“Sorry, you have been working so hard these days. After we have established our cultivation base for your husband, let’s find a place to talk and talk about our hearts.”

Yang Xuan has a face Apologetic.

“It’s okay, cultivation matters.”

Wu Lingyan hurriedly said.

If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in their turn?

Not to mention, she has formed a Dao Companion with Yang Xuan, and now she is so close to Yang Xuan, what is not enough.

Although she occasionally felt bored and lonely during the period of Yang Xuan Transcending Tribulation, but at the moment when she heard Yang Xuan’s words, her heart was suddenly filled with sweetness.

“If you have a wife like this, how can your husband ask for it!”

Yang Xuan secretly sighed, smiling and not talking, and then cultivated for two days, and only after the state has stabilized Looking at the sea of ​​mind inwardly, looking at a door in the depths of the sea that is out of thin air.

Just as the lost bridge collapsed, there was such a door in his heart that Yang Xuan didn’t have time to check until now.

This door is shining all over, because it is closed and not opened, it is extremely mysterious, which makes people want to find out.

“What on earth is this…?!”

Yang Xuan was shocked, saying that everyone has a door in their heart. If you can open the door of your heart, you can see The same scenery, but he has never heard of anyone who can see his heart after getting lost.

“Maybe I am a special case…”

In the end, Yang Xuan could only think so. He let go of his mind and tried to open the door, only to find This door is extremely heavy, motionless, and always closed.

paused, he recites the Taoism silently again, his heart is in harmony with the Tao, and he pushes the door again. This time the situation has changed immediately. With the sound of hong long long, the fan seems unbreakable. At last, a small crack was opened in the door, revealing a mysterious and vast aura.

this aura, seems to be able to cleanse the heart, Yang Xuan’s Dao Xin suddenly became stronger, just when he wanted to open the door in one fell swoop, the door closed suddenly, even if he Blessed by the power of Taoism in your heart, you can no longer shake it.

“This thing is so weird, if only the Pangu Axe spirit is still there.”

At this moment, Yang Xuan can’t help but think of the Pangu Axe spirit who has already left.

Pangu Axe head is experienced and knowledgeable, if you see this door, you will be able to lay bare the truth with one remark its profound mystery.

“The way is in the heart, and there is the way in the heart, so there is a door. This door is the door of the heart, and it is also the door to the avenue. Only the powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor has the opportunity to get I saw that when Young Master first entered the fairyland, he saw the door of the avenue.”

At this moment, Tong Elderly Tian’s voice sounded in vain, “General cultivator, Dao The heart is not perfect, so it is difficult to see the true nature of the heart, and it is difficult to understand the way of the heart, and Young Master, through the bridge of lost, clear comprehension of the heart, naturally can see the door in the heart.”

“That What is on the other side of this door?”

Yang Xuan asked curiously.

“What the Young Master wants it to be, it is what it is. In fact, the door of eternal life under the ruins is the heart door of the Lord of Destiny, and behind that door, it represents The Avenue of Eternal Life.”

Hearing what Elderly Tian said, Yang Xuan was shocked. No matter how rich his imagination was, he could not expect the legendary eternal gate to be the heart gate of the Lord of Destiny.

Chapter 1632 Clues

“If I want to have eternal life, then this door is the door of eternal life!”

Yang Xuan thinks, the fate Lord, what he cultivates is the way of eternal life, and the door of his heart becomes the door of eternal life, so people all want to find this door, open this door, and lead to the real place of eternal life.

Although I have a good idea, I don’t know the cultivation. There are no shortcuts to the road. Even if you use the gate of eternal life to go to the Paradise of Eternal Life, you will be afraid of immortality in the end. It is sad and ridiculous.

“Young Master’s words are right or wrong. After all, everyone’s way is different. It all depends on how Young Master makes decisions in the future.”

Through Elderly Tian lightly sighed, Said: “Eternal life means Inextinguishable Immortal. Although it is detached from the world and immortal, but what comes with it is loneliness, long loneliness isolated from the world.”

“Eternal life, immortal, unrivalled Throughout the world, the whole world is silent, and there is no one around me, and I am left alone. What is the point of this kind of immortality?”

“My cultivation, enlightenment, is not for personal immortality, but It is no longer lonely, no more pain, let me watch my parents, wives and children, relatives and friends, leave me one by one, it will be more uncomfortable than killing me.”

In an instant, Yang Xuan was relieved that his eternal life was different from the Lord of Fate, and he wouldn’t cut love for the Tao.

It is true that cutting off the worldly affections will make the heart more peaceful, which is more conducive to his enlightenment of longevity, but if he can’t even guard the people around him, then such eternal life, he simply doesn’t want it.

“Hey, Young Master enters the Tao from love. This is very difficult and valuable, but if you want to use this to prove Tao eternal life, it will undoubtedly be more difficult.”

Tong It is difficult to conceal anxiety in Elderly Tian’s voice.

“Knowing the difficulties, retreat is for the coward, knowing the difficulties and advancing, I will be a warrior, my heart is determined, even if the future cannot be eternal, the Tao will become empty, I will never hesitate and never regret “

Yang Xuan is sonorous, firm and powerful, “Relthless is to die, sentimental eternal life, yes, this is my way of eternal life.”

Want to understand this, he Binocular divine light deep and clear, the heart is no longer irritable, but unprecedented peace. This is the so-called mastery of thought, the unity of knowledge and action.

“Young Master has lofty ambitions, and the old man is here. I sincerely wish Young Master an early establishment of the Supreme Avenue of Eternal Life.”

Tong Elderly Tian said respectfully.

“The cultivation of the kid is still very young, and all aspects need Senior’s help.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

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