At this moment, below the stone steps, a middle-aged Taoist hurried up.

This middle-aged Taoist man, a shabby daoist robe, has obviously not taken care of his hair and beard for a long time, and he even took out a broom in his hand. It seems that he is cleaning the fallen leaves on the stone steps, a pair of have endured the hardships of a The kind of long journey.

However, this is such a sloppy Taoist, but he is a real Taoist Immortal King, with the Immortal King Realm Peak cultivation base, but in front of Wangyou Immortal Emperor, he has to bow to worship , Greetings.

“You don’t need to be polite. I have received three disciplines in my life. You have a talented perception. Although you can’t be considered among them, you are the only person who can calm down. This is really rare. When the old way of life passes away, you will manage this huge Wangyou view.”

Wangyou Immortal Emperor waved his hand, faintly opened the mouth and said.

“What does the Master say, your old lifespan is long, and sooner or later you will be able to aspire to the Holy Land. Inextinguishable Immortal, you will be eternally at ease.”

Middle-aged Taoist humanity name Daomingzi, this The name is given by the Immortal Emperor Wangyou, intended for him to understand Heart Seeing Nature and to understand the mysterious road.

“There are unexpected events in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings. Even if they are teachers, or those who have already stepped into the holy realm, sooner or later, they will experience the five decay of heaven and man. “

Hearing the words of Wangyou Immortal Emperor, Daomingzi fell into silence. After so long, he seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a look of surprise: “Under the Master, it’s not all until now. Are there two disciplines, First Senior Brother and discipline, and when did one more discipline come out?!”

Worrying Immortal Emperor said just now that he received three disciplines in his lifetime, so Mingzi can listen. Be clear, absolutely impossible.

“hmph, don’t mention your aberrant First Senior Brother, he doesn’t deserve to be my Wangyouzi’s discipline.”

Wangyou Immortal Emperor frowned and hummed.

“Disciple knows wrong, you shouldn’t mention First Senior Brother. Master, please don’t worry.”

Dao Mingzi hurriedly said, the First Senior Brother in his mouth, Daohao Qingqing Mingzi, the first disciple of the Immortal Emperor Wangyou, entered the Daomen Ancestral Temple without permission and stole the Heaven Sealing Umbrella and Seven Stars Sword from it. He is a traitor and sinner of Daomen.

However, his First Senior Brother is also very real. After escaping from the ancestral land of Daomen, he looked for closed-door cultivation. It is said that he has aspired to the Holy Land many years ago, in a fairyland Great World. Occupying an area for respect, a wide range of believers, self-appointed Qingming Daosheng.

“It’s okay, the teacher just doesn’t want to think of that rebel that’s all.”

Worry Immortal Emperor lightly sighed, discipline the student surpasses the master, he should have been pleased , But Qing Mingzi was too seeking instant benefit, and he did such great rebellious things in the Taoist Ancestral Temple, and even the Master who took him as a Master was also implicated.

“Didn’t the Master say that there is another discipline? I don’t know who this person is?”

Since Qing Mingzi defected to the Daomen, Wangyou Immortal Emperor swore to never accept it again Apprentice, who wants to say that there is still a discipline now, this is really incredible.

At the same time, Daomingzi is also very curious about who can make his Master favor him, and even break his vows and accept him as his disciple.

“This person’s name is Yang Xuan, and he is on that mountain now, but in truth, he is not considered as the teacher’s nominal discipline. After all, being the teacher and him, he only had one side in the lower realm. Zhiyuan, he did not expressly stated that he would worship the teacher at that time, or he would follow the teacher to the Wangyou Temple for cultivation.”

Wangyou Immortal Emperor smiled and said.

“What, there are people in this world who can refuse to worship Master as a teacher!?”

After a brief shock, Daomingzi immediately said: “Wait, Master said that this person On top of Dao Mountain, is it possible that is the young man who climbed the top of Dao Mountain and successfully comprehended Yuan Shi Jing?”

“It is him, this child has enchanted capital, is the real a The giant amongst men, as a teacher in the lower realm, appreciates him a lot, and wants to accept him as an apprentice to eliminate the devil in his heart. Unfortunately, he has obsessions and declined the kindness of being a teacher.”

“Demonic nature, is this person a Demon Race?”

“Hehe, to be precise, should belong to the underworld family. His father is the Immortal Emperor who is known as the first emperor.”

“didn’t expect, a bloodline of the Immortal Emperor, who can actually comprehend the Yuanshi Sutra, and spread the news, and the Demon Race from all sides will vote, then my Taoist door has not become a magic cave? “

“No need to worry too much, this child is very human. Although it is very devilish, it is definitely not a temperament very ruthless, people completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice, not to mention he inherited the Yuanshi Shengzun Legacy. Even if it is my Dao Sect Young Master, it will not be disadvantageous to my Dao Sect.”

“Listening to what the Master said, the discipline is relieved.”

“Okay, When he gets off Daoshan, if you take the time to meet him, you will say that you have something to discuss with him for the teacher, so he must come here.”

“Disciple understands.”


On Taoshan, Yang Xuan sat cross-legged, solemnly, with a heart immersed in the mysterious Taoism, as if drunk and stupefied.

Because of the Taoism, he was able to build Life Source Avenue that day.

It can be said that everything he has today is thanks to this sutra.

If there is no such experience, he would be impossible to cultivate to this step, and he would not even be able to come to the fairyland ahead of time.

Dazzling, another half of the day passed.

During this period, Yang Xuan’s mana has also been increasing, and the gap with Hua Yuntian is shrinking bit by bit. Of course, this gap only refers to the cultivation base.

Chapter 1662 Lingyuan

“Is this the fairy sage Peak…”

In the early morning, the sun rises, everything recovers, and strands of golden light fall down, making The entire Penglai Immortal Island is covered with a gorgeous color.

On the top of Dao Mountain, as the sky full of Immortal Qi dissipated and everything returned to peace, Yang Xuan finally opened his eyes, slowly got off the ground, and stood up.

Under the warm mountain breeze, he moved his body slightly, and there was a crisp sound like fried beans all over his body. The whole person seemed to have undergone a transformation. Not only was his mana greatly increased, but Even the expression in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

“Immortal dao is misty, no matter how dangerous the road ahead, no matter how many catastrophes I will face in the future, since I choose to embark on this path, then I can only be attached to my heart and face difficulties. Step by step, unswervingly go down.”

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