“Come on, let’s go to Penglai Immortal Island immediately. I heard that Heavenly Dao Saint Court has come to a few very young disciplines, and they have reached the 6th floor of Daoshan.”

“Tsk tusk, this Heavenly Dao Saint Court, under the leadership of an Immortal Emperor in charge, is called Heavenly Void to watch the ceremony. It is not the idea of ​​playing Taiqing and Bao Yuan Jing.”

“Okay, let’s go and take a look. Now that Shen Lingxiao’s wedding is just around the corner, all influences are accompanied by young people and elders. Everyone wants to climb to the top of Daoshan, but I don’t know who can have the last laugh. “

Just as Yang Xuan was thinking, there was a lot of discussion from below. It was a suspended immortal island, stretching several hundred li. The densely packed islands were all silhouettes, lively and noisy.

“There are so many people, where is that place?”

Wu Lingyan’s eyes lit up and looked towards He Yiming next to her.

He Yiming lowered his head and looked at it for a moment, and said: “It should be an immortal island market of Taomen. And like this immortal island market, there are no one thousand and eight hundred on the entire Yuanshixing…”


Chapter 1646 Daoshan

Under He Yiming’s introduction, whether it is Yang Xuan, Wu Lingyan, or Wang Feng and the others who came here for the first time, they all have a lot of interest in Yuanshixing. A deeper understanding.

Yuanshixing, since ancient times, there is no land to speak of. If you look down from the sky, there is a vast ocean on the earth, all with blue water, and in the sky, you can see a pedestal or a big one everywhere. Or a small suspended immortal island.

Some suspended immortal islands are immortal island markets, used to trade cultivation items, and belong to various Taoisms under the five major religions.

The other floating immortal islands are huge and boundless. They are enveloped by the rich Immortal Qi all the year round. They are the cultivation Holy Land of various sects and even the five major religions.

The general foreign cultivator, without being invited by the other party, is simply impossible to go. If you dare to rush into, you will be expelled or even obliterated by the other party.

“Let’s go down, this suspended immortal island should have a Transmission Formation. With Transmission Formation, we can reach Penglai Immortal Island immediately.”

He Yiming thought about it. .

As the ancestral land of Daomen, the area of ​​Yuanshixing is not small, and the whole Yuanshixing is full of the will of Taoism left by the Venerable Taixu, so that the cultivator’s fleshy body and Divine Soul can bear it. Under great pressure, it is difficult to fly for a long time, so many people would rather spend some fairy crystals to transport away than rely on their feet to drive the road, which is time-consuming and laborious.

“Great Elder, is the legendary Daoshan on Penglai Immortal Island?”

Wang Feng couldn’t help asking.

“Yes, I have been there all the time. The Penglai Immortal Island, even the residence of the Lord Yuanshi, is a really sacred place. In addition to Taoshan, there are some that are regarded by Taoism In the forbidden area, wait until you get there. Don’t walk around randomly. When the time comes, you will really get into trouble. Even the old man cannot protect you.”

In this sentence, He Yiming is To Wang Feng and the rest of Azure Yang Sect disciple.

As for Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan, they are not in this list. After all, Yang Xuan possesses a Heavenly Void order gifted by the Immortal Emperor. As long as this order is taken out, the entire Yuanshi star Taoist cultivator must treat Yang Xuan as a guest of honor and dare not offend him.

“I will understand when I wait.”

Wang Feng and the others nodded said that they knew, and at the same time some people were expecting to say: “Wait, I will go to Penglai Immortal Island. If you want to visit Daoshan, please ask Great Elder.”

“Go if you want, but you have to do what you can. If you can’t bear it, you have to withdraw as soon as possible, or you will die. In danger.”

He Yiming said.

If you want to go to Daoshan, you must first go through the fog of the avenue. This level will trap too many people.

Among the sect members and disciples below him, I am afraid that only Wang Feng can barely pass. As for whether he can climb Daoshan in the end, it all depends on his luck.

After a brief thought, He Yiming didn’t say anything, first moved towards Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan made an invitation gesture, then the entire group flew down, and arrived there soon. It is suspended above the immortal island.

This suspended immortal island, also known as Dongyun immortal island, is located in the extreme east of Yuanshi Star, and is an immortal island market under Quanzhen Sect.

This Quanzhen Sect is the next big sect of the Taoist Holy Land Tianfeng View. It inherits hundreds of thousands of years. Its contemporary Sect Lord road number is all True Son. It is said that there is a cultivation base of Immortal King Realm Peak. .

Walking all the way on Dongyun immortal island, Wu Lingyan looked around and looked very happy. There are everything on this island. If it weren’t for rushing to Penglai Immortal Island, Wu Lingyan would be very happy. Want to stay and have fun.

“I don’t know where you want to go to immortal island?”

Soon, everyone came to the center of the island. There is a large hall here. There are more than a dozen Transmission Formation in the main hall. Each Transmission Formation is guarded by the Taoist discipline of Quanzhen Sect. Anyone who wants to transmit must pay a certain amount of fairy crystal according to the distance of transmission.

“I am waiting to go to Penglai Immortal Island, I don’t know how many fairy crystals are needed?”

Besides a Transmission Formation, He Yiming looked at the Quanzhen Sect discipline in front of him, said with a smile.

“Senior has the Immortal King Realm cultivation base, I Quanzhen teaches no fees, but these people around you have to pay 10,000 cents.”

“Okay, please keep these fairy crystal friends.”

After He Yiming delivered nearly 200,000 fairy crystals, everyone stepped on the Transmission Formation and sent them to a huge immortal island.

This immortal island is naturally the Penglai immortal island.

The entire immortal island, suspended above a huge cloud, is quiet and peaceful. Although you can see the silhouette of the cultivator in all directions, no one dares to be impudent here. Even if there is a talking, the voice is still Put it very low.

“Penglai Immortal Island, our door, Holy Land, cannot tolerate noise and noise. Please also respect yourself and don’t make the old ways difficult.”

At this moment, there is an old voice. , Clearly spread to the ears of everyone. On this huge Penglai Immortal Island, there are cultivators and immortal cultivators from various parties. When everyone hears this voice, they all seem very respectful and dare not say anything. .

“Daoshan is difficult to climb, but my Taomen will not prevent outsiders from climbing. But if you want to really climb Taoshan, you have to go through the fog of the avenue in the distance. If you don’t have enough temperament perception, You need to think twice before you act. If there is any danger, I will not be responsible for it.”

After a while, the old voice sounded again.

Yang Xuan didn’t think much after listening. Now that Shen Lingxiao’s wedding is about to come, there are all influences, and some of them are descendants of Heaven’s Chosen from various families and sects. Speak clearly, and it is necessary to get into unnecessary trouble.

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