According to He Yiming, the entire mountain is a thousand-mile radius, covered with a layer of fog all the year round, which will obliterate the cultivator above the fairyland. It is better than the Immortal King Immortal Emperor and even immortal. Dao Great Saint, dare not step into it.

At the same time, the fog of the avenue can easily evoke the cultivator’s devilish barriers, ranging from disorientation and unable to extricate themselves, and from trauma to the mind and mental disorder.

Without great perseverance, grandeur, and a certain talent perception, it is simply impossible to see the green mountains out of the clouds.

Therefore, since ancient times, among foreign cultivators, few people can go up to Daoshan. Even if they go up, they can’t go far. They have to be suppressed by Daoshan’s will. Back down.

But for those who can really climb Daoshan and survive from it, Dao Xin can more or less mention a certain degree of baptism and transformation.

Because of this, many Taoist cultivators will try to break through the fog of the avenue every day and climb the mountain as a kind of experience.

“It’s boring, is this mountain really fun?”

Moved all the way towards Yuanshixing, Wu Lingyan couldn’t help curl one’s lip, she lacked interest Look like.

“Climbing high and looking into the distance, you can not only enjoy the scenery along the way, but also exercise your Taoism. Isn’t it fun?”

Yang Xuan touched his nose, a burst of laughter.

“Not good to play, it’s not fun at all. People want to take a nice bath, change into clean clothes, and then find a place to eat some delicious food and have a full meal.”

Wu Lingyan shook his head into a rattle. If you go on a scenic tour with Yang Xuan, that’s all, but that mountain is a place to help people enlighten the Tao. I really want to go there, Yang Xuan How can there be time to take care of her?

“Okay, well, let’s go to Daoshan first, and when we get down from the mountain, we will walk around again. This Yuanshixing is so big, there must be a lot of delicious and fun places.”

Yang Xuan smiles.

Wu Lingyan is good with everything, but the play is too heavy, it is difficult to calm down and cultivation, especially nowadays, without the supervision of Primal Chaos Fire spirit, she wants to relax even more.

“Hehe, Husband, don’t break your promise.”

Wu Lingyan raised her mouth and smiled immediately.

“The temperament of girl Yan’er is simple, it is commendable, she is a little friendly blessing.”

On the side, He Yiming smiled slightly and said: “Both of them are a giant amongst men. , This time to Yuanshixing, I should be able to climb Daoshan smoothly, but if you want to climb to the top of this mountain, it is extremely difficult.”

“He is experienced and knowledgeable, I know what is on this mountain. ?”

Yang Xuan asked calmly.

When he wanted to come, this Taoist mountain left by the Lord Yuanshi was by no means just a place of enlightenment, maybe there are other opportunities on the top of the mountain.

“There are nine ten thousand zhangs on the Dao Mountain, which reaches the sky directly. It is divided into 9-layers Dao domain. Ordinary people can be called a genius if they can go to the Third Layer Dao domain. To the Sixth Layer domain, it can be called Heaven’s Chosen.”

He Yiming paused, and then continued: “As for those who can reach the sixth layer domain in one breath, that’s The real evildoer.”

“Isn’t my Husband a evildoer, the last mountain is not with no difficulty.”

Wu Lingyan said with a smile.

“Fools, evildoers also have three or sixty-nine levels, even your Husband and I can continue to say that I can go up.”

Yang Xuan laughed dumbly, can he go to the top of the mountain He had to try to find out that he didn’t dare to pack tickets now.

“I said Husband, you can do it.”

Wu Lingyan is snorted lightly and is full of confidence in Yang Xuan.

“Little friends shocking and stunning, talent, battle strength, temperament, all are praised by others, maybe you can really reach the top of the mountain is unknown.”

He Yiming laughed, faint in his eyes There was a bit of expectation, but he just listened to him continue: “According to legend, Yuanshi Shengzun always enlightened and taught the Tao on Daoshan before his death, and left a Taiqing Dao Altar on the mountain. Who wants to be able to climb? That Taiqing Dao Altar is expected to realize the legendary Taiqing Bao Yuan Jing.”

“Tao Qing Bao Yuan Jing?”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, always feeling This Taiqing holds the Yuan Jing and is predestined with him, and is eager to find out.

He Yiming said: “The little friends don’t know. This Taiqing Baoyuan Jing is the method of enlightenment of the Yuanshi Sage, and it is also the long-lost ancestral sacred method of Taoism. As long as you can master this method, it is very important for cultivation. It is bound to be of great benefit.”

The Taiqing Baoyuan Scripture of Yuanshi Shengzun is the real Dao Scripture. Until Grand Dao Source, there will be people who have “ancient scripture”, and the proof of Dao can be expected. “The rumors.

Of course, the rumors may not be fully believed. After all, even the Yuanshi Sovereign, the cultivation failed to withstand the five decays of heaven and man in the end, and ultimately breakthrough the threshold of eternal life, but it is so, but it cannot be obliterated. The out of the ordinary in Taiqing Baoyuan Jing.

“Is that right, then I really want to see it.”

Yang Xuan whispered, he has mastered the Taoist scriptures, and he shouldn’t have much thought of the Taoist scriptures. I thought it was, but for some reason, when he heard the words of Bao Yuan Jing too clearly, he felt a little throbbing deep in one’s heart.


At this moment, the whole world suddenly shook, and everyone just broke through the clouds and came to Yuanshixing, and they felt a great sense of weightlessness. , The huge pressure makes people feel a little suffocating.

“Be careful, on this Yuanshi star, until now is full of great will. It is said that this great will is left by another ancestor Taixu, who dares to be disrespectful to the Daomen. , Will be suppressed and killed by Dao Will.”

He Yiming hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

“What a great Dao of Sword, this Venerable Supreme Venerable is really great!”

Yang Xuan marveled in his heart, this great will uphold the sword dao will to kill If you have the opportunity, you can also meditation for some enlightenment, how to say he is also a swordsman, and also the power of the comprehended sword dao law.

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