Yang Xuan ignored the azure clothed old man, and jumped up, speeding like a ghost, like a wolf into a herd, and smashed into the remaining group of Tian Gan Sect cultivator .

“Ah, Elder Wang, help!”

“No, you can’t kill me, I, I…”

Along with the miserable howls, one by one Tian Gan Sect cultivator, but Yang Xuan was all killed in an instant, blood-staining the sky.

“damned bastard, the old man wants you to die!”

The azure clothed old man was furious, and the whole person went into madness.

Yang Xuan was indifferent, looking down at the azure clothed old man below, indifferently said: “I have cleaned up all the obtrusive guys, Old Guy, don’t bark there, you really want you think you can kill me, just come up quickly.”

Chapter 1759 Killing and Killing

“Boy, no matter where you come from, no matter who you stand behind, old The man wants you today a debt of blood must be paid in blood.”

The azure clothed old man was about to split his canthus, almost immediately, and killed Yang Xuan.

“If you dare to covet my famine, you have to be conscious of death. It can only be said that the people you bring are too weak. It’s ridiculous that you Tian Gan Sect treats them as geniuses. In my eyes, they are just ants that can be pinched to death that’s all.”

Yang Xuan said, before the azure clothed old man approached, he took the initiative to attack.

Boom! boom!

Two sounds in a row!

The azure clothed old man was forced to retreat in an instant, Yang Xuan’s fleshly body strength was too strong, but because of his strong mana, he couldn’t do anything for a while, but was suppressed by Yang Xuan with his bare hands.

“With this strength, you dare to clamor for a debt of blood must be paid in blood?”

Yang Xuan curled his lips, hitting someone and hitting his face.

He fought with the azure clothed old man, originally he still had the attitude of giving it a try. The main reason was that he had just arrived and wanted to know the strength of the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor outside of the Land of Eternal Silence. The attack method of azure clothed old man is still at the stage of overpowering people.

“The verticals are going to be rampant. The old man just used less than 30% of his power. If the old man is willing, he can crush you to death with one hand at any time.”

The azure clothed old man was angry and angry. Yang Xuan wanted to test him. Why didn’t he want to explore the depth of Yang Xuan, and this short match made him understand Yang Xuan’s fleshy more clearly How tyrannical the body is.

In the eyes of azure clothed old man, Yang Xuan is definitely a Body-Refining Cultivator, and more terrifying than an ordinary Body-Refining Cultivator. At least the azure clothed old man has never seen the Immortal King Realm. His cultivator can have a powerful physique like Yang Xuan.

“One hand suppresses me? Old Guy is really overconfident.”

Yang Xuan has a playful look on his face. The Immortal Emperor he killed outside has at least five fingers. The number.

Although the strength of the azure clothed old man is stronger than that of the Immortal Emperor outside, it is nothing more than that. Yang Xuan really wants to get serious. This old fogey is already a dead man, how could it be possible? Collapsed to the present.

“Is it self-confidence? Let’s see the real chapter under our hands.”

azure clothed old man is a rare nonsense, don’t give Yang Xuan the slightest chance to react, once again take the lead, only listen There was a loud bang, and the world was shaking with the palm of the azure clothed old man.

In this palm, the azure clothed old man obviously displayed magical powers, a body of incomparable mana coupled with magical powers, suddenly turned into a giant hand covering the sky, blocking any suspicious escape space for Yang Xuan.

“It’s useless, just rely on this method, but I can’t help it.”

Yang Xuan waved his sword with lightning, a stabbing gesture, and instantly penetrated the giant hand. Look The giant hand that seems to be huge, in front of Yang Xuan’s sword, is like a piece of paper, unable to withstand a single blow, all to smash.

“You are so strong!”

The azure clothed old man sucks in a cold breath of air, staring at Yang Xuan with horror and horror. Yang Xuan is not only fleshy body Wushuang also has extraordinary attainments on sword dao. The combination of the two makes its battle strength exponentially increase.

“I have never been weak, but you, if your skills stop here, then you will save your life.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.

“Damn, the old man is an Immortal Emperor who has been famous for many years. Even if he can’t kill you this time, but the old man wants to go, you still can’t keep me.”

azure clothed The old man yelled, but a retreat was in his heart. At the same time, thinking of the Direct Disciple where Yang Xuan was killed this time, he was deep in one’s heart full of anger.

You must know that those who died are the most outstanding of Tian Gan Sect this generation. Their Tian Gan Sect has spent countless resources and efforts on everyone over the years.

It can be said that the death of any one of them is a great loss to Tian Gan Sect, but now they are all dead. The entire army is truly annihilated, and no one is left.

The azure clothed old man can hardly imagine how he would have a relationship after he returned to the sect, and how they would thunderbolt the Tian Gan Sect Sect Master and the Holy Land Supreme Elder upon learning this. Furious.

“Kill him, Elder Wang will help me kill him soon, I hate it!”

At this moment, Situ Feng not far away woke up from a coma , A desperate roar came from his mouth, and the gaze looking towards Yang Xuan seemed to be eating people.

His Situ Feng originally had a great future, but with the loss of his cultivation base, everything will be in vain. Even if he survives by luck today, he will be regarded as the eyes of others from now on Waste has been ridiculed and criticized by countless.

“Everyone is useless. It’s better to die than to live in pain.”

Yang Xuan flicked his fingers, a beam of light shot out, and it penetrated in an instant Situ Feng’s eyebrows were removed and his Divine Soul was destroyed.

“Little beast, the old man not only wants you to die, but you also need to extract your soul and burn it for thousands of years with the old man’s Life Source thunder-fire.”

The azure clothed old man couldn’t bear it, his hands sent out two dazzling lightning glows, and with a breath of silence, he fiercely hit Yang Xuan.

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