“I dare to be too deep in the drama!”

Yang Xuan touched his nose, and glanced at the surrounding crowd.

A group of people, there are young Taoist cultivator and foreign immortal dao cultivator, all of them look very young, and the lowest cultivation base has reached True Immortal Realm Peak.

“Too deep into the play?”

Wu Lingyan was stunned, and astonished said: “Could the Husband wake up long ago?”

“Hmm These two Taoisms are not so profound, they can be understood without too much time.”

Yang Xuan nodded, with a stroke, the word “daoshan” appears in the sky, faintly With a bit of Dao Rhyme, it is not just a mere appearance, but it really adds to the Profound Truth.

This scene also shocked the nearby people, those Taoist cultivators, who couldn’t help but stared wide-eyed, as if they couldn’t believe that someone could pass on the ancestral monument to Taoshan II. Copy the words.

“This Fellow Daoist is so good at ability, it’s really admirable!”

For a brief period of loss, a man in brocade clothes from Immortal Monarch Realm Peak smiled and walked forward.

“A little trick is purely fooling people, laugh.”

Yang Xuan said.

“haha, Fellow Daoist is too modest.”

The man in Jinyi laughed and said: “In the next Xia Yufeng, from the Great Xia Dynasty, I don’t know the name of Fellow Daoist, Where is the teacher?”

“I am Yang Xuan, but I am a Loose Cultivator.”

Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand in return, I remembered Xia Yufeng, not Because of his good cultivation base, this guy has a more beautiful face than many women. If he wears long hair and wears a dress, naked eye alone can guarantee that no one can tell his gender.

“Loose Cultivator?”

Xia Yufeng muttered in his heart, but there was a spring-like smile on his face, saying: “this Xia cultivation four hundred or so years, age should be It’s not much different from Fellow Daoist. It’s good to call Fellow Daoist a Brother Yang? “

“Of course it’s okay.”

Yang Xuan nodded, immediately said: “According to my firm I know, Great Xia Dynasty has always had only one Xia Family. I think Fellow Daoist has the emperor’s wealth. Isn’t it a prince of Great Xia Dynasty?”

“Brother Yang, the younger brother is Great Xia Dynasty Eldest Prince.”

Xia Yufeng laughed and looked towards Wu Lingyan beside Yang Xuan. There was a slight sense of surprise in her eyes, but she didn’t mean to peep at all, saying: “Meeting is Fate, isn’t Brother Yang going to introduce this girl to the younger brother?”

“This is Jianeiwu Lingyan.”

Yang Xuan said, I have some feelings about Xia Yufeng. Good impression.

“Hello, you are so beautiful!”

Aside, Wu Lingyan looked at Xia Yufeng seriously without blinking, and said solemnly.

“Cough cough, don’t be surprised by Brother Xia, Jian is very straightforward, and has no other meaning.”

Yang Xuan gave a dry cough.

What Xia Yufeng can say, he can only respond with a wry smile, “It’s okay, my face will indeed attract a lot of attention wherever I go. I am used to it.”

Chapter 1648 Generic Monument

“It’s not a bad thing for a man to be beautiful, at least it looks pleasing to the eye, so don’t sigh.”

Wu Lingyan twitched his Lips, I couldn’t help but look at Xia Yufeng a few more times, and said: “My Husband appearance is dignified, and I am considered a handsome and handsome man in the world, but compared to you, it’s slightly inferior. This is also your advantage. You I should be proud enough.”

“Brother Yang a giant amongst men, I can’t compare it, Miss Yan’er is overpraised.”

Xia Yufeng said hurriedly.

“Well, you can clearly recognize this, and you deserve to be friends with my Husband.”

Wu Lingyan said: “I look at you a little bit more The feminine side of women is a bit less masculine, but this thing takes time to settle, and it will not be anxious for a while. You can try to grow a beard and speak louder. This may be better.”

“cough cough, I will.”

Xia Yufeng opened her mouth, but she didn’t know what to say, she could only be nodded with embarrassment, she wanted to cry but couldn’t cry .

Eldest Prince of the dignified Great Xia Dynasty, whoever met him normally, was not flattering and fawning, and the old man who held him up, who would have thought that he would be criticized by a woman today.

“My cultivator, the focus is on cultivating the mind. Only by improving the mood can we go further. As for beauty and ugliness, but that’s all, Brother Xia doesn’t need to care about it.”

Yang Xuan smiled and said, cultivation base At the level of Xia Yufeng, he can easily change his appearance, but Xia Yufeng did not do so. In the final analysis, he still does not care, and it is precisely because he does not care that he can ignore the eyes of others.

“Brother Yang said that.”

Xia Yufeng agreed.

“Meeting is fate, let’s go, let’s go up the mountain, this mountain, known as the nine ten thousand zhang, has a 9th layer, and it is said that one layer is more difficult than the other. I want to see it. “

Yang Xuan made an inviting gesture, and didn’t say anything immediately, and took Wu Lingyan directly, along with Xia Yufeng, along a clean white jade step, up step by step.

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