“Ah! I am not willing to ah!”

Mo Li’s old ghost couldn’t dodge, and He Yiming pierced his chest with a sword, and his whole body was covered with pure sun and fairy fire When the heat stopped, his mouth couldn’t help but wailed desperately.

But then, he seemed to have thought of something again, and immediately Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body, fleeing into the distance, while taking out a divine talisman that had disappeared, yelled: “Please also Sir Divine Envoy to save the young People die!”

“It’s really useless.”

For a moment, in the divine talisman, coldly snorted came out in vain, and then I saw an old face, Suddenly emerged from it.

“Sacred Mountain God Envoy!”

He Yiming eyes shrank, the mountain is the Holy Land of Divine Race, and it is also a real huge monster in the fairyland, facing a god of Divine Race So, even if it was just one of Strands of Divine Sense illusory shadow, He Yiming didn’t dare to do it again for a while.

“What kind of shit god, if you dare to show up, then stay.”

Yang Xuan coldly said, he is not He Yiming, he has no fear of Divine Race, he is almost there. As he spoke, the person started the big Void Technique and chased the Primordial Spirit of Li Qiye’s old ghost.


The old face shouted angrily, a divine might came out mightily, but Yang Xuan completely ignored it.

He slammed with lightning, and hit the face all split up and in pieces with one punch, leaving only an angry roar that echoed endlessly.

“Junior, the old man remembers you, we will meet again soon.”

“You better look forward to not seeing me again, otherwise it will only let you Completely dead, okay, it’s your turn, trifling the weak Primordial Spirit, do you really think you can escape alive?”

Yang Xuan looks cold, remains unmoved, clicks out with a finger, just listen There was a scream, and the Primordial Spirit that Li Old Ghost had fled away in a hurry disappeared.

Chapter 1644 Floating Cloud Immortal Emperor

“Oh my god, is this true?!”

At this moment, Wang Feng and other Azure Yang Sect disciple, all Stared wide-eyed in surprise, it feels extremely unreal.

Heavenly Sound Sect Great Elder, a cultivation who didn’t know how many years, killing people like scything flax, the ghostly Immortal King, was beaten to destroy both body and soul, even the god of the mountain. , Can’t keep him, and it turns into fly ash.

“Too strong, I am afraid that this is not his full strength.”

Someone took a cold breath, the difficult swallowed saliva and said, only the fleshy body has this strength. , If you use magic power, your strength will only be even more shocking, unless the powerhouse of the imperial realm comes, otherwise no one can fight against it.

“This is the real evildoer!”

He Yiming came back to his senses and had to be amazed.

At such a young age, there is such an achievement. As its cultivation base gradually improves, it will definitely overwhelm all Old Ancestor Level characters in the future.

“Divine Race, what exactly is it going to do?”

Yang Xuan stood in the air, muttering to himself, his face seemed calm, but there was a hint of worry in his heart.

A divine envoy from a sacred mountain appeared in the Yuanshi Immortal Domain. Although it was only a wisp of Divine Sense, not its deity, it must not be ignored, especially before the divine sense disappeared, he claimed Each other will meet again face.

Nowadays, before the catastrophe has arrived, Divine Race jumps out to stir up the wind and the rain. The purpose behind it is really intriguing.

“What is the Husband thinking?”

Wu Lingyan flew forward.

“It’s nothing.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, without thinking about it anymore, he should be clear about some things by himself, there is no need to mention it deliberately to make Wulingyan trouble.

“My little friend is great, I don’t want to pay for it. In the future, where He is needed, the little friend just speaks, He will die.”

At this moment, He Yiming Also came over and thanked me solemnly.

Today, if Yang Xuan hadn’t taken action out of justice, they would all have to be buried here, and if they were also dead, then Azure Yang Sect would have no hope of revival.

“Small things, you are welcome.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, looked towards He Yiming, and solemnly asked: “I don’t know what old man has any plans next?”

“Hey, the sect was destroyed, Heavenly Sound Sect has taken refuge in Divine Race again, with the huge monster of Shenshan as the backing, Azure Yang Sect I am afraid I can’t go back in a short time.”

He Yiming sighed, his face could not hide his grief.

They Azure Yang Sect, created by the ancestors of Qingyang, inherited hundreds of thousands of years. Although it is far from its peak in the past, the foundation of Sect is still there. Who wants to be destroyed today?

“In that case, let’s go to Heavenly Void together.”

Yang Xuan said.


He Yiming is nodded, the Heavenly Void view is on Yuanshixing, and now they can only be considered safe when they go to Yuanshixing.

Yang Xuan didn’t say much. He looked at the distant starry sky suddenly, as if he had noticed something. Indifferently said, “Since Senior is here, why not show up?”

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