” Zhuzi, compete against that’s all, you are so cruel!”

The azure clothed old man glared at Yang Xuan and said, while speaking, the person is already dropping from the sky, I came to Situ Feng to check his injuries. After this inspection, it was found that Situ Feng’s whole person was completely abolished.

A meridian is completely broken, and the mana within the body is also lost. Isn’t this abolished and what is it?

This situation is more uncomfortable than killing Situ Feng.

“Competition against each other? It’s really ridiculous, Old Guy, can you still ask for a face?”

Yang Xuan extremely angry counter-laughing, if not for his superior strength, he suffered today It’s not Situ Feng but him. In fact, Yang Xuan just took action to abolish Situ Feng and is already show mercy.

“Too crazy!”

“This child must die, and I also ask Elder Wang to do it directly to suppress and kill him!”

Many Clean Sky Sect cultivator was in anger and murderous intention was exposed.

“suppress and kill me? Just rely on him as a little Immortal Emperor?”

Yang Xuan sneered, looking towards the azure clothed old man’s eyes, full of deep disdain.

“A madman, the old man wants you to die!”

The azure clothed old man yelled, no longer caring about his identity, and just wanted to fiercely tear Yang Xuan into pieces.


There is no unnecessary nonsense. He raised his hand and pressed it down with a palm. In an instant, the terrifying mana turned into a terrifying giant palm, blocking all Yang Xuan’s dodge space .


Yang Xuan followed beckoned and called out Purgatory Sword, a sword pierced straight out, and only heard the ka-cha with a crisp sound, the giant palm was hit by him. The sword pierced through and turned into a sky full of energy sweeping across the square.

“didn’t expect you juniors are also proficient in sword dao, but unfortunately, you abolished Situ Feng, otherwise the old man may still be cherishing talents and bring you back to my Clean Sky Sect to cultivate Something.”

The azure clothed old man squinted his eyes, revealing a somewhat surprised look in his eyes. Yang Xuan’s sword is not simple, and the sword dao rule contained in it is not even in Situ Feng’s under.

The most important thing is that Yang Xuan is also a Body Cultivator. He is extremely powerful and powerful. Even if he doesn’t understand sword dao, he can also explode battle strength far beyond the same level.

“Train me? You Clean Sky Sect is not qualified yet.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, holding a sword to kill the azure clothed old man. He has never been the one to suffer. Now that the azure clothed old man has already started, he will not be polite again.


The big Void Technique unfolded, Yang Xuan’s figure instantly turned into an afterimage, and the speed was so fast that the azure clothed old man did not dare to neglect.

“The talent is good, but the person is too conceited. A character like you, even a genius, is destined to die prematurely. Whatever the case, the old man will simply kill you by himself today.”

azure clothed old man coldly said, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and with the appearance of this sword, the other Clean Sky Sect cultivators also showed their look of shock.

“Elder Wang is too dear to this child, he even took out the Qianyuan sword!”

“In our Clean Sky Sect, there are only three Qianyuan swords in total. The handle, in terms of quality, even surpasses the high-level Immortal Grade. With this sword, Elder Wang is enough to kill this child.”

Just as the Clean Sky Sect cultivator was discussing, azure clothed old The man walked with the sword and performed a terrifying killer move towards Yang Xuan. He is the Immortal Emperor of aloof and remote. The Immortal Emperor is inviolable, so how can he tolerate Yang Xuan’s attack on him?

“The sword of nirvana!”

At this moment, the terrifying atmosphere of extinguishment exploded, and the azure clothed old man and the Qianyuan sword in his hands were transformed into A lonely Destruction Sword light, this lonely Destruction Sword light does not have the slightest vitality, it represents destruction and destruction. Anyone who hits this sword will instantly fly ash annihilation.

“Finally Interesting!”

Yang Xuan nodded, put away his thoughtful mind, but that’s it, he could see that the sword of azure clothed old man was used Huangli is a Supreme sword dao magical power that combines Huangli with mana.

“Huangli, I also have cultivation, why do I fear it?”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, at the moment when the sword light strikes, he slashes with his sword. With a sword out, the wild force within the body came out, lasing along the Purgatory Sword, colliding with the sword light without fancy.

With a loud bang, the entire world was trembling violently under this collision. The ground around several thousands li was also hit by terrifying air waves and sank several hundred meters, smoke and dust Billowing.

“Junior, who are you?!”

Before the smoke cleared, the azure clothed old man suddenly spoke, his tone was full of dignity, his sword of death, Liandi The expert of Jing Peak may not be able to accept it, but now it is strongly blocked by Yang Xuan.

Although Yang Xuan was also repelled from the hunted zhang, but there was no obvious injury on his body. What makes the azure clothed old man feel incredible is that Yang Xuan also used a wild force not inferior to him .

A junior of Immortal King Realm, even if cultivated wild art, it is impossible to compete with him in wild power. No matter how you look at it, it reveals weirdness.

There is only one situation that can be explained. Yang Xuan has an amazing background and cultivated an incredible wild art. It’s right to think about it. If it hadn’t mastered a powerful wild art, Yang Xuan would have been impossible not long ago. Here it greatly absorbs the power of death.

In the barren mountain forbidden area, there is a strong force of nirvana all year round. Yang Xuan can swallow the lonely storm that covers thousands of miles, which is out of the ordinary.

“Who am I?”

Yang Xuan touched his nose, and once again killed the azure clothed old man, loudly shouted, “I naturally killed you People.”

“Kill me? Can you do it? The old man admits that you are very strong, but that’s all. Old man cultivation has been for tens of thousands of years. No genius has seen it before. Your battle strength is at best It’s quite that’s all with the few young evildoers in Zhongyu.”

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