Wu Ling Yanjiao is not very shy, she keeps twisting in Yang Xuan’s arms, she has a frightened expression, but she has no intention of being angry. On the contrary, she enjoys this kind of man and woman. Play between.

Yang Xuan smiled and didn’t speak. He clasped Wu Lingyan tightly, moving her fingers around. Wu Lingyan didn’t hold on for long, she was completely limp in his arms, with a look of resentment and contentment.

“Is it honest now?”

Yang Xuan looked funny, touched Wu Lingyan’s hair fondly, and said softly, “Let’s go. Go to Heavenly Void to watch and find a chance to see that Huayu Shang.”

Calculating the time, it is not a few days since Shen Lingxiao’s wedding, and Yang Xuan does not want to delay too much on the road.

“Everything depends on the Husband.”

Wu Lingyan panted slightly, like a little woman.

Chapter 1635 He Yiming

Walking out of the immortal city all the way, Yang Xuan looked for the direction and took the beauty away.

The journey to Yuanshixing is not close. Even if he is flying at full speed, it will take a short half-day, which does not count the delay on the way.

In Xianyu, even Star Domain, the ancestor of Taoism, cannot be said to be absolutely peaceful, especially at the time when the wedding of Heaven’s Chosen, the first of Taoism, Shen Lingxiao’s wedding is approaching, coming from all over the world Lots of immortal dao cultivator.

There are too many people, it is inevitable that some fish and dragons mixed in together, good and bad are mixed, if there is no certain cultivation base, the road is looted by people, body dies and Dao disappears is not surprising.

No, before flying far, Yang Xuan was vaguely aware of something, and there was a cold expression in his eyes.

If Wu Lingyan felt it, she frowned slightly, “What’s wrong with Husband?”

“Nothing, it’s just that someone is trailing behind us.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.

“How many people and what kind of cultivation base are there, there is no danger?”

Wu Lingyan complexion changed, seemingly worried.

“Don’t worry, there are not many people. The one with the highest cultivation base is the cultivation base that’s all of Immortal King Realm 5 Heavenly Layer.”

hearing this, Wu Lingyan is slightly relaxed. , Yang Xuan can even kill high-ranking Immortal Kings such as Blue Cloud Sect ancestor Kumakona with his bare hands. A middle-ranking Immortal King is naturally not a threat.

However, being followed is not a good thing. Wu Lingyan was puzzled after thinking about it. She couldn’t help but ask: “Does Husband know that these are all who?”

“I only recognize one person, Yan’er, do you remember the angry Wang Feng in Xianzhai Building?”

“It turned out to be him. Did he find a helper? Husband seeks revenge?”

“hmph, those who are not good will not come, this guy thinks he can deal with me by looking for an Immortal King as a backer, but he doesn’t know that this is bringing about one’s own destruction “

“Cultivation is not easy. If you can not kill or try not to kill, Husband is also to blame for this. If it weren’t for Husband, you said that I was your discipline, and you deliberately teased me with your hands and feet. I won’t cause this trouble anymore.”

“Well, it’s my fault. I just leave a way out today, and I will only teach the other party a lesson.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan speeded up in vain and landed on a star of life with Wu Lingyan. The two cuddled up, standing on a mountain, quietly waiting for someone to come.

I didn’t let him wait for too long. After about half the time, a group of more than a dozen people dropped from the sky. A white robed old man headed by was a cultivation base who reached Immortal. The Immortal King of King Realm 5 Heavenly Layer.

Behind him is a group of True Immortal Realm and Immortal Monarch Realm juniors, including Wang Feng.

“It’s a coincidence, didn’t expect to be here. I met you again.”

Yang Xuan looked at Wang Feng with a faint smile.

“It’s no coincidence that I came here specifically to find you Senior.”

Wang Feng coldly said, biting the word’Senior’ very heavily.

“Funny, what do you do with the old man? “

Yang Xuan’s eyes narrowed, still an old-fashioned tone.

“The bully, people always bully, old man He Yiming, Azure Yang Sect Inner Sect Great Elder, I came here to ask you for justice for Direct Disciple? “

Wang Feng didn’t answer, the leading white robed old man said.

“Is that right, I don’t know how you want to get justice?” “

Yang Xuan sneered.

This Azure Yang Sect, he also heard a little bit, although the strength is nowhere near as powerful as Daomen ancestors and Great Xia Dynasty and other huge monsters with long inheritance, but In the entire east of the fairyland, it also has a strong foundation. It is not a poor, humble sect.

“Simple, since you use your power to suppress others and humiliate my Direct Disciple, then I have a good example. , Let you taste the taste of being oppressed. “

After the voice fell, He Yiming’s pupil light fell cold, and a majestic pressure suddenly poured toward Yang Xuan.

“Trifling mid-position Immortal King, is it amazing? “

Yang Xuan waved his bare hand, and this coercion disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Of course, he was not afraid of the other’s coercion, but the pressure beside him Wu Lingyan obviously couldn’t bear it, so the already strong divine sense once shot it, fiercely shattered, strong and domineering.

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