A young man, no matter where he comes from, since he can become the Legacy heir of the Yuanshi Sage, no one among those huge gates dares to disrespect him.

“You don’t have to be polite, and don’t call me a little saint. I am me, surnamed Yang, my name is Xuan, and I have only one purpose for coming here, and that is eating and drinking merrily.”

, Yang Xuan didn’t say much, and took Wu Lingyan and Xia Yufeng directly, and entered the Tianwailou with Zhou Manshan.

Chapter 1667 Chanting Poems

Tianwai Building, Tianwai Xianshan Mountain, is as happy as Divine Immortal, everything in the world is unknown, and the game world is too high.

Hong Chen is Heartless Dao, do as one pleases Ren Xiaoyao, sentiment can also be Tao, ruthless can also be Tao, sentimental and ruthless only know oneself.

These two poems are from Emperor Tao Mysterious Immortal, and they are also the masterpieces of his aspirations to the emperor realm.

In addition, Tao Mysterious Immortal traveled all over the world, writing poems, there are too many, some were snort disdainfully by the world, to lead people astray, and some others. It is praised by the world and regarded as a stunning work.

This is undoubtedly contradictory, but Yang Xuan can also understand it.

For example, he occasionally couldn’t help but screamed loudly and sighed in his chest. Although some words could barely be counted as poetry, in the eyes of outsiders, they were worthless and nonsense.

Walking along the long suspended ladder to the top of Tianwailou, Zhou Manshan did not forget to introduce Yang Xuan to Emperor Mysterious Immortal.

According to Zhou Manshan, the Mysterious Immortal cultivation has so far been hundreds of thousands. His life is heroic, unruly and cynical throughout his life. Normally, he especially likes drinking, having fun, and singing poetry.

This huge Tianwailou is the place where it was built. It was built at will, intending to collect thousands of poems from all over the world and enlighten the Tao from the poems.

“A mortal has a good saying, the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu, but for my cultivator, why is that not the case? No one is born to be perfect and wants to prove To live forever, you have to read ten thousand li books and walk ten thousand li.”

“hehe, Shaosheng talks out of the ordinary, and every word and deed contains Taoism, old man I admire it.”

“Lao Zhou is overpraised. Compared to your master, Mysterious Immortal, the kid is far behind.”

“Meeting is fate, old man There is just a volume of poems left by my lord. This is a collector’s edition. The poems in it contain my lord’s comments and enlightenment, so I’ll give it to the young saint.”

In the meantime, Zhou Manshan seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly took out an ancient jade book from the Storage Bracelet and handed it respectfully to Yang Xuan.

Obviously, this is the book of poems left by Emperor Tao Mysterious Immortal. There are various poems written by Emperor Tao Mysterious Immortal and others, but they can be included in the book by Emperor Tao Mysterious Immortal. , I want to have a certain value.

In the eyes of Emperor Tao Mysterious Immortal, the ordinary poems are probably full of complaints, a piece of absurd essays with no merit, and naturally they are impossible in the book.

“Many thanks to Mr. Zhou, when Junior calms down, I shall read it carefully.”

Yang Xuan hugs cup one fist in the other hand, a place that is precious and precious Put away this jade album.

This thing may be useless to others, but for him, it is of great use. Just because of his way, he has to absorb all the rivers, learn from the good points of others, and find his own shortcomings. With Perfection Dao heart.

Three Thousand Great Dao, everything can be proved, this is not just a talk.

It is because he has a very high personal enlightenment, but he does not despise these poems in the slightest. Not only that, he also attaches great importance to it as a treasure.

While thinking about it, his poetry became prosperous, and he couldn’t help but open the mouth and said: “Who knows the vast road, what’s the matter with the vicissitudes of life? The sword will never die, and he will still be a teenager when he returns.”

“Brother Yang is a good literary talent, my younger brother ashamed of being inferior.”

Xia Yufeng has eyes shined, and his face is full of admiration. This poem is domineering and has a profound artistic conception. It is a real masterpiece. From the previous slightly exaggerated horizontal criticism, it is more than a thousand times stronger, and there is no comparability at all.

“Hehe, Husband is really amazing. Listening to your words, the concubine, as a daughter, is also somewhat overwhelmed by emotions!”

Wu Lingyan came back to his senses, The eyes are also brilliant.

“Good poems, good poems, young saints are worthy of being young saints, a word of swordsmanship, the world will be immortal, and he will still be a teenager when he returns. With the poem of young life, it is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, “

Zhou Manshan is full of admiration, his face is red and light, and he is energetic. At this moment, it is his old bones, which also touched the heart of the enthusiastic young man. He wanted to find someone to do two tricks.

“Who made this poem? It’s absolutely amazing!”

“It’s the little sage of Taoism, it seems to be called Yang Xuan, didn’t expect this child except for his peerless talent In addition, there are such lofty ambitions. It’s no wonder that Hua Yuntian of Heavenly Dao Saint Court has been compared by him.”

“Hey, it’s not as well-known as meeting, this is Heaven’s Chosen evildoer, as long as Falling early, the next day is destined to name shakes the whole world. Ask the boundless earth, and how many people will be able to stay young. I am far better off waiting!”

A poem, Yang Xuan was originally Feeling sentimental, it shook the entire Tianwailou, up and down Tianwailou, regardless of men, women, young and old, regardless of arrogance or conceit, they couldn’t help being overwhelmed in an uproar.

“I’ll see the young sage.”

“The young sages are talented, like the reincarnation of the poetic saint. Today, I take this opportunity to stop writing a few poems, let I’ll wait and enjoy it.”

“Yes, yeah, a poem is not addictive at all. I want to listen to a few more poems.”

The next time, Yang Xuan’s fame has greatly increased. Many Taoist cultivators have gathered along the way. Some people marveled at his talent, and even wanted him to chant two more poems.

“Upstairs in the sky, loud noises are forbidden, just disperse, as the saying goes Miaoshi occasionally get it, you really think that writing a poem is like eating and drinking water!”

Zhou Manshan frowned and shouted.

“It’s okay, since everyone is so yaxing, then this Yang will chant another poem.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, everyone suddenly calmed down and made a pair He was listening, but soon, as Yang Xuan read a poem, everyone almost fainted on the spot.

“What’s wrong, but this Yang is not a middle-eared poem?”

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