child bloodline is amazing, deep and unmeasurable, but not so easy to deal with, he is…”

Meng Mingjie is full of anxiety , I wanted to say something to remind him, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted coldly by the ancestor Ghost King.

“No matter who he is, no matter how strong his bloodline is, he has to be the carrier of the old man’s rebirth today. Instead of standing there, it is better to come and help and help the old man.”

hearing this, Wang Tiande and the others showed mockery on their faces.

This Ghost King ancestor obviously just woke up, and he dared to praise Haikou before he even understood the situation. It was so stupid.

Demon Race Young Emperor, a demon who was able to skip grades to kill half-fairies decades ago, is now more tyrannical than before.

It can only be said that the ancestors of Ghost King miscalculated and provoked a fierce person who should not be provoked. This time the enemy of Yang Xuan will only end up with the soul flew away and scattered. .

“Junior, don’t do unnecessary struggles, so you can suffer less.”

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