“haha, the really strong spiritual sense of my little friend, admire it!”

In the depths of the starry sky, white clouds emerged and quickly condensed into a huge cloud The bridge extends straight from a distance.

At the same time, at the end of the cloud bridge, a tall silhouette came step by step. It seemed that it was not walking fast, but the speed was unbelievably fast. It was just a blink of an eye and it arrived in front of you.

That is an old man, a white clothed daoist robe, red light, full face, white beard and hair, divine poise and sagelike features, between gestures, there is a powerful Dao Rhyme flowing around, making people Don’t dare to underestimate it.

“Junior Yang Xuan, I don’t know the name of Senior’s surname?”

Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand asked, although I don’t know who the person is, I understand that the other hand It’s a Taoist Immortal Emperor, no doubt.

“Heavenly Void watch Elder Fuyunzi.”

daoist robe old man said with a smile, behaving very kindly.

“What, Senior is Floating Cloud Immortal Emperor!”

He Yiming startled and hurriedly bowed to salute, “Azure Yang Sect Elder He Yiming, see Floating Cloud Immortal Emperor.”

Heavenly Void view has a total of several Elders, all of which have the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor, and this floating cloud Immortal Emperor has the highest cultivation base among them. He has reached the highest level of the emperor many years ago and is a real Daomen is half holy, deep and unmeasurable in strength.

“I’ve seen the Floating Cloud Immortal Emperor.”

Wang Feng and the others froze, and they also gave big gifts, like the Floating Cloud Immortal Emperor and other Divine Immortal characters, they normally I simply couldn’t see it, and seemed very excited for a while.

“Everyone is a guest from afar, you don’t need to be polite.”

Fuyunzi smiled and said: “In two days, my Heavenly Void View will be held. The big wedding, since you are here, you might as well sit down and watch, the old way will lead you the way.”

“So thank you for your trouble, senior.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Don’t bother, please, little friends and you guys here, let’s talk while walking. It just so happens that I have something to ask you little friends.”

Fuyunzi said with a smile.

“Senior would like to ask about Divine Race?”

Yang Xuan asked, holding Wu Lingyan, and boarded the Yunqiao with He Yiming and the others.


Fuyunzi is slightly nodded, while controlling Yunqiao to go away, while each minding their own business. Authentic:

“My Daomen Several Great Saints, together with many Dao Sect Elders, have been unable to return from the depths of Guixu. Today, on the Yuanshi Star of our Daomen ancestry, apart from the old Dao and the few other Immortal Emperors sitting in town, There are not many experts anymore.”

“Senior is worried that Divine Race will commit a large-scale crime?”

Yang Xuan frowned, he pondered a little, and couldn’t help saying: “It is said that the god of Divine Race, and many Divine Race Divine Emperor, also all went to Guixu, shouldn’t they choose to stir up trouble at this time?”

“This is hard to say, after all, Divine Race Since ancient times, all the pictures have been very big.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan was silent, and Fuyunzi didn’t say much anymore, just said: “The Yuanshixing has arrived, and the little friend has arrived for the first time. I can walk around, my Taoist ancestors have opportunities everywhere, maybe the little friends can gain something.”

paused, and left Yang Xuan a token, “this ancient Please keep the order, as long as you hold this order, you can enter my Heavenly Void view unimpeded.”

After that, the person floated away and disappeared instantly.

“This is the Heavenly Void Order of the Heavenly Void View. According to legend, only the Heavenly Void View Elder can hold it. It is a good blessing for the little friend to get a Heavenly Void Order from the Immortal Emperor.”


He Yiming glanced at Gu Ling and said with emotion.

“Heavenly Void…”

Yang Xuan whispered, knowing that this Fuyunzi deliberately wanted to make good friends with himself, otherwise it is impossible to care for him so much.

“Husband, don’t think too much, let’s go to Yuanshixing. I don’t know if there is any fun in this Taoist ancestral land.”

Wu Lingyan laughed, looking into the distance There is an ancient star above the Star River in the distance. It is unknown how big the star is, and how long it has existed. It is the Origin Star of Daomen Ancestor Land.

“He knows one interesting place. Almost every foreign cultivator who comes to Yuanshixing will go there to explore the fate.”

He Yiming thought about it.

“Oh, where?”

Wu Lingyan’s eyes lit up and she was very interested.

He Yiming said: “Daoshan, according to legend, was left by the ancestor Yuanshi Shengzun, the ancestor of Taoism, and it is intended to enable future generations to climb the mountain and enlighten the Tao.”

“Never mind, let’s go first Look at that mountain.”

Yang Xuan said.

Chapter 1645 Yuanshi Star

Daoshan, also known as Yuanshi Daoshan, is located on Yuanshi Star. Although there is no Daomen cultivator guarded by it, it is not accessible to anyone.

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