Chapter 1629 Eastbound

“What about the upper Immortal King, it’s just a stepping stone that makes me stronger.”

Yang Xuan Tatian Li Li, his clothes not stained with blood, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, his body was fighting intent, and he rose to the top. In the sky, he became a circle of red Dao Mark, exuding a palpable atmosphere.

The red Dao Mark is condensed by fighting intent. It can also be called Battle Mark. If you count them down, there are almost a hundred in total.

“Hundred Path Battle Mark, also hiking has played the formidable power of the War God technique, it seems that I still have a long way to go.”

Yang Xuan whispered, he has Successfully completed the first stage of the cultivation of the War God Technique and successfully cultivated the legendary War God Body. Next, you need to continue to fight with people and hone your fighting will until you condense a million Battle Marks. Eliminate fighting intent, War God can only be Great Accomplishment.

In ancient times there is Pangu, able to support both heaven and earth, fighting intent is immortal, the heart of fighting is immortal, so he is a god, taking the world under the common people as his own responsibility, even if the Tao is destroyed and perished, he is also regarded as the future generation People admire and respect.

“I am not Pangu, and I do not want to be worshipped by the world, but I have to prove that I live forever, my parents, wives and children, relatives and friends, stay by my side all my life, nothing more.”

Yang Xuan The pupil light flickers, he bears the blood of Demon Sovereign, and he is the real Supreme True Demon. As a demon, he naturally has a selfish side. It is difficult to fight for the rescue of the common people like the Great God Pangu. Shake the sun and the moon.

For him, the lives and deaths of others have nothing to do with him, but in the face of the coming catastrophe, he still wants to do a little bit, but when it comes to nothing, he Will only choose to be worldly-wise and play safe.

“Husband, are you okay?”

At this moment, Wu Lingyan flew forward and asked with concern.

The ancestor of Blue Cloud Sect, Kuma Kong, is also a high-ranking Immortal King with many years of cultivation. Although Yang Xuan has the upper hand in the first battle, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be injured. After all, Yang Xuan from start to Finish, did not use magic to resist.

“Your Husband, what can you do if you kill the Immortal King like a pig butcher?”

Yang Xuan smiled, scattered the Battle Mark above his head and moved slightly He took action and said: “I am now, good can not be better, don’t worry about it.”

Only with his fleshy body strength, even if he takes a hard blow to Kuma, Kuma It is also difficult for Sora to cause much damage to him, not to mention his healing holy technique, even if he is really injured, he can recover in no time.

“You can be proud of it, next time you are not allowed to do anything wrong, you are still fighting with others in Transcending Tribulation right away, and you don’t even use your force. If this is not good to lead to gains and losses, what if it comes early? “

Wu Lingyan raised her mouth, snorted lightly, and said sound transmission.

Throughout the entire fairyland, there is no immortal dao cultivator who only relies on fleshy body to fight people. If it weren’t for Yang Xuan’s anger, Wu Lingyan would like to scold him fiercely.

“Don’t worry, I can still suppress this little misfortune.”

Yang Xuan smiled and touched Wu Lingyan’s with his hand. On his forehead, he did not care about the gazes of others. Now that Long Xuan, Ku Makong and the others are dead, who would dare to point fingers to him with unpredictability?

“How likely is Husband to succeed in Transcending Tribulation?”

Wu Lingyan asked, how many Immortal Monarchs have been in ancient times, and it’s hard to make any progress in Immortal Monarch Realm all his life. The catastrophe is a little careless, and there is more danger of turning away.

“As long as no one is disturbed, I will be able to successfully Transcending Tribulation, nothing will happen.”

hearing this, Wu Lingyan let out a sigh of relief, and finally stopped So worried.

She thought for a while and said again: “This place shouldn’t stay long. Let’s go first. How can Husband kill a prince of the Heavenly Dragon Dynasty. Once the news spreads, the Heavenly Dragon Dynasty will not give up. “

In the southern border of the fairyland, the Tianlong Dynasty has the longest inheritance. Powerhouse as clouds, is a real huge monster, which is definitely not easy to deal with.

It is true that Yang Xuan can skip grades to kill Immortal King, but no matter how strong he is, there is only one person. There is a way of fighting against four hands. Once the Dragon Dynasty comes with Thunder’s Fury, There is only one Immortal King that is absolutely impossible.

The most terrifying thing is that the Tianlong Dynasty also has a person called Wuji Emperor Long Wuji. If the opponent comes out of Guixu, he must avenge his son. If Yang Xuan does not get away as soon as possible, he will undoubtedly change. It’s very dangerous.

Immortal Emperor is different from Immortal King, not to mention that Long Wuji is rumored to have a cultivation base of the impeccable emperor realm, which is definitely not what Yang Xuan can handle today.

“Well, let’s go.”

Yang Xuan nodded, he doesn’t want to stay here for a long time, which will cause trouble.

Some trouble, although he is not afraid, but the catastrophe is approaching, the increasing cultivation base is very important, and it must be avoided as much as possible.

While thinking, he swept away the restless crowd in the distance, lightly opened the mouth and said: “Whether I get the treasure from the depths of the endless flames or not, I can’t see it. Coveted, I think you didn’t do anything to me. I will spare your life today. Please do it for yourself.”

He has a moral bottom line of his own life, and he doesn’t want to kill more, although this will It caused him trouble in the future, but he was not afraid.

After all, he cultivated the War God technique, he has to go through various challenges. Without the courageous heart of a press forward, if he can’t grow up on the many powerhouse corpses, the War God technique will come. Never practice to Great Accomplishment.

“Many thanks for not killing my little friend.”

Someone hurriedly bowed and thanked them. Although the others did not speak, they were relieved and secretly relaxed.

Among them, the highest cultivation base is Peak, I am really afraid that Yang Xuan will kill them and kill them all.

In Xianyu, destroy the corpse and evidence. It is too common to kill people. Yang Xuan really wanted to kill them. He deliberately left them all, and they will be buried here. One person is spared.

It’s as strong as Kumakong, but Yang Xuan killed them with bare hands. Who of them can contend with? I am afraid that even if the opponent can’t take a blow, he will die.


Flying all the way out of the endless flames, Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan turned to the east without staying for a while. After a few days, the two left the fairyland In the south, I came to the east of Xianyu, a vast mountain deep.

The east boundary of the fairyland is composed of more than a dozen immortal dao great worlds and countless immortal dao small worlds. Apart from the eight hundred gates in the fairyland of Yuanshi, there are still several An ancient Sect Aristocratic Family dynasty.

These immortal dao forces have been fighting for so many years, but they have all been restrained, and they are still to live together in harmony, otherwise the entire East of the Immortal Territory would have fallen into turmoil long ago.

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