The azure clothed old man was so angry that his breath was rising.

Chapter 1758 Massacre

“Oh, I don’t know how many young evildoers are there in the middle area?”

Yang Xuan suddenly showed his face when he heard the words of the azure clothed old man A bit of interest.

After all, he is an Outsider. Although he had contact with Fang Mingshan and the others not long ago, he also heard a lot of news from Fang Mingshan.

For example, the Land of Eternal Silence, also known as the ancient wilderness, is a closed immortal dao world, and the end of the cultivation stops at the Immortal Emperor Realm Peak.

For example, in the ancient wilderness, the Heavenly Dao transformed by the power of nirvana will kill a small number of transgressors. The transgressors here refer to Illegal immigrants, which come from the outside world. Creatures.

In addition, when the cultivation base reaches Immortal Emperor Peak and is about to enter the Holy Land, Heavenly Dao will also drop Thunder Tribulation and kill Transcending Tribulation people. In this killing, almost 99% People will body dies and Dao disappears.

For these things, Yang Xuan learned from Fang Mingshan’s mouth through side-knock. As for other news, Fang Mingshan didn’t say much, and the words were more for Yang Xuan introduced the various immortal dao forces in the Southern Territory.

Therefore, Yang Xuan has limited knowledge of the major immortal dao forces in the Central Region, or some young Heaven’s Chosen.

“Are you not from Zhongyu?”

Azure clothed old man savored Yang Xuan’s words carefully, he had some guesses in his heart, not even those young evildoers in Zhongyu Clearly, it is conceivable that Yang Xuan did not come from Zhongyu.

“Is this important?”

Yang Xuan shrugged.

azure clothed old man coldly said: “Of course it’s important. Geniuses like you will mostly only appear in the middle region of outstanding people, but the other four regions, although called the land of barbarians, are not lacking. Hidden world expert, if the old man is not bad, you should be the descendant of the old monster in the southern region or some holy realm in the other three regions!”

Heavenly Dao of the ancient wilderness, yes Taking action to obliterate the power of the holy realm, but it does not mean that no one can successfully pass the Thunder Tribulation in the past. In fact, the power of the holy realm known in the ancient wilderness is no less than dozen.

This is still a known holy realm, and there are some old monsters that have lived for countless years and remain hidden for many years. I don’t know where to hide in closed-door cultivation and are not heavenly. Dao perceives.

It is worth mentioning that even if you have survived the Holy Land Thunder Tribulation and escaped the first extermination of Heavenly Dao, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax next, as long as the Holy Land characters dare to act blindly without thinking, you may be killed at any time.

However, the holy realm is a holy realm after all. Even if you are afraid of Heavenly Dao and dare not use the power beyond the Immortal Emperor, it is much stronger than the expert of Immortal Emperor Peak.

Because of this, Zhongyu has several super influences where the old monsters of the holy realm are seated. They have lived together in harmony for so many years, maintaining relative restraint and stability.

“If I say yes, will you let me go?”

Yang Xuan touched his nose and was mistaken as a descendant of a holy land old monster, he It is also rare to argue, and there is no need for it. This identity is also a good cover for him.

Yang Xuan is a newcomer, and he is unfamiliar with the place of his life. So far, he still hasn’t figured out the attitude of the native cultivator to Outsiders in the Land of Eternal Silence. If his origin is exposed, will heaven knows be affected by certain holy realms? Can be watched.

To know the power of the Holy Realm in the Land of Eternal Silence, you want to go out all the time. If you know that he successfully sneaked into the Land of Eternal Silence, it is really possible to take him down as a breakthrough to leave the Land of Eternal Silence. mouth.

“For the sake of the senior behind you, as long as you are willing to leave now, the old man can promise to spare you, but…”

Speaking of which , The azure clothed old man spoke for a while, and then said: “But you abolished Situ Feng, but you can’t just leave it alone. After all, I also have a holy ancestor in Tian Gan Sect, and I am not afraid of the people behind you.”

Their Tian Gan Sect only has one Holy Realm power in charge. Although it is not as good as the other Super Influences in Zhongyu, it can barely be regarded as a top power, and by no means can anyone provoke it.

“Old Guy, are you threatening me?”

Yang Xuan sneered.

“No, it’s not a threat, the old man is just stating the facts.”

azure clothed old man shook the head, saying: “The old man will tell you clearly. You can go, but you have to come up with a certain item as compensation. Anyway, Situ Feng is my first True Disciple in Tian Gan Sect Inner Sect. Losing such an excellent discipline is also huge for me Tian Gan Sect Loss.”

“I don’t know what a certain item is?”

Yang Xuan raised his brow.

“For example, the cultivation of…the waste technique.”

azure clothed old man thought for a while, the waste technique of Yang Xuan cultivation is definitely the rare Supreme Divine in the world Ability, if you can get this wild technique, it will undoubtedly be a big good thing for the azure clothed old man or the Tian Gan Sect behind him.

Yang Xuan suddenly said, “It turned out to be coveting my wild art. What a pity, my wild art inheritance from my Master. Without my Master nodded, no one would want to get involved.”

“refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, Elder Wang doesn’t need to talk nonsense with him, just take him down and search for the soul.”

“Yes, that’s it Do, since this child dares to abolish Situ Senior Brother, it is our enemy of Tian Gan Sect. We must not let him go like this easily.”

At this moment, every Tian Gan Sect cultivator spoke. They all believed that Yang Xuan was not the opponent of azure clothed old man, so they were not polite.

“Noisy! A group of ants-like things dare to stand on my head and point fingers to me. I think you really don’t know how to write dead words.”

Yang Xuan sent coldly snorted from his nose, and the Purgatory Sword flashed out in his hand, and a dreadful sword energy Sky Piercing Slash came out, instantly beheading several of the most ferocious guys. This scene also scared the others to fly. Retire and dare not get too close to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan is too ruthless, and extremely powerful, killing them is as easy as blowing off dust.

“Beast, do you dare to act fiercely?!”

azure clothed old man came back to his senses, a terrifying murderous intention erupted all over his body, he was true Angry, Yang Xuan abolished Situ Feng in front of him, and at this moment killed people in front of him, this is completely irreconcilable with them Tian Gan Sect.

“The one who provokes me to death, we must blame them for being too weak and not having very long eyes!”

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