This is indeed an extremely powerful race. If it invades the immortal domain in a big way, the immortal domain will also be destroyed.

“Don’t be surprised, the king of the Pluto clan is also strong and weak.”

Pangu Axe Spirit sound transmission said: “Obviously, this person is one of the well-know figure, even within the body Ming The power has not yet returned to its peak state, and Divine Soul is also extremely powerful. The most important thing is that he is still an eight-armed underworld.”

“The eight-armed underworld is very difficult to deal with in the underworld. ?!”

Yang Xuan asked subconsciously, only to realize that he didn’t seem to know the Mingzu very well.

“The Hades, born with the power of the dark, are a group of true dark creatures, and the Eight-armed Hades, known as the fighting clan of the Hades, are naturally good at war, fierce and cruel, naturally very powerful “

Pangu Axe said solemnly: “You are very lucky. If you can take the opportunity to kill this person today and devour one of them, you should be able to take your Demon Sovereign blood to another level. , You can even get a part of the dark meditation from it.”

“Dark meditation?”

“Any power, use it to be righteous, and use it to cause evil, even if it is You can also try to master the dark meditation, maybe you will need it in the future.”

“Understood, this person’s blood, I have to decide, and then I will ask Senior to help me. With one hand, if I don’t do it, I can’t give him any chance to survive.”

After a short conversation, Yang Xuan calmed down quickly, his face remained silent, and he pretended to face upward respectfully. The eight-armed Pluto bowed and admired: “The Pluto divine might be invincible, and his subordinates admire it.”

“A few little Immortal Kings that’s all, if the Immortal Emperor comes, I might still I have to retreat by 30%, but now, there is obviously no Immortal Emperor in this area.”

The Eight-armed Pluto snorted in his nose. He chose to go out at this moment because he noticed something, otherwise he really wanted to Attracted the powerhouse of Immortal Emperor level, as powerful as him, it would become very dangerous.

At least until his strength is fully recovered, he will still be unable to match the Immortal Emperor.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: “The King of Hades knows something about it. Immortal Emperors and many immortal dao Great Saints from all over the fairyland mostly went to the depths of Guixu half a year ago. In a short time, I’m afraid. I can’t come back.”

Even if he didn’t say this, the Eight-armed Pluto would have known it for a long time, so there is nothing to hide.

“My army, it will not take long for us to visit this land. Since those people have entered the Guixu, don’t even think of one to come out alive.”

The Eight-Armed Pluto With a sneer, Yang Xuan swept his eyes condescendingly, slightly impatient: “nonsense, hurry up and refining this drop of Life Source Blood Essence of this king.”

“Subordinates know it.”


Yang Xuan nodded, the pores in the palm of his hand were wide open, and he immediately incorporated the drop of blood in his hand into his own bloodline, which also ignited the blood energy of the whole body, exuding a strong pressure.

“Your bloodline is so amazing!”

The eight-armed Pluto squinted his eyes, and his heart was shocked. Yang Xuan’s bloodline was overwhelming, Batian Danger Land, and the bloodline was powerful. Like she, she also faintly felt a little pressure.

“Who is this child?!”

“This is definitely a descendant of an Ancient Family, with an amazing origin!”

This moment, including The seven half-step Immortal Emperors of the three families and four factions, everyone was shocked by the bloodline coercion revealed by Yang Xuan. No wonder Yang Xuan was able to use fleshly body strength to forcefully kill an adult red refinement. bird.

An Immortal Monarch is not terrifying, but terrifying is that this Immortal Monarch is still carrying the strong bloodline. This kind of person is born with outstanding people, and leapfrogging is just as commonplace.

“haha, okay, you really deserve to be a follower of this king.”

The eight-armed Pluto came back to his senses, and couldn’t help laughing up to the sky, no matter what Yang Xuan has This kind of bloodline, once refining his Life Source Blood Essence, will all become a clan, and even life and death will be controlled by him.

In this drop of his Life Source Blood Essence, there is a Divine Consciousness of him. With a slight thought, that Divine Consciousness can be submerged in Yang Xuan’s Primordial Spirit, instead of forcing it Sign the master-slave contract.

“Sorry, I let you down. From start to finish, I never thought of being your follower.”

Yang Xuan also laughed, his voice full It is the color of drama.

When everyone heard what he said, they were all dumbfounded and sucked in cold air. They didn’t know which one he was going to act in. Could it be that he was fighting with the Eight-Armed Pluto until now?

“It’s crazy, this child is crazy!”

Someone couldn’t help crying in a low voice, teasing a king of the underworld, that would undoubtedly be courting death, and it will survive. That’s strange.

“What did you say?!”

The eight-armed Pluto was stunned, and then furious, fiercely fiercely: “An ant-like thing, you can’t resist this king. Just let you see the unique magic spell of my Eight-armed Hades.”

The words are still there, and Yang Xuan feels a terrifying Strength of Divine Consciousness, which suddenly merges into his Sea of Consciousness, turned into a huge, hideous demon illusory shadow.

“hmph, the ant must have the consciousness of being an ant. You are destined to become the servant of the king and be driven by the king forever.”

The eight-armed Pluto is coldly snorted, A gesture of deciding Yang Xuan.

“Are you happy too early, I really think I am a soft persimmon, I will let you knead it?”

Yang Xuan said nothing, the formation diagram Unfolding, suppressed the demon illusory shadow immobile, roaring again and again.

“Impossible, what is this thing, can imprison this king Divine Consciousness curse shadow.”

The eight-armed Pluto screamed loudly, his Pluto spell you can’t guard Against it, that is, to cast a half-step Immortal Emperor, the opponent may not be able to stop it, but now, his Divine Consciousness curse is trapped by a strange soul formation diagram.

The soul formation diagram is obviously composed of countless soul silks, which seems to be able to crush everything.

“Without a little ability, how dare I refining your Life Source Blood Essence, you really think I didn’t know you left a hand in this drop of Life Source Blood Essence!”

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