“get lost! ”

Yang Xuan not even think, opening your mouth means a violent drink, and a terrifying sound wave, centered on him, swiftly rushed towards all around. Under the impact of this sound wave, no Underworld Demon could resist, and all screamed back.

Some dark monsters, because their fleshy body was too weak, exploded together and died on the spot.

“Small friendly means, but this is only Devil Subduing Tower 1st floor. On the 8th floor, or even the 9th floor, those ghosts will not be easy to deal with,”

Worry Immortal Emperor laughed , Just as he spoke, his robe stirred, and an astonishing murderous intention suddenly erupted on his body.

Since it’s here, I have to take this opportunity to wipe out all the dark monsters and not give the monster a chance to continue to grow stronger. With this plan, I will not forget about the Immortal Emperor. Will show mercy.

However, before he could do anything, Yang Xuan hurriedly stopped him and said: “Senior wait a minute, a little ghost that’s all, it’s better to leave it to Junior to deal with.”

The voice is still there, flick the sleeves, take out and swallow the heaven.


As soon as the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron came out, it soared into the sky and zoomed in quickly. From it, a horrible suction force spread out, swallowing all the surrounding thousands of underworld demons. Entering it, it shattered into countless flesh and blood residues in an instant.

“Senior wait a moment, Junior will come and go.”

Leave a sentence, Yang Xuan jumped up and plunged into the Tuntianding, kneeling on the bottom of the tripod. Sit, while running around and devouring Heavenly Dao, while devouring the flesh and blood with the body.

In the flesh and blood of these underworld monsters, there is more or less a little dark underworld power. Yang Xuan once swallowed the flesh and blood of the eight-armed underworld, and obtained a wave of underworld power from it. In this way, the strength of the power of that power is enhanced.


Wang Worry Immortal Emperor opened his mouth and slightly squinted his eyes. He was originally curious about why Yang Xuan within the body had dark power, Now it seems that Yang Xuan relied on the strong plunder of its Life Source Avenue.

An immortal dao cultivator can condense the dark cultivator in the body, not to mention that it has not been corroded by the dark cultivator. Once this news spreads, the entire fairyland will probably be alarmed.

Everything is going well, but within the time it takes half an incense stick to burn, the dark power in Yang Xuan bloodline has grown a lot, although he has converged, but he is all over , It is still inevitable to escape the black air,

The black air, thick as ink, incomparably cold and evil, seems to eat people’s minds, makes people abandon good from evil, unfeeling. , Become a demon.

Worrying Immortal Emperor Seeing this scene, there was a hint of worry in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but open the mouth and said: “All power is righteous when used, and evil is evil when used, but the dark power is always It’s the dark meditation, and I ask my friends to use this power wisely in the future, and don’t be backlashed by this power.”

Others talked about the darkness of the meditation, and they are even more taboo about the dark meditation. Mo Shen, simply didn’t want to be contaminated, but Yang Xuan did the opposite.

This is not so much daring, but madness. If it weren’t for Yang Xuan’s loss of reason, and he was very optimistic about Yang Xuan, I am afraid that the Immortal Emperor would have killed people long ago.

“Junior will do it.”

Yang Xuan nodded, just as he was about to dissipate the dark power of his body, he heard one after another Sanskrit sound, which sounded like thunder.

“Om Mani Pad Mi Shu

A series of six Sanskrit sounds just came out, immediately manifested as six Buddha’s radiance giant amulet, like a giant Buddha’s palm, crashing down from the sky , Moved towards Yang Xuan fiercely.

“Be careful! ”

Worry Immortal Emperor complexion slightly changed, Yang Xuan releases dark power, and Evil Thought grows in his heart, which obviously touches the Six Characters Great Bright Incantation of Devil Subduing Tower. If one is not good, he will be caught on the spot. suppress and kill .

However, the Immortal Emperor is obviously overworried. Just as the six Buddha’s radiance giant amulet is approaching, Yang Xuan suddenly exudes an extremely peaceful aura. It’s like clear comprehension of the original self, and it seems very ethereal and calm.

“Go away, I am neither a demon nor a Buddha. All I do, just ask that’s all. “

Yang Xuan spoke lightly. Under the power of Taoism, the six Buddha’s radiance giant talisman disappeared instantly, and the disappeared thoroughly, as if it had never appeared before.

“The Taoism is indeed the Taoism! “

Worry about Immortal Emperor relaxed, and at the same time full of admiration, Taoism, as an ancient scripture spread in the great immortal world, is shocked by this power of washing the soul.

Yang Xuan smiled and stood up, saying: “There are no ghosts on the 1st floor. Senior and I will go to the 2nd floor! “

“Okay, but my little friend, do you really decide to continue to cultivation Darkness? “

Wangyou Immortal Emperor said, he couldn’t help frowning, mainly because he was worried that Yang Xuan’s Dao Heart would not be able to bear it as the dark power increases. Once that time comes, the consequences It’s simply unthinkable.

“Senior don’t need to worry, Junior enters the Tao with love, has obsessions, asks himself that the Tao is unbreakable, let alone protects the body, what is the danger of It shouldn’t be. ”

Yang Xuan smiled and said.

The demon of the 9th floor, didn’t he want to raise Gu?

Then dare to love, he will first All the dark monsters in the 9-Layer space are swallowed up, so that it can both strengthen itself and weaken the enemy, why not?

Chapter 1675 Magic Power

“It’s too old to worry. “

Worrying Immortal Emperor smiles bitterly, and then I feel relieved.

“hehe, Senior also thinks about Junior, and Junior is grateful. “

Yang Xuan arches his hands and has a modest and courteous attitude, like a Divine Immortal character such as the Immortal Emperor. Others think that it is harder to compare to heavenly ascension than at first sight, but he is highly valued, what he said. It’s hard to conceal the meaning of concern outside.

“Without arrogance or impetuosity, and deeply hidden, and with great ambitions, this child is indeed an extraordinary character, which is much stronger than my unscrupulous rebel. ”

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