“What about the immortal?”

“The immortal, who is beyond the universe and above the Grand Dao Law, can naturally ignore this power. I have been immortal, and I will not easily interfere with the operation of the universe.”

“So, no matter what happens in our fairyland, even if it is destroyed by someone, the destiny will not care? “

“The Lord of Destiny proves the way by air luck and masters the power of immortality. He believes that everything has a fate. Unless the door of eternal life is opened, most likely will not interfere.”


“The Gate of Eternal Life?”

“You do not know that the gate of immortal life in our Celestial Immortal domain is not the only one in the world. In other immortal domains, It is very likely that there will be gates of eternal life. These gates of eternal life are the foundation of the immortal realms of all parties and have their own Heavenly Dao order.

Once any gate of eternal life is opened, the entire universe Then the immortals in the Great Immortal Realm, such as the Lord of Fate, such as other who, will surely cross the boundary to calm the chaos.”

“What about the dark land? , What is that place?”

“There are both good and evil in people’s hearts, and the evil here refers to Heart Demon. According to legend, before the Lord of Destiny preached, countless Heart Demon spawned. Although most of it was erased by his thoughts, there was a demon who was born with a terrifying devouring nature, and eventually became a peerless monster with flesh and blood and almost no inferior to the destiny. The Dark Nether Ancestor is also the ancestor of the many Nether Races in the Dark Land.”

“Heart Demon that’s all, can it really compete with the Lord of Fate?”

” Don’t underestimate Heart Demon, especially you. You enter the Tao with affection and have a deep attachment in your heart. If you want to prove the Tao in the future, Heart Demon is definitely more than the Fate Lord. If it is not suppressed, the consequences will be unimaginable. “

“Thanks Senior to remind, Junior will be careful, Senior should tell me more about this dark ancestor?”

“Well, the rumored dark ancestor, I wanted to swallow the Lord of Fate, but unfortunately defeated in the end, but as powerful as the Lord of Fate, he could not completely kill this demon. I could only use the Gate of Immortality to seal him forever before going to the Great Eternal Realm. I wanted to use The power of the gate of eternal life, slowly wear it away.”

“so that’s how it is.”

After a long talk, Yang Xuan just remembered something, curious Asked: “Senior invites Junior to come here, but Is there anything to tell Junior to do? “

“I can’t tell you, I just want you to do me a favor. You bear the Taoist Scriptures and Life Source Avenue, and within the body you even have a cultivation power. I’m afraid this is only You can do it. “

“Oh, what’s the matter, Senior doesn’t want Junior to subdue monsters and defeat demons, right? “

While Yang Xuan spoke, his gaze swept across the ground under his feet. It could also be said that this is the fairy mountain of Fumo.

“Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from you, no Wrong, Lao Dao wants you to take a trip under Fumo Mountain and remove a demon for my Dao Sect. “

Wang worry Immortal Emperor smiled bitterly and shook his head, then said with a solemn expression: “This demon is extraordinary, a god of the Ming clan, and he fought against my Taoist ancestor fleshy. The body is completely destroyed, only a strand of Remnant Soul is still alive. It was suppressed by the ancestors under this mountain. It has not been able to die yet. Not only that, but also recondense the fleshy body. Maybe soon, the Subduing Devil of Fumoxianshan Great Formation can’t restrain this demon. “

If a god of the underworld, if he breaks out of the mountain, even if his strength is not as good as before, it is definitely not what they can fight against. It is a matter of great importance. Immortal Emperor and his normal university Devil Subduing Tower has been sitting here all year round, and he easily refuses to go out.

Chapter 1673 Devil Subduing Tower

“Heaven! “

Yang Xuan frowned, I feel that the situation is serious, and there is a slight crisis.

The opponent is not a small character of the Underworld, but a person who can compete with immortal dao Great Saint The Pluto God of the Underworld is much stronger than the Eight-Armed Pluto. In the past, even the Yuanshi Sovereign could not completely kill him. This shows how powerful and terrifying the demon is.

In Yang Xuan’s view, the power of this demon and the Lord of Yuanshi was almost on par, otherwise the Lord of Yuanshi would have killed him.

Thinking of this, he looked Looking towards Wangyou Immortal Emperor, cup one fist in the other hand said with a wry smile: “Senior has a request, Junior should be obliged to do it, but if things are prioritized, they have to act according to their ability, and Junior is afraid of being under the trust of Senior. “

This is the demon head that was once destroyed by the Lord Yuanshi’s fleshy body, and only a strand of Remnant Soul is still alive. Although the new body is now condense, the battle strength is absolutely impossible. The Peak period is comparable, otherwise he will refuse without thinking about it.

“Hehe, are you worried that this trip is dangerous?” “

Worry about Immortal Emperor cultivation for a long time, what a shrewd person, I can see at a glance that Yang Xuan is jealous, so he hesitates.

“as the saying goes how big is it Be able to do more major events. It is true that Junior is responsible for the Taoism and cultivation out of Life Source Avenue, but it is really a bit reluctant to face the next god of the underworld, even if the other party is in weakness. “

Yang Xuan has a sincere and authentic expression.

“My little friend is right, but you, as my little sage, the descendant of the first ancestor, don’t want to do it for me Does Dao Men do something? “

paused, forget the worry Immortal Emperor said again: “Well, wait for the old man to enter the Devil Subduing Tower with the little friend. If you really encounter danger, I will take you away immediately. Just don’t put the little friend in danger. “

Worry about the Immortal Emperor’s words, and Yang Xuan will refuse it again. It seems too unkind. He immediately said: “Well, Senior has been kind to Junior, Junior I’ll do this for you, but Junior is very weak, so I can’t guarantee the success of this trip. “

“Many thanks, my little friend, I just need to try my best, even if it just destroys the fleshy body. “

Worrying Immortal Emperor cupped the hands gratefully, but it is not too difficult for others. When he saw Yang Xuan’s hesitant and unstoppable appearance, he couldn’t help asking: “Little friend can pay Do you have any questions? “

“There is something, but it is also unhurried for a while. Let the Senior and I come out of the Devil Subduing Tower. “

Yang Xuan thought for a while.

He wanted to ask Wangyou Immortal Emperor and Mu Lingxue, and Mu Yurou, who is far away in Ascension Gate, whether they are father and daughter Relationship.

But forget worry Immortal Emperor now wants to eliminate demons protect the dao. He can only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart and prepare to find another time to ask again.

” Well, no matter what questions the little friends have, the old way will tell the truth. “

Worry Immortal Emperor nodded, said: “It’s not too late, let’s go to Devil Subduing Tower.” “

After saying that, without delay, I rolled up Yang Xuan with my bare hands and went straight into the depths of the earth.

“This is? ”

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