Yu Xuzi laughed and looked very happy.

If you change to another young man and make heavy promises to him, he will simply not take seriously.

But Yang Xuan is different. This child is definitely the Heaven Warping Genius from eternity. Dao heart is indestructible, with strong physique, Innate Aptitude is so good that people have nothing to say.

Although the cultivation time is still shallow, the cultivation base can’t be considered how high, but as long as it doesn’t die halfway, the future can be expected.

“Junior just said casually. At that time, I hope Senior will not embarrass the kid too much.”

Yang Xuan smiled, half-jokingly.

“Listening to what you said, the old way is really thinking about it, how you say you owe the old way a favor, but you can’t let you pay it back easily.”

Yu Xuzi raised his thick eyebrows, which is also playful.

Yang Xuan is speechless, and knows Yu Xuzi a little bit. This old way seems to have a high cultivation base, but he is not pedantic, but it is really worth making friends with.

Yu Xuzi couldn’t help but sigh when Yang Xuan didn’t speak.

“If you can teach a young friend like Heaven’s Chosen, Lingshi must be an expert in expert. If you see Lingshi in the future, please greet the old way and say that I am a Taoist ancestor. I am looking forward to his Senior’s visit at any time.”

Yang Xuan’s mind is slightly moved, but his face is calm, cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile: “No problem, if you see home Teacher, Junior will definitely bring Senior’s words to you.”

“Master, this… who is the teacher of Yang Xiaoyou?!”

On the side, Luo Hai couldn’t speak for a long time until At this moment, he considered the words, and asked in a low voice transmission.

He is really curious about the origin of Yang Xuan. After all, in order to befriend Yang Xuan, his Master Yu Xuzi did not hesitate to give the Eight Treasure Refining Techniques to each other. From here, you can also see the out of Yang Xuan. the ordinary.

“You don’t need to know, just remember that this child can only be a friend, not an enemy.”

Yu Xuzi gave Luo Hai a stare, then looked up Xiang Yang Xuan, with a solemn expression on his face: “The endless flames, there will be mutations in a few days. It is definitely not a place to stay for a long time. It is better to leave as soon as possible for the young friends to cultivation here for a period of time, otherwise there will be danger.”

The endless fire field, since ancient times, is a forbidden place. In addition to the prohibitive Supreme Yang Divine Fire, there are also too many powerful fire beasts. If something happens in the depths of the fire field, It is very likely to trigger a large-scale terrifying wave.

Yang Xuan nodded said yes, and asked casually: “Senior is going to leave?”

Yu Xuzi sighed, “Hey, it’s time to go back after going out for a long time. In other words, it is also the ancestor of Yuxu Sect. Before the chaos of heaven and earth, he naturally had to sit in sect protecting to deal with the coming catastrophe.”

“In this case, Junior will not be far away. “Farewell.”

“Farewell, if you come to the Taoist ancestors in the future, you can come to my Yuxu teaches you, and the old Tao will do the landlord’s hospitality.”

” Hehe, Senior, take care, Junior, after a while, is really ready to take a trip to Daomenzudi.”

After a short conversation, Yu Xuzi quickly took Luo Hai and set off.

Yang Xuan watched the two go away, his eyes flickered. With Yu Xuzi’s cultivation base, he felt vaguely that there would be a catastrophe in the fairyland, and this catastrophe is really hard to avoid. Up.

As for when the catastrophe will come, it is hard to say, everything depends on the gate of eternal life, how long can still suppress the dark place.

Once the gate of eternal life is loosened, the army of the underworld in the dark land is bound to commit a large-scale crime through the passage of the ruins, causing a great turmoil in the fairyland.

“I hope this day will not come too soon.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, but didn’t think about it anymore. This matter is beyond his control, he can do it It just keeps getting stronger before the catastrophe, and only true powerhouse can gain a foothold in troubled times.

While thinking, he picked up the jade slip in his hand and attached it to the center of his eyebrows to see it in secret. He couldn’t help but eyes shined, and exclaimed: “Is the Eight Treasure Refining Technique? It is really wide-ranging and profound !”

He thought that the Eight Treasure Refining Art was a simple refining technique. Who would want this secret art all-inclusive? It almost included the selection of materials.

, Forging, fire control and so on.

For example, in the selection of materials, there is a treasure hunting technique in the Eight Treasure Refining Art, which can be used to distinguish the authenticity of various immortal gold spirits, such as forging, and there are various corresponding forgings. According to the different types of magic weapons refined, the forging techniques are also different.

“This Old Daoist Priest is a smart man. He obviously has some guesses about your identity, so he is willing to try his best to befriend you.”

Pangu Axe Lingdrowsily said, The only person in this world who can truly control the Supreme Yang Divine Fire is Lin Feng, the descendant of the Flame Emperor. With Yu Xuzi’s shrewdness, how could he fail to guess this?

Yang Xuan is not surprised by this, let alone what is wrong with Yu Xuzi acting in this way, said with a smile: “People respect me 30%, and I will pay back my life. Since I have inherited The other party’s love should be given a gift in the future.”

After that, I didn’t stay here too much, and I started the big Void Technique directly and flew to the lower layers of fire.

It’s a top priority to find a god-refining cauldron, not to mention that some people have entered the lower fire areas a few days ago. If the other party finds the god-refining cauldron first, he will not be able to grab it. Not only can I miss the refining cauldron.

Going down all the way, I can’t see any cultivator again, and the Supreme Yang Divine Fire between Heaven and Earth has become more and more violent.

Yang Xuan wears a Sun God body, and his fleshy body is strong enough, and he is not afraid of it, but because of the large number of fire beasts he encountered along the way, he had to take a detour.

These fire beasts can cultivation in the depths of the endless flames, so they are not easy to deal with, and they are as powerful as he is unwilling to provoke them.

Fortunately, he has the ability to devour Heavenly Dao and can isolate the fluctuation of his breath. Unless he deliberately approaches, it will be difficult to be detected by many fire beasts.

Time passed slowly on the road. About two hours later, he finally passed through the 7th floor and 8th floor fire fields, and came to the bottom 9th floor fire field.

Here, Supreme Yang Divine Fire is everywhere. When an ordinary cultivator comes here, it will be incinerated to fly ash instantly.

Yang Xuan didn’t feel the slightest discomfort, but felt very comfortable.

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