He Yiming shouted .

“The disciple knows wrong, Great Elder forgive me.”

“Remember, just this once.”

He Yiming was coldly snorted, and immediately bowed his hand to Yang Xuan to apologize “The following discipline is short-sighted and doesn’t understand the rules. Please Yang Fellow Daoist. Don’t blame it.”

A junior, dare to speak out and question a fairy sage, how disrespectful it is. This is his sect. The Great Elder is present, and you don’t know how to die.

“It’s okay, this Yang just said casually, maybe something will not happen.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand.

“Hey, He also hopes to do so, but some things need to be prepared early.”

He Yiming is lightly sighed, he can take precautions before they happen before he can settle down, no matter how big Whether the robbery will come, we must never take it lightly.

“Great Elder, do you even think that Xianyu will have a catastrophe?!”

Wang Feng took a cold breath, Xianyu is really going to be in turmoil, and treat them young For cultivator, it’s not a good thing.

“Of course, when the cultivation base reaches the level of old man, I can already feel a hint of crisis in the dark, not to mention that in recent days, some parts of the fairyland have been haunted by dark creatures from time to time. It seems that this is by no means a coincidence, but it indicates that the storm is about to come.” He Yiming said, suddenly thinking of something, and said: “It is said that about two months ago, there was one in the Celestial Celestial Domain. The powerhouse of the Pluto clan who claimed to be the Eight-Armed Pluto stirred the wind and the rain, and caused a wave of horrible beasts on the sky star, but was finally suppressed and killed by a young Immortal Monarch Master.”

At this point, He Yiming couldn’t help taking a deep look at Yang Xuan here, said with a smile: “It’s a coincidence that the young Immortal Monarch, also named Yang Xuan, and Yang Fellow Daoist having the same given name and family name .”

“That person is this Yang.”

Yang Xuan shrugged, also smiled, and then he remembered that he had killed a man in the Celestial Realm Eight-armed Pluto, and the Celestial Immortal Territory is just the immortal dao Great World in the eastern border of the Immortal Territory, and the news has naturally spread.

“Really Fellow Daoist!”

Although He Yiming had some guesses, he never dared to conclude, but as Yang Xuan admitted frankly, he affirmed the young immortal in front of him. The saint is Yang Xuan, no doubt.

“What, he is that Yang Xuan, Great Elder, have you made a mistake?!”

Wang Feng cried out. He also heard that the Celestial Celestial Domain was out A Yang Xuan once killed an adult red bird with strength of oneself, but according to the news, isn’t Yang Xuan an Immortal Monarch?

“hmph, you have no eyes, this little friend of Yang Xuan, simply is not an old fairy sage, but a wonderful young Heaven’s Chosen, who may not be older than you.”

He Yiming is not polite and authentic.

“This Yang cultivation till now, but 300 or so years.”

Yang Xuan slightly smiled, of course he can’t say that he is only cultivated for more than a hundred years, he really wants to say so , Others would only treat him as a monster.

“300 or so years?!”

Wang Feng and the rest of Azure Yang Sect disciple, hearing this are all shocked, cultivation 300 or so years, which means that Yang Xuan only this year Less than four hundred years old, and the four hundred-year-old Immortal Saint, even if compared to the number one Heaven’s Chosen Shen Lingxiao in that door, he is not much more convincing.

“The little friend is amazing, the old man ashamed of being inferior.”

He Yiming sighed, how talented a fairy sage of this age is, I can hardly imagine.

This kind of person also definitely has the aptitude to aspire to the emperor realm, and his achievements are limitless.

“Husband still wants to hide his strength, now it seems to be impossible.”

Wu Lingyan looked at Yang Xuan beside her, secretly said with a smile.

Yang Xuan touched his nose and didn’t say much. He listened to He Yiming: “My little friend came to Yuanshi Star Domain this time, but are you going to the Heavenly Void to observe the ceremony?”

“Sure it!”

Yang Xuan said.

“That’s it?”

He Yiming muttered in his heart, but didn’t ask too much. He smiled invitingly: “Since the little friend is going to the Heavenly Void view, you might as well wait with me , There’s no need to take care of me on the road.”


Yang Xuan nodded, but he didn’t refuse.

“haha, dare to love it.”

He Yiming laughed. Regardless of Yang Xuan’s cultivation base and strength, this child has an expert guardian behind him, so he can make friends. Never offend.

Soon, He Yiming turned his gaze to Wu Lingyan again, “By the way, I don’t know what this girl is called?”

“This is Jiani.”


Yang Xuan introduced.

“Little girl Wu Lingyan, I have met He Senior.”

Wu Lingyan opened her lips lightly, and gave He Yiming a full salute.

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