Yang Xuan ruthless’s taunted: “What kind of shit Pluto is so stupid.”

“Little beast, you dare to plot against this king, you can’t keep this king today! “

The eight-armed Pluto has a distorted face, and his eyes are terrifying. The dignified king of the eight-armed Pluto was secretly placed by an immortal dao junior. This is a great shame. The eight-armed Pluto thinks Cannibalism is gone.

However, before he had time to attack, Yang Xuan directly used the formation diagram to fiercely obliterate the Divine Consciousness curse.


The eight-armed Pluto was shocked, vomiting blood, and on the verge of collapse, the Divine Consciousness curse was destroyed, along with his Primordial Spirit, Also suffered a very heavy backlash.


Everyone turned pale with fright, their hearts were awe-inspiring, but they felt very unreal.

Everyone can see the power of the Eight-Armed Pluto, but the other party is now injured, and the initiator is only a young Immortal Monarch. This is incredible.

Chapter 1602 Escaping from the Sky

“It’s really hurt, it looks like it’s not lightly hurt!”

“How this child did it, this It’s impossible!”

At this moment, the half-step Immortal Emperors of the three schools and four schools were shocked. They originally thought that they might be hard to avoid calamity today. Who wants the situation to suddenly turn around? Pluto was suddenly hit hard.

They are as powerful as them, and they can’t guarantee that they can hurt the eight-armed Pluto even if they go all out. But now they have been done by a young man who didn’t know where he came from. In addition to being unbelievable, they Mixed with a bit of shame.

However, the eight-armed Pluto was injured. This is a good thing after all and it is worthy of joy.

“Damn it, you actually hurt me, I can’t spare you today.”

The eight-armed Pluto roar towards the sky, hate Yang Xuan deeply, and burst out all over his body There was a terrifying hostility.

He was suppressed in the mountains for endless years. He didn’t expect that he was given a handful of shame when he broke the seal today. What makes him most unacceptable is that the other party is not Immortal King Immortal. Emperor, but just a small Immortal Monarch.

“The anger hurts the body, you still have to relax.”

Yang Xuan sneered, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“A little backlash, I can’t help but I.”

The blood light in the eyes of the eight-armed Pluto, gnashing teeth said authentically: “This time I miscalculated, but Next, you won’t have such good luck.”

“Listen to your tone, are you not going to take me as a servant?”

Yang Xuan grinned , Faint smile.

“You die thousands of times are not enough, and you still want to be Lao Tzu’s servant, really I will keep you from this evil?”

The eight-armed Pluto is extremely angry and laughs , Yang Xuan’s cunning, he has seen it a long time ago, and he will never leave this kind of person to his side, always on guard.

“You think you can kill me, you’d better survive first!”

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, shouting at the seven and a half Immortal Emperor not far away Yelled: “Junior is very weak, so I can only help here.”

“Little friendliness, admirable, if I can get rid of this demon today, you will be my heaven. The benefactor of the fairyland.”

Guo Family half-step Immortal Emperor hugs cup one fist in the other hand, looking at the surrounding half-step Immortal Emperor of various families and sects, and said: “The devil’s body Seriously wounded, fellow Fellow Daoist will wait until when we don’t take action at this time. Let’s kill him together. We must not give him the slightest chance to breathe, otherwise everyone will have no hope of life.”

“Go together , Kill!”


Take advantage of his illness to kill him, the enemy, Lu Family, Burning Sky Sect, Great Heaven, Meteorite Pavilion, Heavenly Sword Building half Step Immortal Emperor, almost without any hesitation, immediately kill the eight-armed Pluto with Guo Family Immortal Emperor.

The clansman was punishable by others, not to mention that the clansman facing today is still a king of the clansman. If they don’t gather their power to kill him, they will only die.

Not only now, but also the entire Celestial Celestial Realm, but also forever plunged into darkness and killing.

hong long long! ! !

In an instant, the sky trembled. In order to kill the eight-armed Pluto, the seven half-step Immortal Emperors all used the strongest killer moves.

“The king is injured, and he is definitely not waiting for the enemy, let me roll all the way!”

The eight-armed Pluto roared, his voice was like thunder Generally, it spreads all over the Celestial Celestial Realm, deafening, making many cultivators far away tremble.

Many mortal human cultivators couldn’t bear it at all. On the spot, they were bleeding from their seven orifices and died suddenly, causing a huge chaos.

“The devil is going to be rampant!”

Guo Family half-step Immortal Emperor furiously shouted, directly took out the Life Source Immortal Cauldron of Dual Cultivation, Yiding fiercely suppressed the Eight Arms Pluto was swept back by a giant arm of the eight-armed Pluto.

On the Life Source Immortal Cauldron, ka-cha cracked a hole and its power was greatly reduced.

“pu! ”

Guo Family half-step Immortal Emperor vomits blood, even when flying back, the face is hard to hide the terrified look, absolutely can’t believe this is true, eight-armed Pluto Obviously the injury was not light, Primordial Spirit was weak, and his battle strength was so strong.

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