“Since the Great War, Divine Race has been recuperating. Now it returns in a swirl of dust and deliberately chooses to focus on this knot. The picture must not be afraid of being too old. I sent someone out to find out. It seems that Divine Race is wandering outside the grave recently, and I don’t know what it intends to do.”

As soon as Fu Yunzi said this, Master Qing Yun and the others remained unchanged, especially for that grave. Everyone is jealous.

The so-called underworld tombs are all the many underworld people who died in battle in the past.

Since the birth of Xianyu, there have been a total of several catastrophes. The source of each catastrophe originated from the Underworld under the Dark Land, although those catastrophes were immortal by all parties. Dao sages were powerful in suppressing them, but most of the dead demons of the underworld returned to the underworld after death.

There are rumors that the dark tomb was built when a dark god of the dark race was about to die. No one can approach it, and its purpose is not known to outsiders, but the existence of the dark tomb has always been It was a thorn in the hearts of the immortal dao forces of all parties, and they couldn’t get rid of it.

“Is Divine Race colluding with the Underworld race, if this matter is true, then under the Guixu, it is most likely that there is really a shocking change.”

Master Qing Yun sucked in cold air, the more he thought about it, the more afraid.

A Divine Race is enough to stir up the wind and rain in the fairyland and cause huge waves. If Divine Race joins forces with the underworld, it will definitely be a disaster for the fairyland. .

“Qing Fellow Daoist Yun is right. Under the return to the ruins, there has indeed been a big change. I, Heavenly Dao Saint Court, with the help of the Heavenly Dao ancient mirror, have caught a glimmer of crisis.”

At this moment, a silhouette stepped down into the air. It was an old man wearing a silver robe. His eyes were deeply locked and vicissitudes of life. Although there was no breath fluctuation on his body, it made Fuyunzi and Master Qing Yun and the The others do not dare to underestimate it.

“It turned out to be Feng Elder of Heavenly Dao Saint Court. I don’t know how much Feng Elder knows about the changes under Guixu?”

Fuyunzi asked with a smile.

“I can’t talk about understanding. After all, the first few of my Heavenly Dao Saint Court haven’t returned from the hometown, but there must be demons when they act abnormally. We need to make early preparations.”

old man shook the head said, it is the Elder in the mouth of Longfei and Hua Yuntian.

This person’s full name is Feng Tianzheng, and he has a cultivation base of the imperial realm. He is decent and acts upright. He is the Immortal Emperor in charge of Heavenly Dao Saint Court, who is in charge of Law Enforcement Palace. Has absolute power to live and kill.

“What about the dark grave, how much does Feng Elder know about this?”

Fuyunzi squinted and asked again. In terms of inquiring about the news, Heavenly Dao Saint Court is better than their Daomen Much.

Because Heavenly Dao Saint Court has a Heavenly Dao ancient mirror, you only need to turn on this mirror to be familiar with major events in the world.

“Nether Tomb!”

Feng Tian was groaning, and then slowly said: “According to the message from Heavenly Dao ancient mirror, Divine Race should want to enter into Nether Tomb. , And then opened up the two passages of my fairyland and the dark underworld.”

“Is this serious?!”

Fuyunzi and the others trembled.

“Hey, the old man also hopes to be fake, but the powerhouse of the meditation has recently grown inside and outside the tomb. It is very likely that the powerhouse of the meditation is resurrected, and with this power of the meditation, and with the Divine Race Together, it is really possible to avoid the suppression of the Gate of Eternal Life, and forcefully open a gap in the dark grave, so that the army of the dark tribe can come to the fairyland in advance.”

Feng Tianzheng was lightly sighed, and then said An explosive news.

“There is one more thing, the old man has to inform you in advance that Divine Race, the contemporary god lord, seems not at all to go to Guixu, but has always been in the mountain retreat.”

After all, no matter how shocked the Fuyunzi and the others, people just drifted away and went straight to a floating immortal island where Huayuntian and the others were, and said to several people: “The Yuan Shijing has a master. You shouldn’t fight anymore. For the descendant of the Yuanshi Holy Venerable, you shouldn’t have to fight with him.”

“Is that kid who are you? Even Feng Elder treats him. Is it so important?”

Long Fei blurted out.

“You don’t have to ask more, you just need to remember, this is an order.”

Feng Tianzheng lightly shouted, and said to Huayun Heavenly Dao: “The catastrophe is coming, Only the person who truly breaks the calamity can get his destiny, and if you want to hold the road and take the destiny, you must first live, you must remember.”

“Cloud heaven knows.”

Hua Yuntian hurriedly said.

“It’s fine if you know it, all the old man that should be mentioned have been said. You can leave with the old man when you wait. This world will soon fall into turmoil. As for this door, it’s not a long stay. The land.”

Speaking, he rolled up Hua Yuntian and the others and went all the way.

Chapter 1661 Forget Worry immortal island

In the depths of the South China Sea, there is an immortal island, which is shrouded in mist all year round.

The entire immortal island is elliptical in shape and resembles a turtle’s back. It does not know how big it is. It floats up and down on the vast sea, mysterious and hazy, and cannot be approached by foreign cultivators simply. Even many Taoist cultivators can also I can’t get a glimpse of its true colors.

This immortal island on the sea is exactly the Wangyou immortal island, one of the Five Great Holy Lands of Taomen. The island is full of peaks and ridges, green vegetation, and solitary dotted on the vast sea. It is independent and eternal. Endure.

On this evening, the afterglow of the sunset, through the layers of clouds and mist, fell on the immortal island of Wangyou, leaving wisps of spots on it, making the entire island more and more magnificent, like an Immortal Realm.

At the same time, on top of a mountain on the island, outside an empty Taoist temple, a silent silhouette appeared.

It was a tall, old-fashioned Old Daoist with white hair white beard, dressed in coarse linen, and his eyes vicissitudes of life. This person appeared out of thin air, without the slightest warning beforehand.

He just stood on the ten thousand zhang stone steps outside the Taoist temple like this. Although there is no aura fluctuation on his body, he gives people a feeling of being in harmony with the world and transcending the world.

This person is no one else, but the master of this Taoist temple, the Immortal Emperor of the Taoist name Wangyouzi.

In the ancestral land of Taomen, the Immortal Emperor is undoubtedly the most mysterious, and the hardest to see a Taoist power, because he has long since broken the mundane world and has been in closed-door cultivation all year round. There is also the battle strength of the Great Saint in the leapfrog battle, so many Taoist cultivators who have been cultivating for many years have no chance to see this legendary Divine Immortal character even one side.

“Disciple Daoming, I have seen Master!”

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