While speaking, Shen Guyun thanked Pei Yun Heavenly Dao. Although he went to battle with Gongsun Yu in the distance, he always showed his perception and paid attention to the movement of Seven Mysteries Sect, and knew that Pei Yuntian Defeated the incoming enemy.

“Thanks, no need, but Brother Shen, your discipline will kill my grandson, you have to deal with it impartially.” Pei Yun Heavenly Dao.

“Ai, he was very talented since he was a child, and he has never suffered any setbacks. This time he did too much.” Shen Guyun sighed.

“Master, the discipline is wrong.” Nangong Tian immediately knelt down.

“Really know that you are wrong?”

“Disciple really knows that it is wrong.”

“Well, I will punish you to go to heaven as a teacher The cliff faces the wall for a month.”

“Yes, Disciple will go now.” As he said, Nangongtian staggered away under countless gazes.

At the same time, Shen Guyun looked towards Pei Yuntian: “Brother Pei, are you satisfied with my punishment?”

“Everyone was driven away by you, you old man He also asked me whether I was satisfied, don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

Pei Yuntian shook his head funny, and immediately said with a serious face: “Brother Shen, you love the discipline, yes, but you can’t be too Over doting, and, I’m talking straight and straight, don’t be angry, I think your discipline is a thankless wretch that is not well-bred, and can’t be a climate.”

These words are not very loud, many Inner Disciple heard it all, and everyone was shocked. After all, Yuntian Pei is the ultimate powerhouse of Celestial Realm. His words are still very weighty. Many Inner Disciples are involuntarily thinking about how to treat Nangongtian in the future.

“Brother Pei said this seriously, my discipline does have some shortcomings, but after all, I am still young, as long as I teach it well, the famous throughout the world will not be a problem in the future.” Shen Guyun frowns saying, his face is faint Some are not pretty.

No way, he treats Nangongtian like his grandson. He has put too much effort into it. Naturally, he doesn’t like Pei Yuntian slandering Nangongtian like this.

“Ai, forget it, I hope you don’t regret it in the future.”

Pei Yuntian was a rare nonsense, and he threw five storage rings to Yang Xuan.

“hehe, Lord Pei, these all are trophies?” Yang Xuan smiled and grabbed five storage rings in his hands.

“Well, I haven’t had time to check it yet. You can take it and study it slowly. By the way, if you find the swallowing technique taught by Nether, remember not to cultivation.”

“Don’t worry, the kid doesn’t want to be a murderous madman.” Yang Xuan nodded, putting away five storage rings.

Seeing this, many Inner Disciples are envious and greedy. No one didn’t expect Yang Xuan to have a Celestial Realm superpowerhouse as the backer.

Now, Renjia directly gave him five storage rings.

This is the storage ring of Celestial Realm powerhouse. It is not difficult to imagine that there are definitely many treasures in it.

“haha, brother Pei, Daen doesn’t say thank you anymore.”

Suddenly, a long and full laughter came, and Yan Changkong came to Pei silently. Beside Yuntian.

“Congratulations to the sect master for being promoted to the first place!” Many Inner Disciples were taken aback and bowed to congratulate.

“haha, no gift!” Yan Changkong’s people were refreshed at happy occasions, smiled and waved.

“Brother Yan, congratulations.” Pei Yuntian also congratulated Yan Changkong.

“many thanks!” Yan Changkong hugged cup one fist in the other hand, then ordered to go down and host a banquet to entertain Pei Yuntian. As for many Inner Disciples, they left, but everyone’s heart calm.

Today, more than a dozen Celestial Realm powerhouses from Nether taught, they all thought that the sect was at stake. Who knew that Pei Yuntian appeared, slaughter all sides, and defeated the powerful enemy in one fell swoop.

In addition, many Inner Disciples are also very excited, because they have seen the power of Celestial Realm powerhouse, many people went back to their residences and started crazy cultivation.

Of course, there are many people who are uncomfortable, such as the Inner Disciple of some cultivation Fire Attribute cultivation technique, because the robber Yang Xuan robbed them of their good fortune and absorbed all the Fire Yuan Qi light rain.


The news of the defeat of Nine Nether teaching powerhouse soon stunned Moon Sect and God Roaming Sect, the head teacher of Two Great Sects, and Sect Elder inside. .

Yan Changkong did not neglect these people, and invited them to a banquet. For a while, the Inner Sect main peak’s banquet hall pushed the cups and changed the lights, and there was a lot of voice. No one stood up and congratulated Yan Changkong. At the same time There are also many people toasting to Pei Yuntian.

The reason is very simple. They all know that Seven Mysteries Sect can be avoided today. It depends on Pei Yuntian. No one dares to look down upon him because of his sloppy appearance.

In addition, Nine Nether taught Seven Mysteries Sect to raided Seven Mysteries Sect. Hope Moon Sect and God Roaming Sect are also a condemnation, at least on the surface. Hope Moon Sect Sect Master Jiang Shuitian even proposed that Three Great Sects join forces to eradicate Nine. Nether teaches, eliminates major problems

Of course, this means that no one knows where the nest of Nether teaches.

Furthermore, no one knows how strong the Nether Nether is, but it is certain that the Nine Nether has a huge power, and its Sect Lord is most likely to be a powerhouse.


Cuiyun Peak is seven-eight li away from Inner Sect main peak. The mountains are not high but beautiful, and the water is not deep but beautiful.

Looking up, there are waterfalls and springs on the mountain peaks, clouds and cranes dancing, there are more than two hundred courtyards of various sizes, and a courtyard at the top of the mountain is Qin Lan’s residence.

The setting sun sinks, and the sunset glows red the world.

In the hall of the other courtyard, Yang Xuan sat on the ground. In front of him, there were piles of primordial stones, cheats, medicine pills, weapons and the like.

“So many things!” Shi Yu’s eyes lit up, surprised.

Not only was he surprised, but Qin Lan, Li Yunfei, Tie Feng, Zhou Kun, Shen Yuexin, and Mu Qingyu were all present.

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