The jade steps straight up, leading to the top of the mountain with clouds and mist.

Each floor jade steps, with several feet in length and width, three people walking on it, the breath of the avenue assaults the senses, and immediately felt a heavy pressure, even the mana within the body is difficult to operate Unblocked.

This is the mountain. It is getting harder and harder, and the pressure is multiplying. It may not be long before they can only use their fleshy body to climb up one step at a time.

At the same time, the will of the Dao Mountain on the Dao Mountain, the marvelous Dao Domain formed, not only makes people unable to fly, but also unable to perform any Immortal Technique.

Xia Yufeng walked side by side with Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan all the way, and said as he walked: “Daoshan’s 9th layer, every 10,000 layers of jade steps, is a layer of Tao. I have been here once, but I stopped at the Fifth Layer domain. Now that the cultivation base has improved a bit, I don’t know if I can reach the threshold of the Sixth Layer domain.”

Only climb the mountain in the Sixth Layer domain. In order to be called Heaven’s Chosen, Heaven’s Chosen Heaven’s Chosen, also known as Heaven’s Chosen Child, this is a level higher than genius. Many people who came to this mountain in ancient times wanted to justify themselves by this. .

“With Brother Xia’s talent, it should not be difficult to get on the Sixth Layer domain.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Where is Brother Yang, who are you going to visit Daoshan this time?”

Xia Yufeng asked curiously, Yang Xuan can be with Yuanshisheng at the foot of Daoshan The stele generates induction, and even understands the mystery of the avenue from it. This perception is simply unheard-of, and it can be called the enchantment among the enchantments. It is entirely possible to reach the 8th Layer or even the Ninth Layer.

Yang Xuan hasn’t spoken yet, Wu Lingyan raised her eyebrows and said, “What is the most important domain? Since my Husband is here, I will definitely be able to reach the top of Daoshan, don’t believe me. Wait and see.”

“Be low-key, your Husband, if I fail in the end, wouldn’t it make people laugh?”

Yang Xuan said.

“I believe Husband, you can do it.”

Wu Lingyan smiled and said, “Men can’t say no. If Husband fails to reach Daoshan this time, they will I have to consider if I want to marry another person.”

“It’s so cruel, then I really have to work harder, or what if you run away with someone?”

Yang Xuan chuckled lightly.

“Brother Yang is really sure to climb to the top of Daoshan?”

On the side, Xia Yufeng was shocked, and Yang Xuan was too calm, as if the door of Holy Mountain in front of him was a place for sightseeing Resort, there is no difficulty at all.

“I’m not sure, but I have to try everything, right?”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.

hearing this, Xia Yufeng was completely speechless, but her heart was ups and downs.

The difficulty of climbing the mountain is not just talking about it.

Since the existence of this mountain, no young cultivator can easily go up. If you want to climb to the top through the 9th layer, there is no one in ancient times. If you act hard, you may be in danger of life. Very dangerous.

“Hey, there is also a stone tablet here, and there are many words on it.”

Wu Lingyan suddenly spoke and pointed to a piece of high jade steps with several feet on the right side. Said the giant tablet.

“There are really many words…”

Yang Xuan looked up and saw that the giant tablet was engraved from top to bottom, from left to right. name.

Some names are obviously newly engraved, but some names seem to have existed for a long time. For so much, they have not been obliterated by time and are still clearly visible.

“This is already the Third Layer domain. Since ancient times, many people who have come here will leave a taboo on this common name monument. If you look closely, you can see that I was on it. The name left behind.”

Listening to what Xia Yufeng said, and looking along the place where his fingers were, Yang Xuan and Wu Lingyan saw the words “Xia Yufeng” in the lower right corner of the giant tablet. .

“As expected to be a prince, Brother Xia can write well.”

Yang Xuan exclaimed.

“Brother Yang passed the award. As a prince, the younger brother has been taught by many instructors since he was a child. He is naturally familiar with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but that’s all.”

Xia Yufeng shook the head, explained: “This generic stele, according to legend, is left by the ancestor Yuanshi, the ancestor of Taoism. It does not have a certain strength and perception. It is simply impossible to engrave on it. Even if it is carved with all its strength, without Dao Rhyme, it is destined to not last. It will fade away gradually.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Yang Xuan suddenly said to the side Wu Lingyan: “Will Yan’er go and engrave her name on it?”

“Go Husband, I don’t need it anymore. My name has already been branded in Husband’s heart, so I don’t need to engrave it anywhere else.” Wu Lingyan said.

“haha, my little Yan’er is really good at talking, come, let me kiss her husband.”

Yang Xuan laughed, no matter what Xia Yufeng thinks next to him, first in Wu Ling Yan kissed her pretty face, and then she stepped up and came to the famous monument and carved her name.

hong long!

next moment, with a loud noise, the entire famous monument shook violently, and then the scene that stunned Wu Lingyan and Xia Yufeng appeared .

On the stele of common names, all the names have disappeared. Only the word “Yang Xuan” is on the top, and the rays of light flicker continuously.

Chapter 1649 Leave name


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