At this time, Wangyou Immortal Emperor spoke with a smile on his face.

“It’s just a fluke, Senior overpraised.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, immediately bowed and said: “Junior Yang Xuan, I have seen the Immortal Emperor.”

The attitude is sincere and calm.

People who see Wangyou Immortal Emperor may even knot their speech, but the temperament is as calm as him, but there is no panic. However, facing the Wangyou Immortal Emperor, they still can’t have the etiquette. less.

“Little friends don’t need to be like this. You have comprehend the Yuanshi Scripture of the Yuanshi ancestor, that is, my Taoist Young Master. From now on, you can come and go anywhere in the Five Great Holy Lands of our Taoist. You don’t have to pay respect if you meet the old way.”

“The courtesy can’t be abandoned, let alone Senior’s kindness to Junior. No matter how high Junior’s future cultivation base is, you will always be grateful to Senior.”


Yang Xuan hurriedly said.

“Neither arrogant nor impetuous, this is very rare, and the little friend is not worthy of being selected by the Lord of Destiny, and he is indeed qualified to be an inquirer.”

The Immortal Emperor smiled.

“I’m not afraid of Senior’s jokes, Junior really never thought about being a questioner, and he doesn’t want his fate to be determined by others, even the legendary destiny lord.”


Hearing Yang Xuan’s slightly wild words, I forgot to worry about the Immortal Emperor and couldn’t help laughing. “There are some things that you can’t get rid of if you want to get rid of it. You only need to know that you are the only possibility in the world today. Those who proclaim immortality will do.”

“Did you get the Taoism because of Junior?”

Yang Xuan solemnly asked.

“The Taoism is only second, mainly because you have a heart to cut the big way.”

“To cut the big way?”

“By clinging to the way, That is inverse, and your Life Source Avenue can even swallow the world. In the future, you may have to fight Heavenly Dao. This is inverse up and inverse.”

“Listen to what Senior said. , Junior suspects that he will soon be dead soon.”

“haha, no, there is Taoism, Heavenly Dao still can’t help you, as for whether you can go retrograde and become immortal. It depends on your good fortune.”

Chapter 1672 Wangyou Immortal Emperor’s request

“Retrograde cutting the road!”

Yang Xuan Squinting his eyes, just as Wangyou Immortal Emperor said, his way is a contradiction.

What is inverse?

If you don’t respect the heavens, fear the earth, just believe in this life, regardless of the next life, to prove the way and open up a new order of heaven and earth is rebellion.

“Heavenly Dao is like a river. It goes down the river without any disadvantages, but never ends. It is difficult to reach the other shore. On the contrary, if it goes up against the current, it will struggle with each step and may capsize at any time. Submerged in the vast river of Heavenly Dao. It is also because of the danger that not many people in the world dare to take this step.”

Worrying Immortal Emperor said: “It is the so-called wrong step, every step Wrong, you still need to be careful in the future. In any case, your cultivation time is still shallow, and the cultivation base is still too low.”

“Since Junior has stepped out of this step, there is no future. Retreat.”

Yang Xuan fearless and dauntless, pondered, suddenly asked: “Dare to ask Senior, since ancient times, is there someone who succeeded in retrograde logging?”

Forget Worried about Immortal Emperor lightly sighed, “Never, the Buddha of the West Heaven did not do it. The two ancestors of my Taoist school, or the legendary ancestor Hongjun, ultimately failed to break free from the shackles of Heavenly Dao.”

” What about the Lord of Fate?”

Yang Xuan asked again, he was very curious about the Lord of Fate.

“This is not clear, the age of the Lord of Fate is too long, I am afraid that they have to be traced back to hundreds of Chaos Cycle Yuan dynasties.”

Worry Immortal Emperor said solemnly: “At that time, the world was in chaos, and the fairyland of all parties was far from being born. Even if it had been born, it was another fairyland world, which was not part of the same universe as our fairyland world.”

“Doesn’t belong to the same universe?!”

Yang Xuan looked shocked, listening to the meaning of the Immortal Emperor, there seems to be more than one universe, this is really a great anecdote .

“Any universe is born from chaos, and yin and yang Five Elements are derived from chaos shattering. The so-called Dao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Three Births Myriad Things, this is the origin of the universe.”

Worrying Immortal Emperor said: “The heavens and the earth are vast. Since ancient times, no one knows how many universes there are, and no one can explore it, even fate. Lord, before proving the Dao for immortality, I am afraid that I will not have that ability. You only need to remember that heaven and earth are not a unit universe, but a multiverse. In these universes, there are definitely many origins of life.”

“The origin of life? Senior refers to the fairyland?”

“Yes, it is the fairyland. One fairyland is a universe. In addition, the universe is also divided into different sizes. The fairyland, which happens to be a big universe, can also be called a Heavenly Grade fairyland.”

“Heavenly Grade fairyland?”

“One universe and one fairyland, each size Immortal domains are isolated from each other, and many immortal domains, according to the size of the area, the richness of Immortal Qi, and the number of immortal dao powerhouses, can be subdivided into four levels: heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow. Celestial Immortal domain is one of many Heavenly Grade immortal domains.”

“It turns out that our immortal domain is called Xuan Celestial Immortal domain!”

“hehe, this is already considered The real secret, you don’t know it, it’s not surprising.”

“Thanks Senior, if it weren’t for you, Junior would not understand these secrets for a long time.”

“Don’t thank me, even if you don’t say it, when you cultivation base reach a certain realm, you will feel a mysterious power in the universe. That kind of power is caused by the mutual attraction and repulsion of the universe. Produce, terrifying to the extreme, better than immortal dao Great Saint and dare not touch it.”

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