Kumakong was so angry that he vomited blood, but he obviously had a retreat.

He was really frightened by Yang Xuan’s tyranny and ruthlessness. Heaven knows how powerful this kid Fleshy body is. Once he gets close, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After all, just now, he received a punch from Yang Xuan and suffered a serious internal injury, and that punch might not be Yang Xuan’s full strength.

“You can try and see if you can escape from my hands?”

Yang Xuan sneered, stepping down the air step by step, moving towards Kumakong approaching.

He stepped out each step, and the void was rumbling, and ripples appeared, as if he could not bear the strength of his feet, it could collapse and overturn at any time.

“Zhuzi, you really want to kill the old man, can’t you?!”

Kumomakong retreated unconsciously and felt awe-inspiring. He thought he could easily be able to rely on his own cultivation base After taking down Yang Xuan, he was seriously injured in an instant without thinking and was forced to a desperate situation by the opponent.

“Aren’t you nonsense?”

Yang Xuan shook the head, since he has become an enemy, he must be killed. This is also his usual style of behavior.


Kuma Kong’s chest rises and falls, his face is very ugly, thinking about how to escape this tribulation, and fight to the death with Yang Xuan, he doesn’t have the courage I don’t think I can deal with Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan had to be so easy to deal with, he had already succeeded earlier.

“It’s okay to tell you the truth, Immortal King. I have killed a lot of them before. I can only say that you are very unlucky and provoke me.”

Yang Xuan walked. Tao, although the voice was not loud, it was clearly heard by the crowd, and no one was shocked for a while.

If the person who said this is an ordinary Immortal Monarch, they will only snort disdainfully and regard him as an arrogant person, but Yang Xuan’s tyrannical force is in front of them, I am afraid that he has really killed the Immortal King before. , And more than one.

Immortal Monarch kills the Immortal King. It is rare since ancient times. A fierce man like Yang Xuan was born in the age of the ancients when Heaven’s Chosen was born, and it was definitely a monster. Better than the Five Emperors when they were young.

“Let’s do it, it’s an old Immortal King anyway, don’t you really want to flee without a fight, right?”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly and started the big Void Technique directly, like ghost-like Came in front of Ku Makong.

“So fast!”

Kumakong eyes shrank, knowing that escape is useless.

On the cultivation base, he is far higher than Yang Xuan. Regarding speed, Yang Xuan is by no means under him. Even if he flees with all his strength, he is afraid that he will soon be overtaken by the opponent.

“It’s not a good thing to be distracted in battle!”

Along with sneer laughter, Yang Xuan swings his right arm sideways, a fist violently breaking through the air The sound, brazenly blasted towards Ku Makong.

At this moment, he still didn’t use force, not at all, but this sharp punch was shocking, and he had one’s hair stand on end.


Kumakong complexion ashen, yelling up to the sky, he does not hesitate to burn blood essence, deplete lifespan, and raise his mana to a level comparable to Peak Immortal King.

At the same time, he waved his palm and shot it out, shaking with Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan is coming so aggressively, he has no choice but to fight hard.

“It’s impossible to match me by increasing mana. I have to say, you are really too weak.”

Yang Xuan doesn’t dodge or dodges, his fist and Kumokong The palms of his hands collided without fancy, and there was a loud noise.


Kumakong coughed up blood, almost in an instant, he was hit hard again, flew out like a scarecrow, and fell to the ground again in embarrassment .

“haha, let’s fight again!”

Yang Xuan laughed, chased after him, and killed him again.

He attacked with two fists, only offensive but not defensive. He was full of fighting intents, like a War God, making everyone tremble.

“You damn it!”

Kumakong’s eye socket cracked, all kinds of unparalleled knowledge came out, but it was still invincible, and was hit by Yang Xuan’s two fists. My feet kept retreating, completely at a disadvantage, and even my robe was dyed red with blood, horrible to see.

“This battle should be over!”

After only a dozen moves, Yang Xuan lost interest, coldly said.

“The old man can’t kill you, but also make you regret for life, hahaha…”

Kumakong roar, his body swells sharply, and he is fighting for Self-destruction. Yang Xuan perish together.


Yang Xuan remained unmoved. He punched first and hit Kumakong’s body. Kumakong could not dodge, and the fleshy body and Primordial Spirit were Qi Qi broke into pieces.

In this situation, everyone was shocked. The ancestor of Blue Cloud Sect, Kumakong, died in the end. He didn’t hold on for too long under Yang Xuan’s hands, and he was completely destroyed. air.

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