This question is indeed a bit embarrassing for Yang Xuan. He thought for a long time before saying: “Three Thousand Great Dao, only take a scoop. The path I walked under my feet, whether right or wrong No, it’s my way.”

Chapter 1656 Dao Palace

“Junior, is this a pass the test?”

The third seat asked Dao Altar, There was no movement for a long time, which made Yang Xuan nervous for no reason.

“What is Tao?”

At this moment, the Great Dao’s heavenly music sounded again.

Obviously, Yang Xuan’s answer just now was not approved by Dao Altar.

Dao Kongzi sound transmission far away, “Boy, your answer is wrong, your way is also contrary to the way of the Lord Yuanshi Shengzun, you should stop thinking about it, try to change the answer. “

Yang Xuan hearing this, frowned slightly, and blurted out: “You don’t need to say too much about the old man. This is the way of Junior. It has nothing to do with good and evil, good and evil, and Junior will never To change.”

His way is both ruthless and sentimental. The sentimental and ruthlessness lies in his thoughts.

Under his anger, he can surrender himself to become a demon, slaughter the nine ten thousand li, and when he is happy, he can also be the Buddha, save the Boundless Abyss of Suffering, and the Yuanshi holy place The avenues pursued are natural and completely different.

In order to find the way, the Lord Yuanshi can sit on the mountain of Daoshan for many years, but he absolutely can’t do it because he still has too much worry in his heart.

“Hey, you are really a stubborn temper, but you have too many things on your back, and one day you will be overwhelmed, and you will be out of breath.”

Dao Kongzi sighed, Yang Xuan’s obsession was too deep. This kind of person might be able to cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds in the early stage with a fierce leaps and bounds. But when the cultivation base reach a certain realm, they will do it again. It’s hard to make an inch.

After all, at the end of the cultivation, Dao enlightenment is the key to real enlightenment, and you have to know how to choose.

as the saying goes, you are willing to be willing, you have to give up, you have to learn to give up something in order to get more, this is the so-called Supreme Indifference of the Taoist cultivator.

“It’s not that Junior is unwilling to seek change, but that it is unwilling to seek change. If it really wants to change, then I am not the same me anymore.”

I heard what Yang Xuan said , Dao Kongzi fell into silence. After a long time, he said, “Why do you bother here again? My lord once said: The avenue is a lonely journey to loneliness. The scenery on the way is just a passing scene. Chen Yuan, all are the passers-by in life.”

“Does Kong Lao think so too?”

Yang Xuan suddenly asked.

“The little old man, Shanling, doesn’t understand this. The reason why I’m telling you this is that I want you to pass this test and inherit my lord’s orthodoxy.”

Dao Kongzi gave a bitter smile, and then seemed to fall into the memory, muttering to himself: “What is Tao Kong, it refers to the emptiness of the great road. The name given to me by my lord should be to keep my mind free from distracting thoughts and guard the empty mountain. And enlightenment, in the end, you will be at ease and detached.”

“Kong Lao is wrong, a big mistake. From Junior’s point of view, Yuanshi Shengzun bestows you with Daokong, absolutely not to you Forbidden here, if there is a way, then in the heart, if the heart becomes empty, you are pure and pure, but why do you ask?”

Yang Xuan shook the head, loudly said: “Ask If you ask your heart, if you have nothing to ask, how can you talk about being free and detached? Sooner or later, you will die alone, buried in that’s all in the mountains, and outsiders, perhaps even Kong Lao, who you are and where you come from, don’t even know.”

paused, he couldn’t help but said again: “If Junior is too old, you should get out of this mountain and take a look outside. The world outside the mountain is very big and wonderful. Only when you really go outside, You are old enough to find your own way.”

“Uh, how come you turned around to enlighten the old man, but hearing what you say, the old man is really tempting.”


Dao Kongzi smiled bitterly, and at the same time faintly expecting. Since his birth, he has never left the corridor for half a step. Although the divine sense came out, he could get a glimpse of the thoughts and thoughts of many people. What he sees and hears in his heart is not what he sees and hears with his own eyes.

“The heart is not as good as the action. There are some things that you have to try yourself in order to see more thoroughly.”

The voice is still there, then Great Dao’s heavenly music, like thunder, third It came again.

“What is Tao?”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, before he had time to answer, he felt that Dao Altar trembled violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

Not only that, but he was also oppressed by a great will of great power. This great will of great power was very powerful, but it didn’t mean to obliterate him. Instead, it constantly impacted his Dao heart. If his will is not Jian, maybe Dao Xin will be damaged until it yields.

“If I am unyielding, even the Heavenly God demons will not crush me.”

Yang Xuan clenched his teeth secretly, standing straight, standing proudly to ask Dao Altar Above, motionless, the eyes go from cold and severe to peaceful, from madness to tranquility, as if experiencing baptism.

“hong long long!!!”

Finally, Dao Altar broke down.

Immediately afterwards, inexplicable trajectories emerged between Heaven and Earth, forming a complex and profound avenue order, entwining Yang Xuan’s whole person from head to toe.

“Boy, if you fail, come back. As long as you thoughts move, you can break free from it.”

Dao Kongzi said.

“Since I’m here, how can I go back empty-handed? Mr. Kong doesn’t need to persuade me anymore, Junior has his own idea.”

Yang Xuan moved his mouth, his voice firm and powerful , A strong obsession suddenly broke out on his body, almost shouting: “What is Dao? I am the Dao, Dao is I, if the Heavenly Dao in the dark does not tolerate it, then I will take it Push down and start over again.”

After that, he swallowed Heavenly Dao’s voluntary revolving, and the order of the avenue bound to his body was broken on the spot like a piece of paper, and then it merged into his body.

This is swallowing, he is devouring this little great will of Yuanshi Sage.

“What an overbearing junior!”

Dao Kongzi stared wide-eyed, I can’t believe this scene is true, although he has long seen that Yang Xuan cultivation is out of him The Life Source Avenue of Yang Xuan has never thought that Yang Xuan’s Life Source Avenue is so terrifying.

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