“Don’t dare to be, if Miss Lingyan doesn’t dislike it, she’ll call her old man as she is.”

He Yiming waved his hands repeatedly.

Yang Xuan saw all of this in his eyes, knowing that He Yiming was to please himself, and he didn’t get a touch on his face. He said: “Let’s go, let’s talk while walking. It happens that Junior wants something He Lao inquire.”

With a cry of He Lao, and seeing Yang Xuan claiming to be Junior, He Yiming was very happy in his heart and said hurriedly: “What do you want to ask little friend, just ask, as long as it is The old man knows, he knows, he knows everything and speaks for nothing.” After all, the entire group did not delay, they rose up into the sky, all the way to Yuanshixing, Yang Xuan on the way to inquire about it. The specific origin of Hua Yushang.

Chapter 1637 Inference

“Hua Yu Shang!”

When Yang Xuan mentioned Hua Yu Shang, Wang Feng and the rest of Azure Yang Sect disciple couldn’t help feeling straight. The guilty whispered, secretly guessing whether he had any unscrupulous attempts.

Hua Yu Chang is the sweetheart of Shen Lingxiao, the first Heaven’s Chosen in Taoism.

According to legend, this woman not only has a very high cultivation base and reached the Immortal Monarch Realm Peak, but also the name speaks for itself, she is very beautiful, and when she first arrived at the ancestral land, she attracted the attention of all parties. Many people want to take advantage of this Daomen wedding to go to Heavenly Void to see its fairy.

“This bastard, obviously has a family, and there is a good-looking woman by her side. She wants to beat other women, but she is really not satisfied.”

Wang Feng secretly slandered, his first impression of Yang Xuan was not good, and Yang Xuan deliberately raised his seniority not long ago, pretending to be a Senior Expert to teach him, his heart is even more unhappy.

However, he was unhappy, and he was deeply in one’s heart also faintly looking forward to it.

After all, the Huayushang is the woman Shen Lingxiao is about to marry by the Ming media. Shen Lingxiao regards the Huayushang as a forbidden. Whoever dares to covet her beauty, Shen Lingxiao will never give up.

“Junior asks casually, if he doesn’t know, just treat me as if I didn’t ask.”

Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan, and He Yiming flew in the front, laughing and said, of course he can’t act too caring, or others really think he has a bad idea about that Hua Yushang.

“Where, the old man still knows something about this girl in Huayuchang.”

He Yiming smiled and understood what Yang Xuan wanted to inquire about, obviously it was related to this Hua Yushang was related, she didn’t think much about it immediately, she told her what she knew one after another.

However, he didn’t know the Hua Yushang, he just claimed that Hua Yushang was brought back to Heavenly Void view by Shen Lingxiao half a month ago. His identity is mysterious and it is not just a castaway of Guanghan Immortal Palace. .

The Guanghan Immortal Palace was established by the Guanghan Immortal Emperor. It has been millions of years since the ancient times, and there has never been the discipline of the Guanghan Immortal Palace that can escape from the Guanghan Immortal Palace without authorization. Let alone getting married with others, it is simply impossible.

There is a saying in Xianyu: I would rather be an infatuated species than enter the Vast-Glacial Palace. It shows how terrifying the Guanghan Immortal Palace is. For the male practitioners of the world, this Guanghan Han Immortal Palace is a forbidden place. Whoever enters or dies, talks about discoloration.

For many female cultivators, the Guanghan Immortal Palace is a cold palace, or a prison. Whoever steps into this cold palace will be completely insulated from the love of men and women from then on.

This is also the rule set by the Guanghan Immortal Emperor. The Guanghan Immortal Emperor enters the Tao from love, and finally cuts love for the Tao. He is notorious for being cold, arrogant and ruthless, and even more inexplicable to men in the world. Hostility.

Guanghan Immortal Emperor once said: All men in the world are lucky, and they would rather kill mistakes than let them go. From this we can see how much this former Taoist empress hates men, and even this kind of hatred Better than the Buddhist emperor Xuanling who was hurt by love.

“Many thanks to He Laoxiang.”

Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand said, although he did not get any useful information from He Yiming’s mouth, he still Expressed gratitude to each other.

He Yiming thought for a while, but couldn’t help but said, “My little friend is going to see Heavenly Void this time. It’s better not to get too close to the Hua Yushang, otherwise you may get into big trouble.”

That Shen Lingxiao dared to take the risk of offending Guanghan Immortal Palace and marry the Huayuchang. That was because he was good enough, and there was a Heavenly Void view behind him, but the Heavenly Void view was strong, and now There is also no leader.

Half a year ago, many Immortal Emperors and several immortal dao Great Saints of the Taoist gates all set off for the Guixu Market. They have not returned yet, it is the Heavenly Void viewing the Holy Land of these gates. One or two Immortal Emperors stayed behind.

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: “Listen to what Elder He said, is it really possible for Guanghan Immortal Palace to come to this Daomen wedding?”

“The old man is not sure whether he will come or not. After all, it is the Taoist Holy Land Heavenly Void view, which is the Guanghan Immortal Palace. I dare not confront it head-on.”

He Yiming paused, and Said: “In this big marriage, Heavenly Void did not invite the world, but was held internally. It was sufficiently low-key. It did not hope to provoke Guanghan Immortal Emperor. Everything depends on whether Guanghan Immortal Emperor will break his vow. Lindaomen ancestral land.”

“Oath? What oath?”

Yang Xuan asked curiously.

“When Guanghan Immortal Emperor left the Taoist gate that year, he vowed never to set foot in the Yuanshi Immortal Realm. The world knows this.”

He Yiming said.

“This happened!”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows. Compared with the flower language dress, he was more curious about the Guanghan Immortal Emperor. He asked now, “He I know what kind of grievances Guanghan Immortal Emperor has with Daomen, and why not want to return to Yuanshixianyu?”

“This matter is the secret of Daomen. I am afraid that only a few people know about the entire Daomen. From the old man’s point of view, the reason why Guanghan Immortal Emperor did not want to come to Yuanshi Immortal Domain was because he did not want to see Wangyou Immortal Emperor again.”

He Yiming said solemnly.

The relationship between Guanghan Immortal Emperor and Wangyou Immortal Emperor was originally Dao Companion, but in the end they turned against each other, and they did not interact with each other.

Even the Guanghan Immortal Emperor was angry, and resolutely went out of the aisle and set up another door elsewhere to create the huge Guanghan Immortal Palace. Since ancient times, it has lived in this Immortal Palace and rarely goes out.

This matter, until now is also regarded as a shame by the Daomen, but no one has gone to the Guanghan Immortal Palace to find the trouble of the Guanghan Immortal Emperor. In addition to the Guanghan Immortal Emperor himself who is strong enough, and Apart from the love-hate entanglement with Wangyou Immortal Emperor, there are probably other reasons that are unknown to outsiders.

“Since it is the Dao Companion, did these two Taoist emperors give birth to heirs?”

Yang Xuan had an idea in his mind and immediately asked.

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