That is the hometown of the Great God Pangu, also known as the Pan Ancient Immortal domain. Although it was once prosperous, with the Great God Pangu’s destruction, the Pan Ancient Immortal domain collapsed and capsized. It completely ceases to exist.

“Everyone, Yuanshi Immortal Domain has arrived. This is the ancestral land of Daomen. All immortal ships can only stop here. If you want to go to Heavenly Void to watch the ceremony, you can fly along the road.”

“haha, are you here so soon? It is worthy of being the flying fairy battleship of the Great Xia Dynasty. The speed is truly the best in the world.”

“Yes, yes, although it’s a bit expensive, it’s worth it. Now!”

Great Xia Dynasty, as the Great Influence on the east side of the fairyland, the most famous is the Flying Fairy battleship. This battleship not only has extreme speed, but also has both offensive and defensive capabilities. If the battleship is fully fired, it is called Lianxian. Imperial Capital can kill, is a real war weapon.

Of course, all parts of the fairyland are now in a peaceful age, and there are very few wars. Therefore, the flying fairy battleship of the Great Xia Dynasty is mainly used to transport materials and carry passengers.

“Let’s go, let’s find a place to have something to eat. I heard that there is a Xianzhai building in this immortal city which is very famous. Let’s go there to try it.”

“Everything listens to the Husband.”

On the vast Star River, an ancient city was built in the air, ups and downs, but it has always stood tall. I don’t know how long it has existed. The various buildings in the city Things rise from the ground, row upon row, patchwork, antique, or splendorous and majestic……

On the long street that extends in all directions, people coming, people going, endless flow, prosperous like a city.

Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan, following the flow of people, walked down the Feixian battleship, and soon walked along a bluestone street to the center of the city.

This immortal city is not so much a city, but rather a huge Starry Square City.

Although it is located in the peripheral zone of the Primordial Immortal Domain, as all the immortal ships can only stay here, a large number of immortal dao cultivators from all directions have gradually gathered, and as the number of cultivators increases , It also made the entire immortal city become more and more prosperous.

In this ancient city, you can see cultivators who set up stalls everywhere, selling all kinds of magic weapons, Spirit Armor, and even directly selling immortal sources that you don’t know where they came from.

Many foreign cultivators stop and go, secretly choose, and they all want to find good treasures from them.

In the immortal city, there is never a shortage of treasure, it depends on whether you have a unique vision.

“It’s so lively!”

Wu Lingyan glanced around, obviously in a good mood, she entered the endless fire field soon after coming to the fairyland with the Primal Chaos Fire spirit, this is still It is the first time to come to such a prosperous ancient city.

“The catastrophe is approaching. I don’t know how long this kind of excitement will last.”

Yang Xuan secretly sighed, but the face is secretly sighed, Bian said to Wu Lingyan As he spoke, he was thinking about how to inquire about Mu Lingxue’s news. After one hour, the flow of people in front of him increased sharply and the noise was loud, but he had already arrived outside the Xianzhai building,

Xianzhai building, It is an industry of Tianquanguan, one of the Holy Land.

On the ancestor star of Taomen, there are Heavenly Void, Tianfeng, Tianquan, Tianyun, Wangyou, Five Avenues Holy Land, and the strongest one is Heavenly Void. View, the weakest is Wangyou View.

Wangyou View has only one Wangyou Immortal Emperor sitting in the town. Unlike the other Four Dadao Views, there is a Taoist Great Saint on it, but because Wangyou Immortal Emperor has the battle strength of Leaping the Great Saint, Therefore, no one dared to underestimate the worrying view.

At this moment, outside the Xianzhai Building, a large number of immortal dao cultivators have already gathered.

One by one, they all want to enter the middle grade to taste it. They all say that Xianzhailou has a Dao Comprehending Tea, which can help people understand the truth. Many cultivators who come here for the first time naturally Don’t want to miss it.

“The two of you, please, I don’t know which floor you want to eat? Our Xianzhailou is famous for vegetarian dishes. Of course, we don’t avoid meaty drinks, but instead of drinking, it’s better to drink. Pot Dao Comprehending Tea.”

Under the leadership of a True Immortal Realm Taoist, Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan, who had been waiting for a long time, finally came to the Xianzhai building.

This Xianzhai Tower is blessed by mysterious Dao Fa, and its internal space is huge. It is said that this 1st floor can accommodate tens of thousands of people to eat, and it does not appear crowded at all.

Here, stone bridges are built on the Bihu Lake, and there are many pavilions beside the lake. Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan asked for a relatively remote and secluded pavilion, and ordered one full of tables. Eat and talk while eating.

At the same time, some diners gradually came to the nearby pavilions. In words, there were praises for Xianzhailou Dao Comprehending Tea and various dishes, and some people were talking about Heavenly Void. View the matter of Shen Lingxiao’s wedding.

Shen Lingxiao, worshipped Heavenly Void and watched two hundred or so years. According to legend, his true age was less than three hundred years old. However, his cultivation base entered the fairyland half a year ago, so he was It is called Heaven’s Chosen, the No. 1 Daomen.

At the same time, this Shen Lingxiao dared to marry an abandoned apostle from Guanghan Immortal Palace as his wife, and was talked about by countless people.

Everyone knows that the Guanghan Immortal Emperor of the Guanghan Immortal Palace has a grudge with Daomen. Since ancient times, there has never been a deserter of the Guanghan Immortal Palace, who can marry after leaving Guanghan Immortal Palace. Woman, this kind of thing is not recognized by the Guanghan Immortal Emperor.

“This big wedding, Guanghan Immortal Palace must be someone coming, let’s wait for a good show!”

“I heard that the abandoned apostle Huayuchang of Guanghan Immortal Palace , Not only is the cultivation base good and beautiful, but also proficient in rhythm, good at singing and dancing, but I don’t know whether it is true or false.”

“How can this be false? Dignified the first Heaven’s Chosen Shen Lingxiao, it is absolutely impossible to risk offending Guanghan Immortal Palace to marry an ordinary female cultivator.”

Yang Xuan listened secretly, and also remembered the name Hua Yushang, ready to find a chance to meet Previous side.

Chapter 1634 Xianzhailou

“Huayuchang, you will know that you are a beauty just by hearing the name.”

Wu Lingyan pouted.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, whether it is Fanxiu or immortal dao cultivator, women love to compare, and Wu Lingyan is no exception.

Although I haven’t seen that flower language dress, Wu Lingyan is not white. She must be a rare beautiful woman in the world. Otherwise, Shen Lingxiao, the number one Heaven’s Chosen, would not fall in love with it. , Vowed to become Dao Companion with him.

“No matter how beautiful it is, my little Yan’er, Lingyan Lingyan, Spiritual Qi will still be a rain, deep purples and brilliant reds are better than Baihua, the flower language dress is at best with a good leather bag That’s all, the temperament is definitely not as good as Yan’er you.”

Yang Xuan chuckled. As a veteran of flowers, he understands women’s hearts deeply, and sweet talk comes with his mouth open.

“glib tongue, I know to please me, but I don’t believe you.”

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