“Taiqing asks three times. It is about the heart. What I think is the correct answer.”

Yang Xuan shouted, his body rose slowly, and he felt Pulled by mysterious power, he arrived outside the Misty Palace in the distance.

This palace is the Dao Palace of Yuanshi Shengzun. As he came here, the entire Dao Palace was shaking. Soon after, the closed door under Dao Palace suddenly opened.

“The door actually opened!”

Dao Kongzi opened his mouth and was shocked to the point of indescribable. This Dao Palace door is the real door since his master Yuan Shi The Holy Venerable Dao has never been opened since then, who would have thought it would be opened to a Demon Race junior today.

“It turns out that I was really wrong, as this child said. Taiqing asks three questions about the heart. Only by keeping the original heart can it be maintained. There simply does not exist whether the answer is correct or not. Say it.”

After a brief absence, Dao Kongzi also completely figured it out, and said to Yang Xuan: “Boy, go in quickly, when you understand the Yuanshijing, the old man will go out with you. Take a trip, take a good look at the world beyond the mountain.”

Chapter 1657 Yuanshijing

“It’s right for Mr. Kong to think so. Wait a minute, Junior will go to participate. Enlightenment of Yuan Shijing.”

“Let’s stop talking nonsense and go quickly. If you fail to understand the Dao Sutra, the old man will never follow you.”

“haha, No, Mr. Kong will wait to be my Dao Protector!”

Yang Xuan laughed, and then without saying more, he strode through the door and stepped into Dao Palace with his head raised.

Dao Palace, also known as Yuanshi Dao Palace, is the place where Yuanshi Shengzun enlightened Dao in the past years. There is no gold and jade in glorious splendor decoration in the entire palace, only the decoration of Return to the Natural State.

For example, along the way, the various landscape carvings on the walls of the palace, all of them seem to be washed out of lead and dust. They look lifelike and are extremely clear and simple, quite a Grand Dao. Reaches The Simple, the natural feeling of Taoism.

“This Yuanshi Shengzun is indeed a person who likes to be quiet but not to move.”

Yang Xuan whispered and got a glimpse of the whole picture. With these murals, he can It can be seen that Yuanshi Shengzun was pure-hearted, low-spirited, peaceful and detached from the world.

“You junior is wrong. The old way is not unhappy, but unwilling to move.”

Suddenly, an old voice of illusory sounded like an immortal voice Came.

“Senior is?!”

Yang Xuan was surprised at first, and then bowed, “Junior Yang Xuan, I have seen Yuanshi Shengzun!”

“You don’t need to be polite, you can come here, it is enough to show that you are connected to me, but the old way is hard to last, otherwise you can take the time to point you, you have obsessions, and cling to the way. Really rare.”

The old voice sounded again, looking very kind.

“It turns out that there is only one Cannian left in Senior…”

Yang Xuan lightly sighed, for this Yuanshi Venerable, he always had a trace of respect in his heart.

“When people die like a lamp, you can leave this ray of remnant thoughts. Someone has to enter the Dao Palace, and the old Taoist will die even if they die.”

Shenzhen Yuanshi said separately:” Come in, in the deepest part of Dao Palace, there is a Taiqing Dao Altar in the old way. The Yuanshi Sutra is hidden in the Taiqing Dao Altar. With your ability, it is enough to comprehend the entire scripture.”

“Why do you see Senior?!” Yang Xuan raised an eyebrow.

“hehe, the Ming people don’t talk secretly, and ask you the old way, but you have comprehend the Taoism?” Yuanshi Venerable smiled.

“Senior Divine Vision, yes, Junior did understand Taoism, to be precise, it should be the first two paragraphs of Taoism.”

Yang Xuan Tao .

“That’s a coincidence. The Old Taoist Yuanshi Sutra originated from the third stage of Taoism. In the past, Old Taoism often discussed the Tao with Xitian Buddha’s tea. This third stage of Taoism is From it.”

“Senior is talking about the Buddha of the West Heaven?”

“It is him, in this world, besides you, those who are lucky enough to be able to enlighten the Taoism, also Only the ancestor of Buddhism.”

“Senior, Junior’s Taoism is derived from a string of wisdom beads of the Buddha in the West.”

“Yes Well, this can only show that you have a relationship with Buddhism and my Taoism. At the same time, your perception may be better than that of Xitian Buddha. After all, Xitian Buddha is at your age and has not yet cleared the mysterious comprehension of Taoism. .”

“Senior is an old friendship with the Buddha of the West Heaven. Can I know if the Buddha of the West Heaven has the complete Taoism?”

“This is naturally not, I really want to understand the complete Taoism He didn’t have to give up his way and live forever. He has left this world with the Lord of Fate.”

“Leaving this world, Senior refers to the legendary Great Eternal Realm?”

” No one knows whether there is eternal life in this world. Although the destiny master knows it, he has never mentioned it to outsiders. Everything will not be known until you actually enter it in the future.”

At the same time, Yang Xuan also came to the end of Dao Palace, in an old stone chamber, where there is no installation, only a hazy Dao Altar, placed in the center of the stone chamber, and a mysterious atmosphere of avenue flowed throughout.

“The fate gathers and the fate is scattered, the old way does not ask you to do good things in the future, and to benefit the common people. I only hope that you will act with your own heart. Don’t be a reckless ascetic. Remember!”

The voice is still there. On Dao Altar, Taiqing, a smiling old face appears, but it hasn’t existed for long before it fades away and vanishes into nothingness.

“Junior will do it.”

Yang Xuan bowed, then stepped up to Taiqing Dao Altar and sat down on it.

“The Dao has no beginning, it starts with no cause, is the first of all paths, the ancestor of vitality, Root of World, and the Dao, you should subdue your heart, get great freedom, great detachment…”

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