Waiting for Yang Xuan came back to his senses, he suddenly realized that he had come to a huge Earth Palace.

This Earth Palace, I don’t know how big it is, it is located tens of thousands of deep below Fumoxian Mountain. It is extremely empty and silent, as if it has been isolated from the world for a long time.

At the same time, the entire Earth Palace is protected by a powerful restraining force. If the Immortal Emperor hadn’t turned on the restraint array, Yang Xuan would have difficulty getting here.

“This Earth Palace, also known as the Devil Subduing Tower, was built by the Devil Subduing Tower, the innermost part of the Devil Subduing Tower.”

Wangyou Immortal Emperor gave a brief introduction and continued: “My Daomen Yuan ancestor, I have received several Direct Disciples in the past, and my teacher’s Dao Sage is one of them. The Ancestral Item is heavy, so before the first ancestor turned to the Tao, he entrusted the task of guarding the Demon Temple to my teacher.”

Speaking of this, I can’t help but lightly sighed, “My teacher, too, Regardless of the old way, I always abide by the first patriarch’s last words, and once vowed not to leave the Fumoxianshan half a step in his life. It is for this reason that the old way made big mistakes and regrets for life.”

” It’s a big mistake?”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes. He always felt that this matter might be related to the Guanghan Immortal Emperor, but he didn’t ask too much. Instead, he smiled and asked: “Ruo Na The demon is dead, senior should be able to go out?”

“That’s natural, but the demon is too strong, the Primordial Spirit is almost indestructible, even if it’s the power of you and me today, It may not be able to kill him.”

Wangyou Immortal Emperor said, obviously, he did not report much hope for this punishing demon operation.

“It’s man-made, for the safety of the entire Daomen, in order to repay Senior and the patriarch’s kindness to Junior, Junior and others will do their best to eliminate this hidden danger for the Daomen.”

“many thanks.”

“Senior is polite.”

“Let’s go, Devil Subduing Tower is right in front, wait until you get to Devil Subduing Tower, please also Don’t walk around, or you’ll be in trouble.”


“Time has passed for too long. In addition to the devil, there are also signs in the Devil Subduing Tower. There are so many dark monsters.”


“The little friend does not know, that demon possesses great magical power, counted 10,000 years ago and just reshaped Fleshy The body, with countless flesh and blood, condense tens of thousands of underworld monsters. These underworld monsters are like the Avatar of the demon head. They will continue to split, then swallow each other, and become stronger a little bit, but no matter how strong, eventually It’s just the nourishment for the demon’s power to restore that’s all.”

“This demon seems to have a lot of ability!”

“Yes, I really want him Continue to devour Avatar, I am afraid that it will not be long before Devil Subduing Tower will be difficult to trap him.”

During the conversation, the two have come to a huge tower, which is almost the same. There is ten thousand zhang high, and the whole body has various rune flashes, exuding an extremely vast power of suppressing demons.

Yang Xuan stood in front of the tower, feeling faintly about to kneel on the ground. He couldn’t help but said with emotion: “Very powerful, and Junior is also a Demon Race after all, this Devil Subduing Tower, I won’t even be suppressed by Junior!”

“You don’t have to worry about this. This Devil Subduing Tower was left by the ancestor of my Taoist ancestor. The tower is full of inside and outside. Dao Scriptures, and some of those Dao Scriptures are derived from Yuanshijing.”

“What about the other part?”

“The other part is Six-syllable True of Buddhism Words can also be called Six Characters Great Bright Incantation. The ancestors of the past years were close friends with the Buddha of the West, and they often talked about the Tao together, so they would also use Six Characters Great Bright Incantation.”

“so that’s how it is .”

“Whether it is Yuanshijing or Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, in fact, they all come from Taoism. Although it can suppress demons in the world, as long as the little friends run the power of Taoism , There will be no danger.”

“Understood, let’s enter the tower now!”


Chapter 1674 Crazy Devouring

Devil Subduing Tower, altogether nine layers, the higher the number of layers, the more powerful it will be to suppress demons.

In this tower, whether you are a True Demon, a fake demon, or some foreign demon, as long as you have a demon in your heart, you will all have to be suppressed to death, but the strange thing is that there is Those underworld monsters, but they are not affected by the power of suppressing demons, and move freely.

According to Wangyou Immortal Emperor, although these underworld monsters are flesh and blood, bloodthirsty and cruel, they were sealed with a secret technique by the devil, so even Devil Subduing Tower’s power of demon suppression also used them.

At the same time, they are not friendly with each other, they often fight each other to kill the cannibals, so that they continue to advance, and then go to a higher level to eat the flesh and blood of the same kind, and enjoy it.

This is similar to raising Gu, allowing many underworld demons to kill each other in this closed place until the strongest one remains.

However, no matter how powerful the underworld demon is, after all, it is also a wedding dress for others. In the end, it will not escape death. It is destined to be plundered by its master and become its nourishment for becoming stronger.

“This demon is so cruel to plot against!”

Devil Subduing Tower 1st floor, in a dim space, Yang Xuan stands with his hands holding hands, looks cold and indifferent Looking at all around, the underworld demon crazily surrounding like locusts.

A head monster, all kinds of strange things, different sizes, some resemble humans, two horns growing on the head, and some resemble beasts, with huge stature or teeth. Sharp claws, or on the back grows a pair of wings, looks hideous and terrifying.

“roar roar roar! !!!”

At this moment, with a burst of roar shaking the sky, the entire space is trembling, and more and more ghost monsters, from all directions They rushed to surround Yang Xuan and Wangyou Immortal Emperor.

In this 1st floor space, there are at least a thousand underworld monsters. Even the weakest underworld has powers comparable to the ordinary True Immortal Realm cultivator. For the average immortal dao cultivator, it’s already scared. The soul is not possessed, shiver coldly, let alone fighting with many underworld demons.

There are too many underworld demons, and they are all fierce and unafraid of death. Even if it is an expert in the fairyland, it may be consumed alive under hard battle.

“roar roar…”

Another piercing roar, all the underworld demons moved in this brief moment.

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