“Senior Brother, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let’s leave as soon as possible.”

Xie Fei interrupted the conversation between Wang Chuan and Yang Xuan, who is the cultivation base A black-clothed youth who has reached 4 Heavenly Layer and threatened to have a chance to fight Yang Xuan.


Wang Chuan is nodded, but he didn’t rush to leave, looked towards Yang Xuan: “Fang Junior Brother Yun, are you going to stay and continue to practice, or We are ready to leave the mountain range of Mang Cang. If we want to leave, we can walk together, and we can take care of each other on the road.”

“Senior Brother……”

Xie Fei frowned, he wants to speak again. However, in his opinion, Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is too low. He is completely a fuel bottle with him. If there is a danger on the road, he will save him.

Yang Xuan was a man of two generations. He was observant of words and colors, and did not understand what Xie Fei was thinking. Moved towards Wang Chuan shook his head and said with a smile: “hehe, Senior Brother Wang’s kind brother just got it, I I’m still going to experience for a while, so I won’t leave with you.”

“In that case, Junior Brother Yun is careful.” Wang Chuan didn’t say anything, he was ready to talk to Xie Fei and Xu Quiet and the others leave.

“Wait, there is a murderous aura!” Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and blurted out.

Chapter 151 Come and die

“murderous aura!?” Xu Jing was surprised at first, then corner of the mouth raised, said with a beautiful smile: “Oh, Fang Junior Brother Yun, are you scaring us?”

“There is a murderous aura!” Wang Chuan said solemnly, staring at the jungle not far away, loudly said: “Under Flowing Cloud Sect Inner Disciple Wang Chuan, I would like to invite you all to show up.”

“Haha, it’s really sorry. We first came here and we have heard of the Three Great Sects of Stars Island, but we have never heard of Flowing Cloud Sect. ”

With a loud laugh, hua hua rang in the jungle, and a group of men with strong bodies and bronze skin, obviously scorched and drenched by sun and rain all year round, walked out.

A total of seventeen-eighteen people, the lowest cultivation base also has 2 Heavenly Layer, the leader even reached 8 Heavenly Layer.

This is a big man in his thirties with a face full of flesh. He has short hair like a hedgehog with a big blade on his back. He is strong like a Tyrant Dragon and is two feet tall. Mi Ersan, the body shape alone gives a strong oppression.

“Foreign martial artist?” Wang Chuan frowned. He was not afraid of local martial artists on Stars Island, he was afraid of encountering these foreign martial artists, because these people have nothing to worry about, even if they cause trouble. , They can also pat their ass and leave.

Furthermore, nowadays, fish and dragons mixed in together in the wild mountain range, it is difficult to find out who the murderer is after being killed.

“Hehe, you are right, we are indeed foreign martial artists.” The big man grinned, his eyes were fierce, looking towards Yang Xuan, Wang Chuan’s eyes looked like Lambs to be slaughtered.

Wang Chuan knew that those who came were unkind. These more than a dozen people were all baleful qi. 80% were outlaws who came to the mountain range to looting property as a united group. The expression suddenly became serious.

“What do you want to do?” Xie Fei coldly said, his face is also very solemn, let alone other people, he can’t deal with this big guy alone.

“Don’t do anything, but I’m a bit tight lately. If you are willing to show respect, it would be great.”

Big guy laughed, two eyes slightly narrowed, murderous intention Visibly, the voice became savage: “Of course, if you are not willing, then I will have to take it.”

“Are you trying to rob us?” Xie Fei said angrily.

“Yes, it’s robbery, why, you brat is not convinced, that’s okay, come over and fight me, if you can defeat me, I Helianfang will not say anything, immediately take the brother behind Leave.” Helianfang coldly said, his eyes grew darker and colder.

“Do you think I don’t dare?” Xie Fei danced wildly with black hair, and was full of killing intents. Although he knew he was not Helianfang’s opponent, he really wanted to fight hard, and he was hit hard before he died. other side.

“Boys are very courageous, but it is a pity that bold people often die miserably. I have been in the Star Sea Domain for so many years, and young geniuses like yours on the cultivation base have not been killed less.”

“Really, let’s try,”

“Junior Brother, don’t be impulsive.” Wang Chuan was anxious, reached out his hand to stop Xie Fei, and said to He Lianfang : “Your Excellency, we don’t have gemstones and gold and silver jewelry, but we have some Demonic beast materials, which should be worth hundreds of low grade gemstones!” By saying this, it is obviously showing weakness.

There is nothing wrong with this, Helianfang’s cultivation base is too high, not to mention that there are a group of fierce men behind him, Wang Chuan and the others can’t stop him at all.

“Hundreds of low grade stones, what are you kidding about, when we are beggars?”

“Yes, don’t fool us.”

“Hey, the weapons on your body should be Treasure Items. You can leave these Treasure Items.”

“What nonsense, that woman can’t go, just stay Let us vent our flames.”

“ga ga, yes, we haven’t eaten meat for a few days. It just so happens that this lady is pretty good, and the figure is also top grade. We will be better later. It’s fun.”

He Lianfang hasn’t spoken yet. Some of the men behind him cursed and laughed obscenely. They didn’t put Wang Chuan in their eyes at all. As for Yang, the lowest cultivation base. Xuan was completely ignored.

In their eyes, Yang Xuan is just a little ant, which can be pinched to death at the touch of a finger, insignificant.

“You bastards!” Xu Jing yelled, shaking with anger.

“haha, the little lady looks so beautiful when she is angry. I hope you can do the same under our crotch, so that we can have fun when we play.” Someone said with a smile from eccentric.

Wang Chuan complexion sank, forcibly suppressing the killing intent and anger in his heart, said to Helian Fang: “Your Excellency, although our Flowing Cloud Sect is not comparable to Three Great Sects, it is also the Great prestigious on Stars Island. Families, I still hope to give face, don’t do everything.”

“Which onion are you, don’t say you are from Flowing Cloud Sect, even if you are from Three Great Sects, I am not afraid, today I’m going to do everything, I’ll count three times. If you don’t act obediently, don’t blame us for being rude.”

Helianfang was coldly snorted and took the big knife on his back. After it came down, it was a three-foot-eight-inch long, cold-light shining treasure knife. Yang Xuan could tell at a glance that this knife was a middle grade treasure item.

However, he didn’t pay much attention to it. As soon as the flame broke out, he was confident to behead Helianfang.

“Senior Brother!”

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