The old ancestor of Ghost King smiled sadly , and his voice revealed a jealous look.

“The old man was attacked by the Eastern Emperor at the moment of ascension. Although he lost his fleshy body, even the Primordial Spirit was hit hard, but it was not something you could fight against.”

paused , And added: “If you complete the old man, within 1000 years, the old man will help you rise to the immortal, and you will live with the heavens and the earth, and Sun and Moon’s Splendor, wouldn’t it be happy?”

while Speaking, a tyrannical divine sense submerged into the ghost claws, making them transformed into tens of thousands of claws, blocking any space Yang Xuan could dodge.

“You became an immortal, not me. After all, it took a thousand years to become an immortal. Don’t you think it’s too slow?”

Yang Xuan sneered, not unfolding for a long time The Free Spirit Step used, shuttles through the sky full of claw shadows, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

“It’s not slow, you are new to Transcendent Realm after all, and the old man possessed you has to spend a lot of time to blend in with your body.”

Ghost King old The ancestor’s voice is cold, like didn’t expect Yang Xuan’s body is so ghostly, he can avoid his ghost claws repeatedly.

But the stronger Yang Xuan is, the happier he is, and the more he wants to take Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1445 will let you be a ghost

“Is Old Guy too confident, really if I let you kill him? Not to mention, I rarely cost you too much Lips and tongues, let you see now, it is truly comparable to real immortal strength.”

Yang Xuan’s words are low, his eyes are open and closed, and his imposing manner suddenly becomes fierce, just like the same A peerless sword with a handle out of its sheath, with a stunning edge.

He no longer dodges, and directly raises his hand, breaking the large claw shadow in front of him, and pressing one finger on the body of the ghost claw.


The moment the two collided, a breath of time flew by and weathered everything suddenly burst out.

At this moment, the whole world was trembling, whether it was Yin Haotian, Wu Chengzhou, Meng Mingjie, or Wang Tiande, Peng Wuji and the others, all were shocked, and there was endless fear in their hearts.

“Not good!”

The ancestor of Ghost King was so horrified that he was about to slay the ghost claws in a hurry. This is the magic weapon that he depends on for survival and cannot be destroyed here.

“It’s late, I ruined your magic weapon.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, a plume of purple smoke emerged from the fingertips, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten Wood will wipe out the ghost claws of the Ghost King ancestors.

“Impossible, there is such a terrifying mystery in this world, what kind of magic power is your finger!?”

On the sky, the black mist is rolling endlessly, shrinking constantly , And finally turned into a huge old and ugly face.

This grimace is a wisp of Primordial Spirit of the ancestors of Ghost King. It is ghastly, evil, resembling a ghost, and exudes a rotten smell, which makes it uncomfortable to hit the bones.

“Primordial Spirit is split and must survive. How afraid of death are you old ghost?”

Yang Xuan shook the head, ruthless taunted, Ghost King ancestor This a wisp of Primordial Spirit seems to be unable to last for too long, so it emits that disgusting smell.

“Your Excellency is who are you!?”

The old ancestor of Ghost King showed a grave expression. He sleeps in the Ghost God talisman all the year round. He finally came out today. It was I want to take the opportunity to carry on body possession to Yang Xuan, in order to continue his life.

Yang Xuan fleshy body divine sense is strong, and the cultivation base is high enough. If the body possession is successful, it can save him many years of hard cultivation.

Who ever wanted to fight, not only failed to capture Yang Xuan in the end, but even the Life-Source Magical Treasure ghost claw was destroyed by Yang Xuan.

The absence of ghosts and claws has also greatly reduced his strength. Not only is there no certainty that he can deal with Yang Xuan, if one is not good, he will have to be killed by the other party, and his god will be destroyed.

“This person is the son of the Underworld Emperor and the Young Emperor of the current Demon Race. The ancestors of the Ghost King please do it quickly. Don’t be careless.”

In the distance, Meng Mingjie loudly shouted.

He got a total of two Ghost God charms. The first one indeed summon a powerful Ghost God, but he did not expect the second Ghost God charm to be thrown out, which would lead to the ghost king sect ancestors. Primordial Spirit.

This ancestor of Ghost King Sect is the ancestor of Ghost King Sect.

This person was once a formidable person with a fierce reputation. If he hadn’t been rampant, he would have angered the East Emperor Hall and was eventually killed by the East Emperor, fearing that he would have ascended to Immortal World long ago.

“Emperor of the Underworld, what you are talking about is the Immortal Emperor who swept across the immortal realms and is known as the first emperor!”

The ghost king ancestor trembled, Eyes show fear.

The Underworld Emperor became famous at the beginning of the ancient times. No one knows, no one knows, and no one dares to disrespect him.

have not become an immortal, the Emperor Underworld can be proud of his peers and fight against the immortal.

After becoming an immortal, it was even more out of control. Even Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, and even immortal dao Great Saint didn’t know how many they killed. With the strength of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, no one is invincible. .

Although the Underworld Emperor had already died in battle, his actions and various glorious deeds have affected generation after generation, and his prestige has not diminished with the passage of time.

“It’s not wrong. According to legend, there was a bloodline handed down by the Underworld Emperor, and this child is almost the same as the Underworld Emperor in terms of demeanor and temperament.”

Ghost King The ancestor’s eyeball gu lu turned and looked at Yang Xuan again, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he hated Meng Mingjie to death in his heart.

When did this idiot choose not to choose, he chose at this time to provoke the Ghost God talisman, wake him from his sleep, and cause him to get into such a big trouble.

The son of Emperor Underworld, a Demon Race Heaven’s Chosen that can easily destroy his Life-Source Magical Treasure, how can he provoke?

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