Everyone overwhelmed by emotions, staring at each other with wide-eyed eyes, this is the scene of Celestial Realm breakthrough to the same state, even if you look at it, there will be something to brag about in the future. capital.

hong long long!

At this moment, the bead suspended in midair vibrated violently. Vaguely, four satin-like colorful auspicious air dropping from the sky penetrated into the bead.

After inhaling four colorful auspicious breaths, the beads have changed a little bit. Around the beads, four colorful lights flickering, circulating endlessly.

“What is that!?” Neifeng, many Inner Disciples have clearly seen the four colorful auspicious airs, and they are all surprised.

“Brother Yang, what is that?” Shi Yu’s curiosity also came up, looking towards Yang Xuan, in his opinion, Yang Xuan knew out of the ordinary, afraid that he knew that What is the four colorful auspicious air?

“hehe, that’s a good thing.” Yang Xuan said with a slight smile.

“Smelly brat, don’t sell it anymore, just tell me, what the hell is that?” Shen Yuexin scolded, and as she spoke, Qin Lan, Li Yunfei, Tiefeng, Mu Qingyu and the others all Looking towards Yang Xuan.

“Uh, why are you looking at me like this?”

“Brother Yang, come on, what the hell is that?” Tiefeng said in a low, muffled voice .

“Cough cough, okay, I said, that is the martial artist’s energy of good fortune when he breaks through to Guiyi Realm. There are as few as one, and as many as nine.”

Although Yang Xuan’s voice was not loud, it also attracted the attention of many Seven Mysteries Sect Inner Disciple nearby. They all looked to him, and even Nangong Tian couldn’t help looking towards Yang Xuan.

To be honest, he doesn’t know what those four colorful auspicious airs are.

“The Qi of Good Fortune?” Shen Yuexin did not understand.

“Heaven and earth have good fortune, the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth we absorb is a kind of good fortune.”

“I still didn’t understand, you mean the energy of good fortune and Are Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth the same?”

“Of course it’s not the same. The energy of good fortune is far more pure than Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth. The most important thing is that the energy of good fortune can be unified The inner core of the powerhouse has become more sturdy and not easily destroyed by the enemy.”

“so that’s how it is, did our master just absorb the four air of good fortune?”



“Why is it four?”

“This is very simple. The inner core of the powerhouse is also divided into strengths and weaknesses, Grade 1 is the lowest, Grade 9 is the highest, and the door owner’s inner core absorbs four good qualities, which means that the door owner has condensed a Grade 4 inner core.”

“Uh, the door owner is so powerful. Only then condensed the Grade 4 inner core!” Shi Yu is astonished.

Chapter 145 Dividing the Loot

“The level of the inner core depends on two points. One is my own perception of Martial Dao, and the other is the level of the cultivation technique. If Wu Dao’s insight is poor and the cultivation technique is too poor, the inner core grade is extremely low.”

“How about the Grade 4 inner core?”

“Grade 4 The inner core is pretty good.”


“Of course, the inner cores of Divine-Martial Continent overwhelming majority Guiyijing powerhouse are all below Grade 5. Anyone who can condense the inner core of Grade 5 or even Grade 5 or higher has Great Destiny, an absolute powerhouse.”

“haha, well said, you are Yang Xuan, I can’t think of your young age. There are a lot of things I know!”

There was laughter, and several Sect Elders in Seven Mysteries Sect Celestial Realm surrounded Pei Yuntian dropping from the sky and fell in front of Yang Xuan.

“I have seen you Elder and Senior.” Many Seven Mysteries Sect Inner Disciple hurriedly salute, Yang Xuan also bowed and gave a salute, then looked up towards Pei Yuntian: “Pei, when are you? Are you here?”

“I came yesterday, and you weren’t back then.”

“Uh, I came yesterday, then I was accepted into the bottle gourd of the universe Why didn’t you see you come out to save me?”

“Hehe, isn’t you brat okay?”

“Then what if I have something?”

“It’s simple, who killed my grandson, I copied his nine tribes and destroyed his whole family.”

The words fell, Pei Yuntian turned to the four Seven Mysteries Sect Celestial Realm and Sect Elder said: You, Seven Mysteries Sect, what you say is Upright Sect, and Direct Disciple is so nonsense, so you shouldn’t care about it?”

“cough cough, this is my fault.” A Celestial Realm 7 The white haired old man of Heavenly Layer gave a dry cough, then turned his head and looked towards Nangongtian, coldly said: “Nangongtian, can you convict you?”

“Disciple, convict!”

“Convicting the guilt is fine. As for how to punish you, wait until your Master comes back.”

When Cao Cao arrived, I saw a silhouette falling, not Shen Guyun or someone, but Shen Guyun is now But a little embarrassed, disheveled hair, bruised and bruised, with a wilting breath.

“Great Elder, how about it, did you kill that Gongsun Yu.”

“No, let him escape.”

“It’s fine to escape , Anyway, the doorkeeper has a smooth breakthrough. “


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