Wu Lingyan raised her mouth, her heart was as if she had wiped honey, but she muttered in a low voice: “When the Husband sees that flowery dress, you have to hold it. I was accidentally fascinated by the other party, so what should I do if I don’t want to be a concubine?”

As he said, his face immediately changed to a pitiful expression of aggrieved expression, it seemed to be abandoned by the heartless man The little lady is average, and her acting skills are impeccable.

“cough cough, am I the kind of person who has changed his mind?”

Yang Xuan touched his nose, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh for a while.

He is a romantic but not inferior. If the Huayuchang is still unintentional, he may be tempted when he meets it, but she is already waiting to be married, no matter how beautiful this woman looks, he will not give birth Other ideas.

Wu Lingyan’s beautiful eyes slid around, a flickering color flashed in her eyes, and she hummed, “Of course I hope not, but beautiful women, which man doesn’t want to look at? Husband wants If you dare to think about that Huayushang, I will cut off contact with you.”

“Well, my little Yaner, don’t be sour. With you and Qin Lan, I will be enough.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, hugged Wu Lingyan, not caring about the envy of others, pretending to say loudly and authentically: “Good discipline, I am a teacher for many years in closed-door cultivation. Once you close it, you will have to wait for a few days to fulfill your filial piety.”

As soon as this statement came out, Wu Lingyan’s pretty face was red, shy and annoyed, and speechless for a while, and a few nearby Inside the pavilion, one after another contemptuous glance suddenly came.

“Impossible, shameless, there is such a shameless person in this world, I am going to give him a little bit of color today, and I don’t even let go of my own discipline. It’s just a beast, and I’m in vain. .”

“Don’t be impulsive, this person looks young, his true age is definitely not young, or he’s also impossible to cultivate in the fairyland, and an old fairy saint is not something you and I can provoke .”

“hmph, but the cultivation base that’s all, who first entered the fairyland, can cultivation how many years? It’s his female disciple, who reached the Immortal Monarch Realm at a young age, and has Shen Yu’s posture, covering moon, shaming flowers, I am afraid that it is not much better than that of the flower language clothing. It is a pity that I am inhuman, and I worshipped a scum and became a teacher.”

Some diners secretly slandered themselves. At the time, Wu Lingyan wrinkled her nose and panting with rage’s sound transmission said: “Hu Lai, when did people become Husband your discipline?”

“Don’t be angry, otherwise wrinkles are easy to grow. My husband said this deliberately, but it’s just because I don’t want to attract attention that’s all.”

Yang Xuan squeezed Wu Lingyan’s Qiong nose and responded with a smile, “A young fairy, no matter how he walks It will attract attention everywhere, but if it is a fairy who has been cultivating for many years maintaining a young appearance, it will not be surprising.”

In the huge fairyland, there are cultivators everywhere in the fairyland. Yes, it won’t make people care too much.

“Well, I will believe you once, but just this once.”

Wu Lingyan is grinding a small tiger tooth, and I don’t know whether it is deliberate or he thinks it is fun. Suddenly exclaimed in exaggeration, “Someone is watching, Master, you, don’t be like this…”

“That’s damn!”

Finally, an Immortal Monarch Realm 5 Heavenly Layer’s man in Jinyi couldn’t bear it. He shot the table on the spot, glaring at Yang Xuan and yelled: “This is Xianzhai Tower. Senior please respect yourself.”

The man in Jinyi said this. , Already considered very polite.


Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, pointed at Wu Lingyan in his arms, and said with an old manner: “This is the old man’s discipline and the old man’s Dao Companion. Don’t envy you as a junior. If you have a cultivation like an old man, you can also act wilfully.”


The complexion ashen of the Jinyi man is speechless.

“Why, do you still want to make gestures with the old man?”

Yang Xuan stood up, clad in the majesty of the immortal saint, suddenly released, making the air around the hundred zhang solidify , The atmosphere is depressed.

“hmph, how dare, Senior dignified immortal saint, I am not your opponent.”

The man in Jinyi gritted his teeth and was taken in Yang Xuan’s terrifying power, after all he did not dare to face him cast aside all considerations for face.

“The young man is full of vigor at the moment, and it is inevitable that there is a lack of speech. Thinking that you are the first offender, the old man will not care about you this time. Remember, there is no next time.”

Yang Xuan coldly said.

“Junior Azure Yang Sect disciple Wang Feng, many thanks Senior for forgiveness.”

The man in Jinyi held the cup one fist in the other hand forcibly, and then turned his head. To several friends at the same table: “This Wang is unwell, you are free, I will not be with you.”

After that, let’s leave,

“Let’s go, too. This place is so smoky that I can’t stay.”

“After all these things, the people in the Xianzhailou will not take care of it. It’s really disappointing.”

, Wang Feng’s several companions, as well as the diners in the surrounding pavilions, also got up and left, unwilling to stay here.

Wu Lingyan saw this scene and couldn’t help laughing, “Look at Husband for your good deeds, and you drove everyone away.”

“It’s good to go, this time. It is completely clean again.”

Yang Xuan took his seat again, drwsily said.

“Husband is really bad.”

Wu Lingyan rolled the eyes, playful and cute.

“Okay, you dare to scold me and see how your husband can clean up you.”

Yang Xuan yelled, his index finger moved, his hands swam around Wu Lingyan’s body Go, I ate up tofu.

“Yeah, your servant knows wrong, Husband is forgiving…”

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