The horror of the so-called Lost Tribulation lies in the word “lost”. Standing on the bridge of God, his five senses and spiritual sense have been completely deprived, and he can only see multi- The colored fog, this fog is completely different from the fog outside the bridge.

In an instant, he suddenly returned to his previous life, and suddenly came to the Yang Family where he lived as a child. In the past, all the things he experienced, one after another, appeared in his heart, if it weren’t for his powerful Divine Soul, I’m afraid he’s already sane. Confused, lost in it, it’s hard to get rid of it.

“Heart Bridge is difficult to cross, repent and be saved, go back…”

Amidst the darkness, more weird voices are heard, over and over again, making him think There are many illusions in the middle, and the thoughts are more chaotic. This is the lost calamity between Immortal Monarch and the fairy sage that must be overcome.

Only through this tribulation can we break through the illusion and enter the realm of the fairy sage.

“Go back? Where can I go back?”

Yang Xuan asked himself repeatedly. After a long time, a bright light flashed in his eyes and said: “If you have a bridge, you can How can I say repent and be saved? No matter whether the other end of the bridge is mountains of daggers and seas of flames or Nether purgatory, I have no fear.”

Although the five senses have lost their spiritual sense , But Yang Xuan still thinks in his heart. He is not affected by the illusion in his brain, and he will not lose his direction.

A true powerhouse does not lie in how high the cultivation base is, but how strong the heart is. Yang Xuan can figure this out and has the foundation to become a powerhouse.

“Crossing this bridge is the other side of the heart!”

At this moment, he is no longer confused, and walks on the bridge with both feet. This walk is a whole half a month. But he couldn’t reach the other shore, and he was hovering on the bridge.

“What’s going on?!”

Yang Xuan frowned. Although he was not fast, he walked half a month. How can I cross this bridge and lead to Is the other side?

Chapter 1631 The Gate of the Avenue

“Heart Bridge is difficult to cross, repent and be saved…”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan remembered that voice, The illusory sound seems to be far away in the sky, but it is derived from his deep in one’s heart, which is the origin of his heart.

There is a saying in Buddhism: all things in the world are in their own minds, if the heart is one piece Sea of ​​Bitterness, the world is Sea of ​​Bitterness, if the heart is a piece of pure land, it is cultivation everywhere.

For the Buddhist cultivator, crossing the heart bridge is also crossing the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and those who are not sincere or committed will never be able to escape from the Sea of ​​Bitterness. It is rare to be detached in a lifetime. The so-called “Sea of ​​Bitterness, repent and be saved”.

At the same time, the Buddhism also said: Those who want to cross oneself first, are Buddha, do not speak arrogantly, are not afraid, speak with their own hearts, do not do evil, do all good.

However, no matter whether it is a mortal or immortal dao cultivator, even if it has been cultivation for many years and the respected Buddhism, who can truly do this?

As for all people, there is always a fragile side in the soul.

In some special times, this negative emotion will be ignited and dominate in people’s hearts, and then gradually swallow your mind, making people become irritable, fearful, restless, anxious, and would rather shrink , Did not want to take a half step forward.

“What heart bridge is difficult to cross, repent and be saved, that’s just an excuse for my cowardice and timidity, that’s all.”

“Since it is a heart bridge, just I shouldn’t have done this. It turns out that I was wrong. It was a big mistake…”

The heart bridge needs heart to cross. Just relying on your feet, you will never sleep for a lifetime, and you will never be able to cross it. Bridge, successfully reached the other shore.

Thinking of this, if there is a mirror in Yang Xuan’s heart, he finally realizes that he neither backs away nor forwards, but simply finds a place on the bridge at will, sit cross-legged down , No longer wasting effort to cross the bridge.

The end of the bridge of God does not seem to be far away, but it is very far away. Only by truly calming down, Understanding Heart Seeing Nature, can the body and mind be transformed.

Cultivation is cultivating the mind. If the Taoist mind is not firm enough, you will get lost in it at light and cannot break free, and at the worst, your mind will be disordered and the Tao will become ashes.

This sitting for a long time, Yang Xuan opened his eyes and slowly got up after half a month.

“What is the other shore? It is not the place opposite the god bridge, but in my heart, under my feet, there is no need to deliberately search for it. Where my heart is, it is the other shore. I walk with my feet The way you cross is the Tao!”

The words fall, the divine bridge collapses, the mist clears, Yang Xuan Divine Soul returns to the body, and the five senses spiritual sense has also recovered, and it is better than the past, unprecedented in my heart A piece of Qingming.

At the same time, Immortal Qi, who is between Heaven and Earth, came together from all directions. He didn’t need to deliberately refining, but he blended into his body one after another, making him powerful. increase.

“It turns out that sanctification is just between my heart and my heart. It’s so simple.”

Yang Xuan feels that from Immortal Monarch Realm to fairyland, in the final analysis it is A process of self-realization and questioning, as long as you understand this, it will not be difficult to overcome the calamity of loss.

Of course, this is also his high perception. If he is replaced by another Immortal Monarch Realm cultivator, his life may not be broken.

“Has a breakthrough?!”

Wu Lingyan stood up and looked at her, her face full of joy.

Yang Xuan’s robe is flying, and his mana is surging like a tide. No matter how you look at it, it’s a cultivation base.

“Well, it’s a breakthrough, I’m a fairy now.”

Yang Xuan smiled nodded at Wu Lingyan not far away.

“Very good, I knew Husband, you can do it.”

While Wu Lingyan is happy, she can’t help but relax.

Yang Xuan’s Transcending Tribulation took a lot of time and was frowned from time to time during the Transcending Tribulation. If it weren’t for disturbing Yang Xuan, she couldn’t help but come over and wake him up.

“Husband, your cultivation base just broke through, so you should adjust your breath first.”

Wu Lingyan said again quickly.

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