Dao Kongzi indifferently said that he would close the mountain.

“I Senior Brother, I am Great Destiny, and I am the True Disciple, the chief of Heavenly Dao Saint Court, the leader of the same generation. Can’t Senior give him another chance?”

Long Fei not Even think It is authentic. He is only the first to look at Huayun pegasus until now, and he does not want Hua Yuntian to miss the Yuanshijing. In his opinion, only Hua Yuntian is qualified to understand the Yuanshijing.

“Shut up!”

Hua Yun is in a hurry, and it is too late to stop it. This Long Fei is stupid enough to speak without thinking. What did the other party begging for, isn’t this making him even more ashamed and unable to show one’s face in front of outsiders?

“Tsk, it turns out that the predecessor is not Heavenly Dao Saint Court, Hua Yuntian!”

“This is incredible, who is it? Is talent perception better than that? Hua Yuntian can’t make it?”

As many people up and down the mountain exclaimed, after Wu Lingyan and Xia Yufeng merged, they couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed together. Among them, Wu Lingyan was more happy. Xia Yufeng was completely surprised.

Both people understand that the so-called predestined person is definitely Yang Xuan. If anyone on this mountain can hope to win Daoshan, that person can only be Yang Xuan.

“Well, everyone immediately went down the mountain. Those who have not yet climbed Daoshan will also leave Penglai Immortal Island as soon as possible for the old Dao, must not be missed.”

Suddenly, A majestic and loud voice came from within the view of the Holy Land Heavenly Void, and it resounded throughout the entire Penglai Immortal Island, not dissipating for a long time.

“Hey, let’s go, everyone, this mountain is no matter how difficult it is to go up.”


For a short time After the uproar, no one dared to stay on the entire Penglai Immortal Island. Although they were unwilling and disappointed, they had already evacuated from the island as quickly as possible.

Even a certain powerful person in the Dao Sect has spoken. Whoever dares to resist his orders is trying to be an enemy of the Dao Sect.

At the same time, the people on Daoshan, Wu Lingyan and Xia Yufeng, Hua Yuntian and the others accelerated their speed down the mountain and flew all the way away from Penglai Immortal Island.


“Within the Taomen, place of charm and beauty, there is the blessing of the will of our Lord, are you ready to accept the test?”

“Junior is ready, you can enter the gate at any time.”

“So you can go in with the old man.”

Besides the gate, there is nothing more to say , Took Yang Xuan, stepped across the huge white jade portal, and came to a new world.

Here, it’s like a Chaos Void. Above the void not far away, a series of three huge Dao Altars emerge one by one, no more than ten thousand zhang apart from each other. The whole body is surrounded by green mist, and Dao Rhyme flows. , Hazy.

In a place farther away, a Misty Palace is looming, floating and sinking.

The palace is mysterious and magnificent, and extremely quiet, with “Dao” and “reason” intertwined. Yang Xuan just looked at it from a distance, and felt inexplicable throbbing in his heart, anxiously thinking Go inside and find out.

“That is Dao Palace. Before my master Yuanshi Shengzun Huadao, he often closed-door cultivation and enlightenment.”

On the side, Dao Kongzi said, “As for you. These three Dao Altars are for Dao Altar. Every time you step on one to ask Dao Altar, you need to answer a question left by my lord. There are three questions in total. This is what the old man and you said are too clear Three questions.”

“Well, can Mr. Kong give Junior a little hint?”

Yang Xuan rubbed his hands, hehe smiled.

“Go, there is never a shortcut on the road, the old man said to the junior of Heavenly Dao Saint Court before that he has to say a word of fate in everything. This is also suitable for you. Don’t ask all sorts of questions anymore, just click to ask Dao Altar.”

Dao Kongzi said with a smile.

“Okay, okay, Junior will go up here.”

Yang Xuan twitched his lips, and went to the first seat, Dao Altar, at the same time, together Great Dao’s heavenly music, sounded loudly in his ears.

“What is right? What is evil?”

Yang Xuan thought for a moment, and then replied: “If the heart is right, then the heart is right, and the heart is evil, and the heart is evil.”

hong long!

next moment, there was a loud noise, Yang Xuan asked Dao Altar at his feet to collapse, and he instinctively jumped to the second seat, Dao Altar, but he didn’t know the previous one. Whether he answered the question correctly, he could not help turning his head to look at the gap.

“Congratulations, you are right.”

Dao Kongzi said with a smile.

“That’s right!”

Yang Xuan was surprised and heard from 2nd Great Dao’s heavenly music, “What is good? What is evil?”

“A good heart will do good, a bad heart will do evil, and the heart will be good.”

Yang Xuan draws a scoop according to bottle gourd and opens his mouth to say. People have already flown to the third seat and asked Dao Altar, drowsily said : “Kong Lao, is this really a question left by your master Yuanshi Shengzun? It is too simple!”

“hmph, Taiqing Three Questions are left by my lord How can it be as easy as you said? The third question is the most difficult to answer. Don’t try to get through it like the previous two questions.”

Three questions, also coming one after another.

“What is Tao?”

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