Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, pretending to be astonished, and yelled again with a loud voice, “Life is impermanent, and the way is impermanent. Don’t put it to your heart when things happen. Tossing out of the clouds, it is a blessing to be able to eat and sleep, and to be able to prostitute and bet is also a blessing, there is a way…”

Before the words fell, Wu Lingyan handed him with a hand and motioned him to stop talking.

Where is this poem, it is clearly to be funny, if you really want him to continue, Wu Lingyan will have no face to stay here anymore. It is really insulting to gentle.

“Sorry, I’m so playful, I can’t stop it when I want to receive it. Don’t laugh when you hear it. I can talk nonsense.”

In the next sentence, Yang Xuan didn’t stay long, and under the leadership of Zhou Manshan, he followed Wu Lingyan and Xia Yufeng all the way to the top of Tianwai Tower.

Tianwailou has 81 floors. The tallest floor is like a palace-like pavilion. It has reached beyond the vast clouds. Looking down, it is the endless clouds and mists. This is the feeling of being on the sea of ​​clouds, as if stepping into the Heavenly Palace.

“Young saints and two, please sit down, the old man will go down first.”

When the three of Yang Xuan were seated, Zhou Manshan bowed down.

At the same time, on a huge jade platform in front of the three of them, a lot of lotus-shaped things spread out, revealing a jug of wine, which is full of color and fragrance. The dishes, needless to say, are specially prepared by Zhou Manshan for Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan wants to have a banquet here for Heavenly Void Guan Shen Lingxiao, and Yang Xuan’s identity makes Zhou Manshan not daring to neglect, so when he heard the Immortal Emperor sound transmission of Tianyun Guan, he prepared everything early. .

Chapter 1668 Inquiry

“Such a sumptuous food and drink, for me, it is too extravagant, right? Brother Yang is still waiting for who?”

On the top floor of Tianwai Building, Xia Yufeng turned his eyes to Yang Xuan and asked curiously.

Not long ago, Yang Xuan invited him to the Tianwailou building for a gathering. He didn’t think much about it before following him. Now, it seems that Yang Xuan probably invited him not only.

“Well, there are still two friends who have not arrived. Brother Xia is idle anyway. Why not chant a poem to help Yaxing.”

Yang Xuan nodded, and then He laughed again, as the Great Xia Dynasty Eldest Prince, Xia Yufeng, piano, chess, calligraphy, poetry, and song prose, must have been involved in poems, for him to come naturally, with no difficulty.

“Here, let’s forget it, the younger brother is less educated, not better than Brother Yang, so I won’t show off in front of Brother Yang.”

Xia Yufeng waved his hands again and again, although he has been reading poems since childhood Books, normally I like to recite poems and make fus, arty, but with Yang Xuan’s previous masterpiece, he has no more desire to compare.

“Men can’t say no, don’t dare, read a poem quickly, don’t worry, no matter whether the poem is good or bad, this Miss will never laugh at you.”

Wu Lingyan corner of the mouth raise, urging from the side, eyes full of crafty.

“Jiannei has this temper, please don’t blame Brother Xia.”

Yang Xuan apologized and smiled bitterly.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Lingyan girl temperament, innocent, this is really rare.”

Xia Yufeng hurriedly said.

“Hey, do you want to compose poems or not. If you want to compose poems, then hurry up, huh, but it’s just a poem that’s all. Is it really that difficult?”

Ling Yan muttered dissatisfiedly. If she hadn’t had a little ink and didn’t know anything about poetry, she would have shown it out a long time ago, and there is no need to talk nonsense with Xia Yufeng.

“It’s not impossible to ask this Xia to write a poem, but the premise is that Lingyan will not call me Little Feng again in the future. I wonder if Lingyan is willing to agree?”

” Okay, I promise you, as long as you are willing to write poems, I won’t call you Little Feng in the future, right?”

“A word is difficult to follow, so please Brother for this matter. Yang is a testimony.”

Xia Yufeng said, after getting the assurance from Yang Xuan, he got up and walked to the edge of the pavilion, looking at the turbulent clouds and mist outside the building and said:” Any poem needs to be sent with feelings, but also in response to the situation. The younger brother wrote a poem with the theme of the sea of ​​clouds outside the building.”

Speaking, I thought a little bit. Next, eyes immediately lit up, slowly opened the mouth and said: “Outside the mountain, the outer building of the Xianshan Building, the misty sea sky, looking at the world like a dream, who can jump up and do Divine Immortal!”

” Haha, what a Divine Immortal, who can jump up to do Divine Immortal, this poem is wonderful!”

Yang Xuan admired.

Wu Lingyan twitched his lips, “What’s so strange about this, aren’t we the Divine Immortal characters in the eyes of mortals?”

“Yan’er knows something, this Divine Immortal is not Divine Immortal. The Divine Immortal of Brother Xia here refers to an attitude of being in the world. Mortals have a good saying, forget the troubles and sorrows, happy like Divine Immortal, but mortals are like this, and my generation cultivator should be like this. “

Yang Xuan smiled, then lightly sighed, and said: “Unfortunately, things are often counterproductive. The higher you stand, the farther you can see, the more you want, even the fairy It’s hard to break free.”

“I see, it’s no wonder that many immortal dao cultivators want to cut love for the Tao.”

Wu Lingyan suddenly.

“To cut emotions for the Tao, although it can cut away worries and sorrows, but cuts the constant attachments. In my opinion, the so-called enlightenment for longevity is nothing more than selfish desire. If you have no desires in your heart, why do you still have to be attached Go to cultivation?”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, Xia Yufeng couldn’t help being shocked, as if it was the first time I heard someone talk like this. He was quite educated and couldn’t help saying: “Brother Yang is worthy of being Brother. Yang, really has a unique insight, just as Brother Yang said, Immortal Cultivator also has selfish desires. Compared with mortals, this selfish desire may be more triumphant.”

“Humans are not for themselves, the heavens are destroyed, and the mortals live their lives. What we ask for is nothing more than wealth, power, and lust, and most of our cultivators only ask for detachment and immortality.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.

“Young Master said so well, I admire it!”

At this moment, two figures came up from the suspended ladder. One of them is Heavenly Void View True Disciple , Known as Shen Lingxiao of Number One Person.

As for the other person, she is a woman with a beautiful appearance, a graceful figure, and a icy body. She wore a white fairy dress, which also brought out a kind of beauty, such as Snow Mountain. The snow lotus is spotless, spotless and flawless.

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