It can be said that unless the Immortal Emperor takes the shot, no one is its opponent. The opponent’s fleshy body is too powerful, and it can kill almost any Immortal King with one hand.

At the same time, with a series of muffled noises, the remaining six and a half steps of the Immortal Emperor’s attacks were also intercepted by the eight giant arms of the eight-armed Pluto, one after another, and even the people were caught by a huge force. Zhenfei went out, blood-stained the sky one after another, and suffered serious internal injuries.

“How can it be so terrifying!”

At this moment, everyone is retreating quickly, but everyone is paying attention to this battle, and for a while, he was also caught by the eight-armed Pluto. The strength of the man was deeply shocked.

The eight-armed Pluto is too strong. If a giant arm falls down, it can easily crush them to death. It is invincible.

“This guy, it really isn’t that easy to deal with!”

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, and he didn’t feel scared about it. He killed the Eight-Armed Pluto The hole card, but if you want to kill this person, you still need to find a way to lead him away from this place.

The existence of Pangu Axe must not be easily shown to others, otherwise it will be troublesome in the future.

Just as Yang Xuan was meditating, the eight-armed Pluto’s bloodthirsty eyes directly locked on him, “Zhuzi, it’s your turn, I want you to taste not have the will to live and be The taste of unable to ask for death!”

After that, the huge body moved, like Demon God dropping from the sky, directly culled down, without paying attention to Guo Family half-step Immortal Emperor and the others.

These people have been seriously injured, and they will die sooner or later. The only person the Eight-Armed Pluto wants to kill at this moment is Yang Xuan.

It’s this child who made him suffer a big loss inadvertently. If he doesn’t take it down, fiercely tortured to death, it’s hard to get rid of his disgust.

“You think you can kill me, you have to catch up with me first.”

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, directly spread out the wings of Kunpeng, like a young Kunpeng, out of the sky Go, incredibly fast.

“Where to go?”

The eight-armed Pluto was furious, and the eight giant arms soared, rising up into the sky like eight Optimus pillars, and quickly grabbed Yang Xuan.

“I really want to go, you just can’t leave me behind.”

Yang Xuan secretly displays the big Void Technique without turning his head back, so with Kunpeng wings, Suddenly the speed skyrocketed several times more than that, and in an instant he escaped dangerously and dangerously from the eight giant arms of the Eight-Armed Pluto. In one escape, it was ten thousand li and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Everyone was stunned, Yang Xuan wants to walk to walk, without stopping for a moment, the speed is so fast, even the eight-armed Pluto Such a powerhouse of the Underworld, immediately failed to keep him, which is really shocking.

“Ah, let me kill, don’t keep one!”

The eight-armed Pluto’s eye socket cracked, the whole person is almost mad, leaving a command, the group of beasts outside the mountain Suddenly, there was another riot, and the cultivator was mercilessly slaughtered.

As for the eight-armed Pluto, he rushed up and chased Yang Xuan all the way, irreconcilable.

Chapter 1603 Strike to Death with One Axe

“roar roar roar! !!!”

The group of beasts roared, rushing like a flood, crazy and bloodthirsty.

In a short moment, the cultivator fell one after another on the ground beyond the mountain, and the corpses fell one after another in a pool of blood, like an Asura field, horrible to see.

At this moment, even the Immortal King, Immortal King, facing this horrible beast tide, he only felt his scalp numb.

A lot of ants kill elephants, not to mention there are more than a dozen big monsters in it, all of which are comparable to the strength of the upper Immortal King, and they are fierce and unafraid of death, only killing Instinct is even more frightening.


“Don’t run away. Let’s kill them together. If you don’t kill them today, not only will we all have to die, but the relatives behind us will also have to die. The belly of the beast.”

“Fight with this group of beasts.”

At this moment, the whole world shouted to kill the sky, whether it was people from three families or four factions or other forces. The cultivator, or some Loose Cultivator, all fought in the blood, and gradually became red eyes.

Looking up, there are countless animal shadows in the sky and the earth.

They are completely surrounded, there is no way to retreat, they can only fight to the death.

At this time, no one paid any attention to Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan had already escaped from the sky and was gone, but under the pursuit of the eight-armed Pluto, it might be difficult to survive in the end.


“Little beast, you can’t escape, so I will save my life quickly!”

Outer starry sky, eight-armed Pluto The eyes are blood red, the hostile spirit is overwhelming, the huge body, the speed of the shatter void, the whole person is like a peerless monster, wherever he passes, many huge meteorites, or small stars are directly hit by it, and the momentum is shocking. People are incomparable.

“you think you can kill me, you’d better catch up with me first, but after all, we don’t have any deep hatred, why are you chasing me so hard, can’t you give me a way to survive? ??”

Yang Xuan flees, specializing in no-man’s land, but if so, there are still some stars of life who have suffered unconscious disasters.

The Eight-armed Pluto is too domineering, and it runs rampant all the way, even if it just cuts in from some stars, it will cause near-destructive damage to the creatures on that star.

“Shut up, I am bound to kill you today!”

The eight-armed Pluto yelled with anger. If it hadn’t been backlashed by the Pluto curse, causing the Primordial Spirit to become weak, he would have been weak for half a day at most Can return to Peak state, but now, it takes a lot of time to heal.

Yang Xuan said nothing, the wings of Kunpeng are as long as several ten zhangs, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, faster than lightning. As time goes by, the speed does not weaken at all, but faster and faster.

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