“This is impossible!”

Wang Feng yelled, they Azure Yang Sect Great Elder, they released a coercion, but they could not help but a little fairy sage, regardless of this scene It’s incredible how it looks.

“Senior Brother Wang, you really messed up who!”

“Damn, this man is too strong, if Great Elder is not the same, wouldn’t all of us Gotta die?!”

Beside Wang Feng, one by one young disciplines from Azure Yang Sect, all complexion greatly changed, and some people verbally complained to Wang Feng.

This Wang Feng, as soon as he found them, he said that he was bullied, and he bluntly said that the other party only had the cultivation base for the first time in the fairyland, and they didn’t take it seriously. The Great Elder of Wei Zongmen, who thinks that the cultivation base is not particularly high, but the ability is not small, and it is difficult to deal with at first glance.

“Very powerful divine sense, who are you?!”

He Yiming’s expression grave, awe-inspiring in his heart, one who can easily break his pressure, even make him People who feel trembling at Divine Soul are absolutely impossible to be just an immortal saint, and the immortal saint has absolutely no such ability.

“old man Profound Nether Mountain ancestor Yang Xuan.”

Yang Xuan Road.

“Profound Nether Mountain?”

He Yiming whispered in his heart, as if he had never heard of it, but on the surface, he did not show his sensuality, and said, “It turned out to be Profound Nether Mountain. Old ancestor Yang Fellow Daoist, disrespectful and disrespectful.”

“Are you not going to fight this Yang?”

Yang Xuan smiled with his hands behind him.

“Fellow Daoist joked, this is just a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding.”

He Yiming hurriedly spoke. He was not sure that he could deal with Yang Xuan. It was really going to go to war, maybe His life was in danger, so he immediately put on a smiley face.

Youdao is to reach out and not hit the smiley people. Now that people are subdued, Yang Xuan doesn’t want to do everything.

He let out a lazy breath, waved his hand and said, “Forget it, just treat it as a misunderstanding. I have been an old man for many years, and I don’t want to care about anything with a junior.”


As he said, he glanced calmly at Wang Feng behind He Yiming.

He Yiming observed his words and expressions, turned his head to Wang Feng and yelled at Wang Feng, “damned bastard, look at your good deeds, please come out and apologize to this Yang Senior.”

“Great Elder, I…”

Wang Feng stopped talking.

“I, what I am, do as the old man said, you must dare to resist the order, the old man will drive you out of the door wall immediately.”

Hearing this, Wang Even though there were thousands of people in Feng’s heart, he had to brace oneself and walked out, moved towards Yang Xuan and bowed to apologize, “I blame Junior for his blindness and offend Senior Yang. I also ask Mr. Senior Yang not to remember the villain’s past. Forgive Junior. It’s an offense.”

“Young people, how can you not make mistakes, this time looking at your Azure Yang Sect Great Elder, the old man will not pursue with you, remember, There will be no next time.”

There are only three things, if Wang Feng is unable to tell good from bad, Yang Xuan would not mind killing him.

“Thanks Senior, Junior promises that there will be no next time.”

Wang Feng got up and thanked him.

“haha, Fellow Daoist is broad-minded, and He Mou admires it.”

He Yiming laughed. One more enemy is not as good as a friend. This is also his consistent way of life.

Chapter 1636 Going with you

“Fellow Daoist He is overwhelmed. It’s a troubled time. Peace is the most important thing in everything. This Yang just doesn’t want to cause trouble that’s all.”


Yang Xuan shook the head, saying: “Today’s fairyland seems to indicate calm, but undercurrents are surging. Once the catastrophe really comes, my generation cultivator will not be able to say whether it will survive.”

“Fellow Daoist also noticed something?”

He Yiming solemnly asked with a somewhat solemn expression.

“Returning to the market, the immortal dao powerhouse of all parties has not returned. I don’t know what Fellow Daoist He thinks about this matter?”

Yang Xuan asked back.

“This thing is really weird.”

He Yiming frowns saying. Starting about half a year ago, many Immortal Emperors and immortal dao Great Saints have successively entered the depths of Guixu to explore. But for a long time no one came out. No matter how you look at it, this situation is very strange, and it has also attracted the attention of the immortal dao forces from all sides.

After all, those who enter Guixu are mostly Old Ancestor Level characters of various families and sects. If they don’t return for a long time, it will inevitably make people feel uneasy and think about it.

Yang Xuan groaned, and said: “If something goes wrong, there will be demons. If this Yang is not bad, I am afraid that something will happen under the Guixu. It may not be long before the whole fairyland will be In the midst of a terrifying turmoil, there is no more pure land to speak of.”

As soon as this statement came out, Azure Yang Sect disciple couldn’t help but said: “Is Yang Senior too alarmist?”

It is true that since this period of time, rumors about the imminent disaster have been circulating everywhere in Xianyu, but the rumors are rumors after all, and who can guarantee that they are true.

In this world, there are too many people who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos. For some people, the chaotic world is also an opportunity.

“Shut up, the elders speak, which round should you interrupt?”

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