Sun Wu, Yan Gang, Xu Jing complexion greatly changed, and seeing Helianfang drew his sword, Wang Chuan knew that today’s things were difficult to do well, so he didn’t talk any more nonsense. Pull out the saber, ready to go.

Xie Fei no longer suppressed the anger in his heart, coldly said: “Big man, a dog will jump the wall when he is in a hurry. Don’t be bully intolerably, you really want to fight hard, I will also be a little backed by death. “

While speaking, all killing intents have risen to the extreme.

Don’t look at the big gap between Xie Fei and Helianfang, but as the Inner Sect genius of Flowing Cloud Sect, Xie Fei is also a master of unparalleled knowledge, and his strength far exceeds the cultivation base, although he thinks he is not Helian Fang’s opponents, but Helianfang’s men are not afraid of him. Once a war starts, he is sure to make Helianfang’s men pay a heavy price.

“The dog jumps over the wall, you brat is the existence of trivial ant in Lao Tzu’s eyes, not even a dog.”

He Lianfang disdainfully started counting: “One, Two…”

“Don’t count, come here and die.” Yang Xuan waved his hand and interrupted impatiently.

As soon as this remark came out, Helianfang was startled first, and then flustered and exasperated roared: “Boy, what did you say?”

A hairless of the 6 Heavenly Layer of the Nether Realm Brat, he even uttered wild words to let him go to death. He Lianfang was so angry that he almost thought that there was a problem with his ears, and he had heard it wrong.

“Fang Junior Brother Yun!” Wang Chuan and Xu Jing were surprised. Didn’t expect Yang Xuan if he didn’t speak, he was so overbearing when he spoke. Did he think he was Seven Mysteries Sect Inner? Disciple, wouldn’t the other party dare to kill him?

Yang Xuan expression was indifferent and ignored Wang Chuan’s few people. He stepped forward and walked towards Helianfang and the others. He said as he walked: “Are your ears bad? Come and die.”

“You are courting death.”

Helianfang’s Qiqiao gave birth to smoke, and a pair of eyes burst into flames. He had already decided that he wanted to capture Yang. Xuan, fiercely tortured to death, causing this arrogant boy to pay a heavy price.

“The same sentence, come here quickly and die.” Yang Xuan eyes like electricity, showing off one’s ability, staring coldly at Helianfang

“Damn it, This kid is too arrogant, Boss, I will go and lift his head for you.”

“Don’t kill him, get him out of me, I will stab him alive, Let him know the fate of offending Lao Tzu.”

“Boss rest assured, a little kid that’s all not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, I’ll go and catch him.”

while speaking, someone jumped out from behind the man.

This is a man in gray with a tiger-backed waist and a fierce appearance. This person is full of baleful qi. At first glance, he knows that he is a master of killing without blinking an eye, and his cultivation base is not low, reaching true Gang Jing 3 Heavenly Layer, holding a bright long knife in his hand, strode towards Yang Xuan.

“You are not my opponent, it is too late to withdraw now.” Yang Xuan’s mouth evoked a sneer arc, and said coldly.

“Yellow mouth child dare to be mad, and die.” The gray-clothed man exploded his lungs with anger, shouted furiously, rushed forward, turned into a shadow, and came to Yang Xuan in a flash , Slashed fiercely, as if to kill Yang Xuan.

“Kill you, one sword is enough!”

Yang Xuan shouted wildly, one side of his body, avoiding the attacking long sword, the iron essence in his hand is sword one Flick, spur a half-step sword intent, slash out.


A sharp sword light swept over, and the man in gray was shocked. Absolutely didn’t expect Yang Xuan, a kid with a low cultivation base to avoid his own attack and launch a counterattack.

As if in a flash, his true essence is running within the body, a long knife in his hand is erected, and he stands in front of him. In his opinion, the low grade Treasure Item long knife in his hand is supplemented by true essence , Enough to block Yang Xuan’s sword.


With a crisp sound, the long knife in his hand broke, like tofu dregs, and it was cut off by Yang Xuan with a single blow, and the iron essence sword in Yang Xuan’s hand also fell from his waist. Pass in between.

“Ah, I, I am not willing to…” The gray-clothed man screamed bitterly, his face as gray as death, no blood on his face, only fear and nostalgia for life.

“I said, kill you, only need one sword, you can die with peace of mind.” Yang Xuan said with a sneer.

“Old, boss, report for me…” he spit out a few words intermittently, the man in grey clothes thumped to the ground, a big slit in his waist, blood and internal organs splashed all over the floor .


He Lianfang and the others turn pale with fright, like hell, they all can’t believe their eyes, a young man of 6 Heavenly Layer That’s all, unexpectedly killed an expert of 3 Heavenly Layer with a single sword.

“How is this possible!?” Xu Jing creded out in surprise, with her small mouth wide open, as if she could shove a duck egg, she stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes vigorously and found that the man in grey was really Dead, the bloody corpse was lying on the ground.

“One sword, he really only made one sword!” Wang Chuan and Xie Fei were stunned, and their faces were shocked. They didn’t kill you with Yang Xuan’s sentence. Suffice it to take seriously, but Yang Xuan really did it.

Chapter 152 The hot formidable power

“Boy, who are you?”

Helianfang was both shocked and angry, he was in Star Sea Domain has been robbing houses and robbing houses for many years. He has seen many young geniuses, but he has never seen a genius like Yang Xuan. Obviously only the cultivation base of Ning Yuan 6 Heavenly Layer can skip grades to kill. Expert of Gang Jing 3 Heavenly Layer.

“Don’t care who I am, I will leave all my belongings if I don’t want to die. If you do this, Young Master may be able to leave a way out and kill you.” Yang Xuan said lightly. The voice is not loud, but full of domineering.

“haha, there are all kind of birds in a big forest, I didn’t think that my Helianfang would go north and south, killing people like scything flax, today I will be robbed by a kid with hairs not even grown yet ?” He Lianfang was angry and funny, his eyes were fierce.

“It seems that you are not going to leave your belongings?” Yang Xuan asked.

Wang Chuan and the others were dumbfounded, what Yang Xuan was doing, he actually robbed Helianfang in turn.

“Damn it, this kid is too crazy.”

“Boss, let’s kill him together.”

He Lianfang’s men are filled with indignation, They yelled again and again, and they all drew their swords. Only when He Lianfang gave an order, they would swarm up and hack to death the kid who is not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, Yang Xuan, even though Yang Xuan just leapfrogged them. A companion is extremely terrifying in strength, but they are crowded and attacked in groups, and they do not believe that they can’t deal with Yang Xuan.

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