“Congratulations to Master for winning the Life Source Danding !”

Luo Hai loudly said, his face couldn’t hide his excitement.

It’s just that when he looks at Yang Xuan on the side, something is not a taste in his heart. It’s ridiculous that he still looked down on Yang Xuan very much before. Whoever thinks that someone is a daoist who doesn’t show his face, just show his hand and help Yu Xuzi Successfully refined the Fire Dragon Ding.

“hehe, Senior got this treasure tripod, and the emperor is just around the corner.”

Yang Xuan laughed and congratulated Yu Xuzi. Daomen cultivator is good at pile concocting and often uses medicine. Pill comes to increasing cultivation base, and Yu Xuzi leans on this one Fire Dragon tripod, and it will be sooner or later that he enters the emperor realm.

“Everything is the credit of the little friend. This is a bit of old-fashioned intentions. Please don’t refuse the little friend.”

Yu Xuzi cupped the hands gratefully, and then turned the hands. Take out a jade bottle and hand it to Yang Xuan with a smile.

“This is…”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively.

There are only a few medicine pill in this jade bottle, but the size of the bean, but the whole body of jade green is bright, like a jade stone, it is eye-catching, and I don’t know the specific effect.

“This is the Taiqing Pill, and it has the effect of calming the spirit. When the little friend is over the lost bridge, he can swallow these few Taiqing Pills, which should help you.”

Yu Xuzi said with a smile, with Yang Xuan’s talent, it probably won’t take long to reach Immortal Monarch Realm Peak, and from Immortal Monarch Realm to the fairyland, you must first experience the calamity of being lost.

This kind of Taiqing Pill is also refined by their Dao Sect to deal with the calamity of loss. The effect is excellent, precious, but extremely scarce.

“Taiqing Dan!”

Luo Hai took two deep breaths. Once the formation eye was hot, he is now at Immortal Monarch Realm Peak. If he could get one or two Taiqing Dan, then He is at least 70% confident that he will successfully advance to the fairyland.

“Don’t be greedy, I have prepared a few Taiqing pills for you in private, but you don’t need it for the time being.”

Yu Xuzi snorted, cultivation base. The promotion depends on the individual. No matter how good a foreign object is, it can only play a supporting role. Luo Hai needs to hone his Dao Xin to successfully step into the fairyland.

If Dao’s heart is not firm enough, even if you swallow more Taiqing Dan, don’t use it, it’s just a waste of medicine pill that’s all.

“Junior was just ready to break through the cultivation base in the endless fire field, so it was disrespectful.”

Yang Xuan was not hypocritical, and very happy to accept this bottle of Yu Xuzi Qing Dan, this bottle of Tai Qing Dan is indeed useful to him, and there is no reason to refuse.

“I wonder if the little friend is willing to become a Refiner Master?”

Yu Xuzi puts the Fire Dragon away and asked, Yang Xuan is not arrogant or impetuous, the temperament is calm and capable Controlling Supreme Yang Divine Fire, almost has all the conditions to become a Refiner Master.

This is that Yang Xuan has already been a teacher of expert, otherwise Yu Xuzi will have the heart to accept another apprentice.

“Refiner Master?”

Yang Xuan was stunned, took out Purgatory Sword, and asked: “If Junior becomes a Refiner Master, can this sword be refurbished? Let’s not hide it from Senior, this sword can be regarded as Junior’s Life-Source Magical Treasure. However, the grade is slightly lower. Until now, I want to remake it into an Immortal Treasure-level fairy sword.”

“this sword is out of the ordinary. If the old way is right, its main material should be Primal Chaos Stone. Unfortunately, the person who refines this sword is not proficient in Dao of Refining, otherwise the sword is 10% , You can be promoted to a low grade Immortal Treasure.”

Yu Xuzi squinted his eyes and said like this.

“Senior has a good eye. This sword is indeed made of Primal Chaos Stone. Junior originally planned to add some Primal Chaos Stone to it to advance it, but now it seems that it is hard to get it. As you wish.”

Yang Xuan lightly sighed.

“Naturally, it’s impossible to rely on Primal Chaos Stone alone. Even if you add more Primal Chaos Stone, if you don’t have any other divine gold spirits, and then polish it with a special refining technique, this sword will stand up. Tian is a low grade Immortal Treasure.”

Yu Xuzi couldn’t help laughing when he said this.

“Meeting is fate, not to mention the little friends who have helped the old way, that’s all, the old way will give you a secret art, with this secret art, you will find divine gold in the future Spirituality, it may not be impossible to advance it to a Chaos Divine Weapon.”

Immortal Treasure that can become Chaos Divine Weapon, the main material is Primal Chaos Stone, to be exact, it should be chaos divine gold. Yes, such as the legendary Hongmeng sword, Pangu Axe, etc., all of them are like this.

“Take it, the old way is very optimistic about you, my little friend, with this Eight Treasure Refining Technique, my little friend, you may be able to surpass the old way in the future and become a great grandmaster. Uncertain.”

Yu Xuzi took out a jade slip and stuffed it into Yang Xuan’s hands without the slightest hesitation.

What is recorded in the jade slip is the Eight Treasure Refining Art. This refining secret art is also left by their ancestors of the Yuxuan Cult. If it weren’t for Yang Xuan’s pleasing eye, I would like to have a good relationship with it. , Yu Xuzi will not give it to him anyway.

“Master, how did this make it? This Eight Treasure Refining Technique is…”

Luo Hai was anxious, but before he could finish speaking, Yu Xuzi hits Judging: “Talk about it, if you can settle down earlier, you will have taught you the Eight Treasure Refining Technique for your teacher.”

“This thing is too precious, Junior is really ashamed of it, but also I hope Senior can take it back.”

Yang Xuan said solemnly.

“There is no reason to take back the things that the old way sends out. If the little friend refuses to accept it, he will look down on me Yu Xuzi.”

Yu Xuzi has said this. For good reason, Yang Xuan had to accept the jade slip with a wry smile and said: “Thanks Senior, if you can get Junior in the future, Senior will only give orders. As long as it is something Junior can do, Junior will not refuse. “

Chapter 1616 9th floor Fire Field

PS: I have been too busy these days, and I’m almost tired. The update is a bit late, sorry! ! !

“haha, if you have a little friend, that’s enough.”

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